Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need advice about piercings...?

i wanted to get my tragus pierced but my mum said no..then she said how about you get your nose pierced instead, i said yeah alright.. now when i ask when shes gonna take me, she tells me i can't get it done.. She is confusing me so much.. neway im 18 in like 6 months..i can go by myself can't i, or do i need a parent there??I need advice about piercings...?
My own personal feelings is piercings on any part of the body except for getting your ears pierced is stupid. I will not event take my kids to get pierced. If they want it done they can wait until there 18. I don't blame your momI need advice about piercings...?
When you're 18, legally you can go and get whatever pierced you want, without parental consent.
you can go by yourself but then your mom would be mad. i had the same problem when i was 18. i decided to wait, because i was thinking i might want them because she doesnt like them.. but after a yr my decicion my piercings changed... i have a belly button, septum and tongue. i love them all but i made sure i told me mom i was getting them. i didnt ask her though, i make it almost like a statement, but she was fine with it...

maybe wait a lil longer? you might change your mind. i didnt think i would, but i did.
I think you can if not what is six months.

One six months isn't very long. Waiting wont kill you. No legitimate pericer is going to do it before the age of concent at least in the US without a parent there to sign the form with you. If someone is willing to do it, i'd seriously question if they're legit and had clean supplies, and thats a huge concern because of all the gross diseases you can get not to mention basic infections.

That being said two suggestions to convince your mother to go with you. First off remind her that it could be worse, that you could want a tattoo and that would be permanent. You just want a pericing which can be taken out whenever, and probably wont leave even a dot of a scar when it heals. Two tell her than you can get a stud that looks like a mole or something, that way if you have interviews for work or school it wont be an issue. Hope everything works out for you.

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