Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice about friend joining Navy?

A good friend of mine is currently on a quest to join the Navy. She is a bit overweight but has been steadily losing it. However, She is heavy into body modification and has several tattoos(calves, back, chest, the v of her vagina) and has been a fetish model for a long time. Pictures of her being tied up, gagged, spanked and fully nude are on the internet. She has also been doing extascy to help her lose the weight. if she doesn't get in the Navy, she is allowing a tattoo fetishist tattoo her neck as punishment for not meeting her goals, which will pretty much ruin any chances of her having a decent job. Advie on knocking some sense into her??Advice about friend joining Navy?
Sounds to me like she neds to grow the fk up. Unfortunatly I doubt there is anything you can say to her to make her change, so lets hope she gets into the navy and they straighten her out. Try to motivate her, go running with her, etc. Keep her off the drugs, my little brother was 2 weeks away from Marine Corps boot camp when he crashed his car do to drugs and died. Anyway, she's an adult, shes not acting like it, but still, its her choice, don't let it get you down. Advice about friend joining Navy?
Tell her she's an idiot. I don't think the Navy is going to set her Straight, maybe for a little while but the bad apples always get kicked out eventually. She might not be able to join anyway, the navy will only give you so many waivers and if she has a police record she'll have even more trouble getting in. As for the drugs, the navy tests personnel's urine randomly constantly. It sounds like she's not that serious about joining at all.
ok the weight isnt the problem as long as she meets 36% bodyfat they will let her in..the tattoo i dont think is a punishment but i do think that the pictures she has nude online might be a problem for her.. as long as they dont show her face i have 13 tattoos and once had 36 piercings and im in Navy DEP motivate her and exercise with her.. extacy can be deadly ... you never know what any1 puts in those pills just because it has a smiley face or a playboy bunny doesnt mean it can have something that can kill you.. my advice is motivate her to work out
I'm not even in the Navy, and just by reading half of your post, I can already tell you she is NOT NAVY MATERIAL.

I know America is in a ';Crisis'; right now, but there is no branch of service that is that desperate. period. Tell her get off the E, and shape up her life and create some attainable goals for herself. Thats what a real friend would do.
Don't worry, my guess is that the tattoos are going to disqualify her from enlistment. At a minimum they'll send her off for a psychiatric evaluation.

The drugs are Internet porn are just icing on top of this cake.
Strike one: the weight

strike two: the Tatts

strike three: the E.

she's out.

the Navy doesn't offer many waivers and she won't get one for the tatts or the drugs..let alone any of her other issues.
tell her to get off of the damn drugs now. also,start exercising[push-ups,sit-ups,chin-ups,and running].

if she is out of shape boot camp will be pure hell.

the military will NOT put up with a smart-***,or a nonconformist. she is there to serve,they are not there to serve her. she will be expected to follow orders to the letter.

any drug use can possible disqualify her[so she needs to stop now].teamwork and attention to detail are keys to success.

i know this sounds harsh,but it is the truth.

i know from personal experience.
well she basically ****** herself over. Where should I start. Well first off she will have to give accurate descriptions of every single tattoo she has so that the Navy will e able to identify her. Second since she has been doing drugs she is automatically disqualified and will not be allowed to join the Navy. If she chooses to lie and the Navy finds out they will fine her and she will recieve a dishonorable discharge. Third if she was to make it into the Navy on some freak accident she will not be allowed to get anymore tattoos until she finishes boot camp and even then she will have to give a written request to her leader. I suggest you talk some sense into her tell her to clean up her act and figure out a better solution because the Navy definitely will NOT take her Bull ****. She is risking alot just going and lying to them about doing drugs. Any recruiter who she talks to will be wise to not even take her to MEPS

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