Friday, April 30, 2010

Need advice about baby's feeding pattern?

I am a new mom of a lovely little girl. She turns 2 months in a few days. I don't know if this is a problem or not, but I wanted to ask this question and seek advice from mom's who have had similar experience. My daughter used to breast feed every 3 hours day and night till last week. Now she has started sleeping 8 hours without feeding at nights and eats every 4 hours during the day. She has enough amount of wet and dirty diapers. I did not check her weight since 2 weeks, but I guess she is gaining and not losing. I am very confused if she is eating properly or not. Is something wrong? Should I take her to her doctor?. Please advice.Need advice about baby's feeding pattern?
your daughter will eat on demand not scheduled feeding, better. your baby knows just how much she needs and how often. you will notice longer breaks between feedings as she gets older, AND sometimes shorter breaks when she is having a growth spurt.

just like a formula fed baby, their mother would have to increase the amount of formula they give their child as they grow, you breasts will make more breast milk depending on how often baby feeds.

the shorter the breaks means that your baby is trying to increase supply, allow her to do that; to feed on demand.

when the shorter breaks lengthen and stretch out, that is when the growth spurt stops for a bit and she enjoys the longer naps and a fuller tummy.

you're doing great! keep it up.Need advice about baby's feeding pattern?
Feeding every 4 hours is fine if she has enough dirty diapers. I wouldn't let her go more than 4 during the day. You should go buy a baby scale. They sell them all around even at Walmart. It may cost like $60 but the peace of mind it gives you is priceless. I did this and I felt so much better that my daughter was gaining weight!
I think ur baby is fine. She wont sleep so much if she isnt well fed. babies tend to have longer intervals of feeding as they grow up. and since she has wet diapers, then there's no problem. U don't need to see d doc. at all. When she is experiencing growth spurt, she'll eat more and u may even begin to think she's not getting enough.

As long as u breastfeed exclusively and feed ur baby on demand, u shouldn't bother. She's just a good girl who doesnt want to disturb mom all the time, and of course she loves her beauty sleep too.
Your daughter will be fine she must be getting satisfied enough, how long does she nurse?
As babies get older, they can go a little longer without food. She's likely getting more in one sitting now. You are the luckiest mommy in the world having her sleep 8 hours straight - shouldn't be a problem as long as she is wetting and dirtying enough diapers and gaining properly.

To make certain, run by your doctor's office for a weight check. I'd call and talk to a nurse as well and make certain they don't think you should wake her once at night to feed.

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