Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need advice about this girl?


Here's the thing, I like this girl and I think she likes me but here's the thing, she seems to have low self-esteem about herself and she is getting over a tough break up with a stupid boyfriend. I recently told her after I got back from vacation that I like her over the phone, but she said right now relationships aren't worth it and she considers me only as a friend. Lemme add something though...She'll stay up even though shes tired to talk to me, while I was gone on vacation she gave me like 4 emails in the month of July page per email/per wk basically ';and I responded back to them';. In the email's she said how she misses me, she wants to call me when I get back, and she wants to see me. So here's my question, does she really consider me a friend or more? and if a girl has low self-esteem about her self, what are the best ways ';from a females stand point'; to give her that boost of confidence?I need advice about this girl?
be her friend and take it slow............I need advice about this girl?
just be her friend right now. even if she seems like she wants to get in a relationship she is just rebounding from the last one. and even if you are the greatest guy under the sun you will get the brunt from her breakup. she is interested in you more than a friend but that concerns me if she just got out of this other serious relationship. she needs to build her own self confidence not you. look at it this way, do you want your relationship as it is right now to grow into something more off the basis of her being low and depressed over some other guy? just take things slow don't rush into anything with this girl even if it becomes tempting. spend time together and see where it goes.
best advice for this situation: WAIT a bit, shes totally trashed from that nasty breakup, of course her selfesteem is on the floor, you can help her build self esteem through heartfelt compliments, but right now she needs a friend, not a bf. IF you can handle that, then step in, otherwise this is not the time.
Tell her she's beautiful...that always works for me :)
Dude you're in the friend zone. Kiss yourself goodbye you will never get out.
First tip.

Don't talk so much.

Let her talk, just tilt your head and say, uh huh.
I think she is sending you a clear message that she is interested but she is proceding with caution after her lousy relationship.

Go slow!

Ask her if she would like to go for a walk along the beach (if you are lucky enough to live near one), or a walk in the park. Stop under a tree, or something and just talk. Try to talk it really slow and enjoy each other's company. Either way it would be good for both of you
You have no chance. The boyfriend objection was simply a convenient way of executing a rejection with some plausible deniability while reserving social grace.

Move on.
she likes you very very much but is scared to acknowlege her feelings. give her time. tell her dat for d time being you 2 r just friends. dont force her. tyake her out. make her feel special and show her that she is d world for you but dont say anything. when you think she is comfortable ask her for a date but give her enough time first. bleve me this is d best way. do make her feel special
Give her time to over her pain and disappointment but be always there for her,assure her of your love and feelings and when ever you feel that there is a chance or a suitable time ask her again.

It's obvious she has feelings but too scared to get hurt again.
just be honest with her and tell her the truth. if she likes you then.. you will know and if not.. then.. just be cool.
you should always tell her shes beautiful %26amp;%26amp; hang out with her alot %26amp;%26amp; if it seems like she likes you, ask her if she does... its that easy :)
She needs time. Either wait for her heart to heal or just move on.
you maybe in good shape if you care about her now. its coming through for her and shes finally waking up. so now i guess you could say she likes you abit and now you have given her space its time to say hi again.

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