Friday, April 30, 2010

Need advice about my ex... I'm so confused..?

I was dating my boyfriend for over a year and a half and I can honestly say I loved him. We're both 21. Well, to make a long story short, it didn't work out... and we broke up in May, last year. I'm still not over him. We hardly ever talk.

Then a few days ago he messaged me on msn and we had a short chat. And two days ago, when I was away, he left me the link to a song called:

Always On My Mind by Pet Shop Boys

Is he just toying with me, showing me a good song, or is he giving me a hint? I remember he did the same thing over a year ago; he was too shy to talk to me so he gave me a song that explained his feelings, but do you think this is the case now? Would you give such a song to your ex? And what do I do? I talked to him for a little while today but he's not feeling well so I'm not even mentioning the song... I know I might be overreacting but I'm confused... any advice is very appreciated :( I miss him...Need advice about my ex... I'm so confused..?
Thank him for the song, and playfully joke with him

';If you continue to send such songs to me I might fall in love with you all over again!';

Let's see how he reacts.Need advice about my ex... I'm so confused..?
it does sound like he is trying to communicate via a song; if he is that shy i totally understand!

since i don't know his personality, i can't say for sure, but it sounds like he is either interested still/again or regretting his decision and trying to grovel...

either way if he is a good guy and you enjoyed being with him you should see where it goes; if not, don't even get into it!
He might genuinely miss you, just try to go out to dinner with him sometime or something. If you get back together don't get physical with him right away, take it slow so he can prove he wants you back for you, not your body.
speculating does not help u ..either ask him outright or forget about it..untill he tells u what's what u ain't gonna know ne thing... only guess....which will lead to more confusion 4 u all this beating about the bush stuff stop i said untill he says ne thing u won't know where u stand..wud'nt it be better to get this out of the way .. u miss him thats y ur willing to entertain him r u forgetting it did'nt work before what makes u think it's gonna work's time to take off the rose tinted glasses

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