Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about this girl?


Here's the thing, I like this girl and I think she likes me but here's the thing, she seems to have low self-esteem about herself and she is getting over a tough break up with a stupid boyfriend. I recently told her after I got back from vacation that I like her over the phone, but she said right now relationships aren't worth it and she considers me only as a friend. Lemme add something though...She'll stay up even though shes tired to talk to me, while I was gone on vacation she gave me like 4 emails in the month of July page long email/per wk basically ';and I responded back to them';. In the email's she said how she misses me, she wants to call me when I get back, and she wants to see me. So here's my question, does she really consider me a friend or more? and if a girl has low self-esteem about her self, what are the best ways ';from a females stand point'; to give her that boost of confidence?I need advice about this girl?
You seem to really care about her. My suggestion is to give her the space she ask for and when she is ready it will happen. Give her compliments no matter how silly you think they may be. She will eventually open up to it and see you for the caring guy you seem to be and it may go your way. Don't pressure her. You will only make her draw into herself harder and then there will be no room for you. Girls love to hear compliments especially if there self esteem is down. She will thank you later. When you compliment her keep it simple. She stays up to talk to you because it makes her feel good about herself. She knows she deserve better than the stupid ex but she is on soft ground and doesn't want to sink again. Just be patient it will come if you stick by her.

God bless!I need advice about this girl?
well bro let me tell you something,i'm a girl of early 20's %26amp; the same thing happen to me as well...the only answer there is that she want's you to be there with her all the time so that she can recover from her last break up relationship,so that she can forget her time with the previous guy..she might be lonely but please do still treat her as a good friend because she might need someone to talk to,but remember dont get to attached to her....let it loose and lay low for sometime
I think she likes you but she;s confused.

the self-asteem in this case is that she is scared of getting hurt again. So try to get her to understand you wont do that. or just sit back and relax until she is ready. you cant really change a woman's self-esteem problems, you can help by talking to her alot and always making her feel good. it might help a little but it wont completely fix it.
You know what? From my point of view this girl really loves you more than a friend. You just have to give her some time to forget about that other guy. Most likely it seems like she's afraid of considering another relationship cause she's afraid she might get hurt again. You know what? Keep on treating her the way you are now. She's going to start realizing that you are the one that she really wants to be with. Buy her flowers, chocolate, Check out whats her favorite things like perfume and once in while surprise her with them. Also u could buy a nice postcard send it to her by mail and you'll see she'll fall for you. Good luck sweety

she definately likes you.

But...if a girl has low self esteem...idk what to tell you.

Cas i do too.

I think she may like you.

She could like you, but is still not ready to be in a relationship.

Or when she said that relationships aren't worth it, and that she just sees you as a friend, those just may be her feeling at that time.

Talk to her about it. Ask her if she still sees you as a friend or more, or you guys could even be more than friend but less than lovers.

For the low self-esteem...just make her feel special. Tell her how beautiful she is, not hot. Tell her how you reeealy enjoy her company. Make her feel special, but not up to the point where she gets big-headed and cocky.

Good Luck!
i think the girl is right in giving you reason that she's not ready for a relationship at this moment.You hould be thankful that this girl is sensible to let you know rather than beat around the bush.I'm not saying you give up your intention on her but maintain a safe distance on how you treat her.You don't want it to be a rebound love ,right? take your time to know each other and let her see you the way you want to be seen.She may like you but she's still in the grieving period.Goodluck.
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