Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

ok i have had a friend for 3 years and in 8th grade we started like talking to each other less frequently. my friends told me that she was talking to me behind my back and i did confront her about that but she said that she didnt know what i was talking about. Just recently her brother told me that she was talking about me she said i was a slut and alot of other stuff. I know she has been jelouse of me ever since we have been friends. what should i do????? should i talk to her or should i try to ignore her??? I NEED HELP!!!I need advice about a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I would talk to her and ask her what he problem is, because obviously she has one. Sometimes we just outgrow friends - maybe that is what has happened!? You're young, and throughout your life you will meet a lot of new people, make a lot of new friends, and lose some along the way too - it's all part of growing up. If this has been going on for the majority of the time you have been friends, maybe it's time to evaluate the friendship. Like I said before, try talking to her and see if you can work it out - if not, and it still continues, then I would think about moving on!I need advice about a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
you're welcome :) Hope everything works out great for you!!

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ignoreee her! i have a friend like that but instead of ignoring her i let her get away with everything she did to me with an appology! Than she would act all innocent! dont let it happen anymore! be strong dont let anyone walk all over you and make you look like she is contolling you! Good Luck
ask her brother again if he would be willing to confront her w/ you, gossip hurts and it wouldn't be good if she gets something going around
i don't think we have the full story. what did you do to make her say those things?
Fun Fun I remember those ages. I was BFF with my friend since kindergarten to 9th grade then we split. Just don't talk to her as much. Still say hi to each other but split ways. Most of the time when people reach high school they split ways bigger classes more people, Different clicks ect. Plus when you graduate it is not like your going to see or really talk to them again they say less than10 percent of people in high school and after College still talk. Good Luck and Don't Let your difference bother you. I had the same problem. Just think of it this way. Girls never really get along together because they are always jealous of each other.
ignore, if it continues, then break it up. or as they say (two can play the gossip game) remember, a little kid will only annoy if u give it attention.)

i think you should ignore her because why would people start that she was saying bad stuff about you. i mean theres got to be a reason. i think shes jealous of you and she is talking behind your back. people dont say stuff for no reason they most likely heard her talk about you.
Ignore the things she says. Only you know the truth about yourself. If you know for sure she is saying stuff, confront her. Don't start drama or a fight just keep it real and maybe try to patch things up. Its much better to be friends than enemies. Don't retaliate.
You told us all about the things she has done without telling us what you have done. By that I mean are you a good friend to her ALWAYS? If so then it is time for you to reevaluate the relationship. So often we stay in what is familiar and comfortable when the fact is we should move on with our lives. Life is too short to waste on people that don't have our best interests at heart. Don't tell her how you feel--show her. Stop answering the phone for her or if you do make the conversation very short and just put some distance between she and you. Remember actions speak louder than words.
Over throw her. I did it with my friend who talked sh*t behind my back. Now hes a ****** and a looser while me n my boyz are at the top partying every night up. Trust is what you need between your friends.
ignore her!!!! she's def. not worth her time
Ignore her...girls are so catty
well dont talk about her behind her back but just ignore her and when she wants to come to you for help dont help her and make her suffer just give a while but dont make it last forever u need to eventually talk it out but but not right now
You should talk to her instead of listening to what everyone else is saying. If you find out that she is talking about you behind your back, then she was never really your ';friend';. Find a new friend. I wouldn't suggest sinking to her level and talking about her behind her back, then you would look just as bad as she did and you can say you are better than that.
you need to talk to her. first confront her with it (again), and then tell her that she is beautiful, and give her complements to help higher her self esteem.
There wouldn't be any use trying to talk to her because she would just deny whatever you accused her of doing. The best thing you can do is just distance yourself from her and totally ignore her.
Well, confront her again. We can tell if people are lyin!!! Also, if i were u id keep my distance!!! she seems like the shadey type to me
Ignore her..she's fake.

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