Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice about my ex bf?

so my ex boyfriend has been talking to me alot latley but after he broke up with me i've heard alot of stuff about him%26amp; hes been like i want u back but when i asked him back out he said no and then then other day he said he wanted me back again%26amp; i was like i thought u didnt want me back and hes like i do %26amp; hes been saying stuff like you know im still gunna marry you and stuff like that but were not together and when ever i text him he doesnt text me back but when he texts me i always text him back%26amp; hes been saying stuff like i want u and he wants to do stuff with me but im like im not doing that cuz were not together%26amp; then he stops texting me%26amp; today he asked me if i dont trust him%26amp; i said i do and hes like ok and then im like y wouldnt i trust u and he didnt say anything so i sent another text saying the same thing and he still didnt say anything%26amp; ive heard hes been flirting with other girls and i feel like im wasting my time with him%26amp; i wanna just say somthing like do u really love me or are u just wasting my time but then ill feel bad if he really does love me and it just makes it weirder for us cuz we go to the same school %26amp; hes 2 yrs older then me, What should i do? what should i say to him?Advice about my ex bf?
You should ask him what he wants from you but it does sound like he's just tagging you along. I might be wrong?Advice about my ex bf?
Well, the first thing you should do before anything else is take a lesson in punctuation. Honestly.

Second, just step away from this yo-yo back-and-forth, it is ridiculous. Stop texting him and have a personal conversation about where your heads are at. If you are not on the same page right now, then date others.
Yea he might be wasting your time :/ But ask him, you've got the right intentions on that part. See what he's got to say, other than that, it's all in your hands what to do with him :)
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