Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice about a song????

I know this is prob a dumb question but im curios...

ok That song : My Immortal by : Amy Lee

I heard its about a bad breakup %26amp; i heard its about her bf who passed away.

In the chorus she says

i held your hand thru all of these years but you still have all of me???

Perhaps can she be talking about the fact that her bf who passed away when he died he took her heart with him %26amp; now he still has all of her???? Do i make sense. lol

My bf of 2 yrs passed away 7 months ago %26amp; i feel as if when he died he took a part of me that will never get back !!! (my heart) so im trying to see if thats what she is talking about ...

If you get what im trying to say pls help me out here , Thanks =)Advice about a song????
oh my gosh...i'm so sorry

i actually have never heard that before. but that is definately a possibility. it kind of sounds exactly like what you're saying actuallyAdvice about a song????
yes you make sense that is what i always thought the song meant

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