Friday, April 30, 2010

Need some advice about a relationship advice. Girls help me if u can. Cheers?

can I get one of my best female friends to be my gf. This girl u can say treats me very well. She is a very nice person but if someone met her for the first time then they will see her as a very reserved person. And i thought the same as well. i think it is very difficult for her to trust a guy as usually she does not like to get into pictures with guys and also refuses any drinks from any guy barring me. She also hardly talks to them much.

I have started to like her only recently after knowing her for 1 year. she only leaves her drinks with me and no other guy. once when her friend died and she ended up drinking too much she came to me, held my hand the whole night, and asked me to look after her which i did. She also that night (do not know if it was because she was sad) locked my arm with hers and asked me look at the clear sky. She said ' look at the sky. there are sooo many stars' I had no idea what to say to her (or what she wanted me) to do so i just gave her a hugNeed some advice about a relationship advice. Girls help me if u can. Cheers?
You must tell her if you feel this way about her . It sounds like she likes you so much and probably feels very comfortable with you . If you are true friends . You will get through these feelings 1 way or another. I t could be very positive for you . These things take time . She sounds as if she is a careful person . You mentioned that you are not a threat to her . You must know her pretty well for you to have realized this about her . She must trust you if you can be together as close friends with affection. Good luck on your fate . I hope the best for you . You sound like you have a great respect for her and a genuine friendship. .Need some advice about a relationship advice. Girls help me if u can. Cheers?
100%, thats how i acted around a boy, h never had the guts to say anything though! i wanted to be more than fiends but i was scared he didn't!
I think it sounds pretty good to me. I think she would be attracted to you. I'm not absolutely positive that she would say yes to you because you two are such good friends, but i would try to flirt with her more. Give her more hugs, and maybe if she responds in a good way with those, then try kissing her when it's a good time.. should make sure she is into you.
I would say you are in a great position. If you are already good friends and she trusts you then chances are she wants to be with you. When you guys are just hanging out, say to her ';what do you think about dating me?'; Then see what her response is. You should be able to tell from her reaction on if she backs off or not. If she backs off say something like that would be funny the 2 of us dating.
Sounds like it would be rather easy to get her to be your gf. However, you also run the risk of her really just considering you a good friend, almost brother-like. If she sees you more as an awesome friend/brother figure, trying to date her may put a slight strain on your friendship if she doesn't feel the same about you. It could make it awkward. If she only sees you as a friend and nothing more she may think more about how she approaches you to keep you from getting mixed signals. Women are usually affectionate with men, whether it be just their friend or someone they want to be with. I agree we can be slightly confusing. I'm not saying to give up just really think deep about the friendship and think about all her actions. Are they more girl-just-being-friendly actions or are they girl-likes-boy actions. There is a fine line between the two but there is still a line. If you know it is more than a friend vibe she is giving off then I say go for it and good luck. Personally, you sound like a guy friend that I would probably have a slight crush on. Good luck.
doesn't hurt to ask her, sounds like it could work to me.
I think the question is hard when it comes to marriage. That's why people have girlfriends or boyfriends (to decide if they can take another step to marriage!) I mean you don't need to think that much; if you guys cannot get together after all, you can still keep the friendship, right?

Personally, I think she is TOO reserved but that would secure fidelity, too. (And I consider faithfulness the most important thing of any relation)

Somebody waits and loses their chance. But because you seem to be really serious about this and because she is so reserved, I guess let give it some times before you decide anything. In case you are not a man of patience, which is not any bad thing but which I guess you are not ^^, just ask her what she thinks of you so that you would not mistake her, or at least what she wants you to know. (People's problems result from assumptions. So even if you are patient, this would probably a way to get thing clear).

Good luck ^^
It sounds to me as if she trusts you A LOT. That's good to know in both a friendship or relationship.

She obviously feels very comfortable around you and you are most likely one of the top guys that she trusts.

As for the gentle flirting, she may just be a friendly person to people who she is comfortable around, or she may be subtly hinting to you that she may want more. She also may want you to make the first move.

She could just see you as a really good, close friend. If you're desperate for the relationship to happen then you're going to have to make it clear for her.

But I recommend turning up your flirting a level and soft hints that you may like her, see how that goes at first. If things get bad between the friendship then it probably means she only wants you as a friend.

Good luck!
look wat u wrote at the begining was like she likes u but at the end somethin .....

u go and jst say to her that u want to ask her somethin and whn she replies wat is it then simpy say i will tell u later

i she argue with this then she likes u and if she say ok later then jst friends . do this stuff whn both of u are alone and havin a good personal conversation...

then start ur conversation on holidays then suddenly u ask her why she was not in touch with u durin holidays ok

hope she likes u ....
The chances sound pretty good. My boyfriend and I were great friends all throughout high school and into our early 20s when we finally decided to get together. We have been seeing each other for over 3 years and are very happy. You two sound like we did. Just don't rush her and don't freak her out with any bold proclaimations of love. :) Good luck!
she likes you. you like her. make it clear. tell her. word that comes from your heart will fall into her heart... go tiger!!!
Hmmm... from my point of view she seems to like you a lot, but whether she wants you as a bf... this remains an enigma... I think you should tell her about how you feel and also tell her that the decision is all hers and if she doesn't wanna go out with you then it's fine, you can still be friends...

Maybe she likes to be with you because she feels secure when you're around, she came to you to seek for comfort when her friend pass away...

Maybe she thinks that you're the only one who can understand her... Ask her your question calmly and wait for a reply. Don't rush things over though...

All the best
We don't know if she likes you in that way or not, just ask her out if you want to.

If you're a teenager keep in mind that you are only young and if you break up it would affect your friendship. What's more important to you?

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