Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice about IN-LAWS...?

I am recently engaged to my long-distance boyfriend. We are from 2 different states next to each other. We have recently purchased a home in the middle. I am still traveling long-distance (160 miles each visit)until I tranfer jobs here. However, my future Husband's family (Mother and Elderly Grandparents) are constantly asking us to do things for them. We now live 45 miles away from them. None of them can drive. His mother has no job or driver's license. They want us to drive them around all the time but the miles are adding up! I hate putting miles on my car. They make us feel guilty like we should have no problem helping them, but my Husband-to-be works full-time and goes to school! I am also working full time and working on my Master's degree. He visits every week to cut their grass and I took them grocery shopping a few days ago. It hasn't even been a week and they need us again! What should I do? How can I tell them Enough is Enough!?Advice about IN-LAWS...?
You need to move to your new house that way you can say it is to hard for you to come everytime they call, that way you have a reason with-out them getting upset !Advice about IN-LAWS...?
Well what did they do before you bought your house? Tell her you need to save your pennies now and gas is so high. Can she find a friend to fill in for you when you can't be there? Tell her you will be ';out of pocket' for the next few weeks and she needs to make other arrangements. You shouldn't have to explain it in detail to her or your fiance. There are senior citizen's organizations near them than can probably help also.
I understand all about your problem I have a ederly mother and she is the same way. Check in the town where they live there might be a program there would help you all out. Check with the county judge, the welfare department, and any one else that you can think of. I hope you the best of luck.
First of all they aren't your in laws until you get married therefore his family's requests are his problem. If you don't want to help out then don't,.
Since my in-laws live about an hour and a half away, we end up doing a lot of things over the phone. Of course, this doesn't help when it comes to groceries, mowing the grass, etc. Do they have any friends who might could help them out? Also, are there any grass cutting services that are affordable in their area that could do the yard work? What you could also do is arrange where you see them once a month and get all of the chores done in one weekend. This has worked well for our family. It will get better once everyone is done with school as well. :) I would just sit down and talk to them as adults to adults. Work out a schedule that will work out for everyone.

Good luck! :)

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