Friday, April 30, 2010

Need some advice about LOVE?

....whether it's from a Religious perspective or not.

Let me first start off by saying: I'm Confused!!

There's a guy I met not too long ago at my church who I befriended. One Sunday, we were designated as the primary organizers of the annual ';Nursing Home Visit'; program [Hence, this is how he got my number]

To make a long story short, any time we talk, we can go on from as little as 30 minutes to hours--just talking. In fact, recently we were both coming from a church program and happened to be getting on the same bus ----and we BOTH missed our bus stops because we were so focused on our conversation with one another. Any time we talk, it just -flows.

He's not drop-dead gorgeous or something out of a magazine, but he's certainly Not ugly.

Any advice?Need some advice about LOVE?
is there a reason why you shouldn't like each other? what's the problem?

it sounds as if you two should continue talking. one of the most important parts of a relationship is being able to talk to each other.

why not invite him over for dinner, or out for coffee?

good luck.Need some advice about LOVE?
keep talking and do meet at a place that doesn't have wheels those walks form a passed bus stop are no fun, sounds like a nice guy encourage him to get to know you
advice on what?
Probably an insurance agent or someone whos very talkative.

Try talking more and see if you ever get tired. If you don't after, say 3 years, you might like to consider him as a lifelong partner.
As cliche and corny as this may sound, I would advise you to trust your instinct. Dont rush or push it, just get along well, learn about each other and if you think that he's the one, only then you can start trusting him but again, be steady and natural. Never ever be hasty or superficial when it comes to finding your soulmate.

Good luck!

Peace and Love
My advice is to dump him -- he talks too much.
Religion is best way to hook a mate because of the moral foundation. get him by all means if you feel you are falling in love.
just get to know him.

he may want to be just friends. he may like you. Just let it hang awhile. But if you continue to like him alot...hint a little. Tell him, ';I really like talking to you.';

He may be shy. So try and let him know you like him. good way: try touching his arm when you talk. touch can tell you alot. when I was in high school and i was talking to a girl, the closer she stood and the more she touched me, the more I thought she liked me and the braver I got. you don't have to bat your eyelashes.

and if you are scared to just touch him, then touch him by checking out his jewelry, or watch, or straightening his shirt.

sit next to him in church. get bold and hold his hand.

if all that fails, and he still is clueless or shy, then just come out and say, ';I like you. Do you know if you like me?';

If he says yes, then say ';do you LIKE like?';

that is how it worked when I was young.
keep dating as long as youre the opposite assuming youre a girl.. make sure youre compatable with birthdates...
Hey, follow your heart. Sounds like you have a winner there. I followed my heart and married a wonderful guy who is christian and he loves cats and dogs. It sounds like God may have sent you someone. Bless you
Just for the record, there is nothing in your question that would give any indication as to whether you are man or women.

(just commenting on your ';additional information'; section.
If you feel like you want to be more than friends go for it. It sounds like you guys get along great and could either be really good friends or a couple. It's all up to you.
One thing not clear - - are you a guy or a girl?? I can't offer advice without knowing the answer to that.

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