Friday, April 30, 2010

Need some advice about this girl???

Ok so there is this girl that is in a bunch of my classes.

We talk a lot online and we walk to and from some classes together.

We also text eachother a lot.

We have known eachother since middle school.

I have always kind of wanted to go out with her but i wasn't sure what she would say back, but she always smiles at me in class and sits on my desk before class.

I really have no idea what to do in this situation so any advice can help?? preferable from a girlNeed some advice about this girl???
go for it

some girls are to shy to ask out guys and want the guys to ask them out but they'll hint it a lot so they knowNeed some advice about this girl???
yes yes yes.

it seems like she likes you, because if i was doing all of that with a guy that ive known ever since middle school that i would forsure like him!

but if its been along time that you guys have been doing all of that then she might not like you as much as she did when you guys first started doing that, does that make sence?

well i hope i helped somehow.

mabe try to ask her to hang out with some of your friends at the mall sometime. that could spark something up!

goodluck %26lt;3

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