Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice about drama ensuing people?

Ok, there is this girl that has been creating drama and problems since we were ten years old. I am now 17. I'm so done with all of this crap. I am a passive person, I have no clue why all this even happens. She always involves other adults and acts like a victim in the imaginary ';situation';. I honestly avoid conflict at all costs, any advice how to not let it bother me and so I seem to others like I'm not the bad person she claims I am?Advice about drama ensuing people?
You've obviously known her for a very long time. Now, I'm not really sure if she goes to your school... Or just family member, etc. You should have encluded that. The best thing for you to do is delete her from your life. Do not answer phone calls, do not hang out with people she hangs out with, etc. She needs to get a grip on life... Sounds like a brat to me. They say ';misery brings company';. when people are miserable they just love having company by making other people miserable as well. People who bring drama into your life are just wanting your life to be in trouble. The best thing for you to do is ignore her. If you can't then just don't tell her any of your business, do not argue back, and just basically ignore her. If you can't do that then just be nice... But don't give her anything mean to say, or don't tell her your business you just don't start conversations with her. Since your 17 and you've got a year to go and you should be out on your own so while you can get rid of her and leave her alone... Let her bring her drama and b.s. to somebody else. You have better things to do then for her to claim you as a bad person. You need to act like what she does don't bother you. Be the mature one! If you do not argue back with her then people will know for sure it's not you. Hope I helped!Advice about drama ensuing people?
Drama??? Have you read the questions on this site???

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