Friday, April 30, 2010

Need advice about parents and school. Please don't answer if you won't take the time to read it all.?

I go to a very strict Christian liberal arts university where I am studying pre-med. I've always been interested in a health related career. Especially one that involves the brain or nutrition. When I was younger I decided wanted to be a neurologist as so assumed I would go to medical school. Lately I've decided that medical school might not be my thing. I don't want to be in school forever. So, my next option was to study nutrition and become a registered dietician.

Now, here's my dilema. I'm going to this school because my parents are making me. When I told my parents that I was wanting to study nutrition instead of pre-med, they were fine with that...until they found out that I would not be able to study it at my current school. I would have to transfer. They are now very much against it because they want me to stay here. They now claim that nutrition is a very narrow field of study and that it will not enable me to have a wide range of career options.Need advice about parents and school. Please don't answer if you won't take the time to read it all.?
I'm sure that your parents only want the best for you and so far they seem quite accepting of your change of career choice. Why are they ';making you'; go to this school? Are they paying your bills?

Chances are, if they are paying for you to go to school, they would like to have some say in where you go. But it may only be as simple as they like the location of the school. You are getting really close to the end of this term. Are you planning to work in the dietician field this summer? Perhaps that would be the best place to start.

Biology is a good ground level course for many medical-based professions. You'll ultimately be better in any medical field if you diversify your education and take as many related courses of study as possible. I have a friend who started with a science degree (in biology), studied for many years in China to understand ancient healing arts such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, meditation, etc. Then she returned to go to medical school and now I believe she specializes in the brain.

The bottom line is: there are many paths from where you are to each destination. I could say 'go with the flow' but you'll probably prefer to have more direct the next best thing is for you to believe that ';if it's right, it will come to pass'; despite all your well-intended activities to control something. Start looking for solutions and they will manifest. Perhaps if you start looking for a co-op position in the nutrition field, you'll get closer to a solution to your problem. Perhaps if you research somewhat, you'll find a nutrition program in a Christian campus at another university.

Talk with your parents, explain why you want this so much and why you feel you must change schools. Ask them what school would make them feel comfortable. Ultimately you are all on the same team with the goal of getting you through this educational phase and on to a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Best of luckNeed advice about parents and school. Please don't answer if you won't take the time to read it all.?
To be honest, getting a broad degree in biology won't do you any good if you want to go into nutrition. What it will do is give you more options for graduate school.

Before you do anything rash, sit down and decide if nutrition is really what you want. Figure out your end goal and how much schooling it will take to get there. If that means leaving your school, you will need to do it. Make sure your next school will take all of your credits thus far.

If your parents are worried about a new school because it might not have the same values, make sure your new school at least has a Bible group or something else you could join.
I'm 12 and have no expereince with college courses, yet, I have an answer for you. You're legally and adult, and your parents no longer HAVE to make your decisions. A little guidence from them would be nice at times, but at this time, you have all the rights to do what you want. Switch schools and be happy at what your doing. Tell your parents it's a total waste of money to pay for a college in which your pursing a career that you don't intend to do. If you lose your love just for doing what you want, than they need to think seriously about what they're doing. Your amazing in every way, and just because you want to do a job you love doesn't change who you are. They really only want you to do a different job because they figure they want you to stay at the same chrisitan collage, right? If it's about religion, assure them that you'll be going to mass every Sunday, every Tuesday, whatever it takes. If it's about discipline, tell them that if you do something wrong they can pull you out of that school (so be determined to be good!). They're your parents so they should support you. Don't be afraid to talk to them about this, and if they're anymore problems, do not hesitate to contact me at Good luck, and congrads' on getting into collage! College? I don't know how to spell it lol sorry!
yes they are just looking out for you

but this is what YOU want to do

not them

unless if its tehre money paying for it, then you might have issues

they cant force you to study somthing you dont want to

tell them that they should respect your choices

and that you are OLD enough to make these decisions!

because you are 18 and you sound very smart.

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