Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice about a 7 month old beagle?

My husband and I have had our 7 month old beagle since she was 8 weeks old. Though stubborn, from the time we brought her home we began training her to ';go'; outside and a few other things. When she was 12 weeks old we began to notice a rather stubborn streak in her, and after talking to a vet who declared she had anxiety issues, at his suggestion we brought home our second beagle. Now, almost 4 months later, our 7 month old (the first dog) has began to ';act out'; doing everything from using the restroom not only in parts of our house she knows to be off limits, but peeing on furniture, constantly in our faces (which she was trained not to do from the time we brought her home), to shredding anything she finds.

Any advice, or ideas on what could be causing her behavior would be greatly appreciated.Advice about a 7 month old beagle?
It is not uncommon for a dog to undergo regression in her training when a second dog is introduced to the home. This can include housebreaking regression. It is unusual that it has taken 4 months before your first dog has begun to regress in her training so the regression might not have anything to do with the second dog but there are any number of other stressors that can also cause regression (basically any substantial changes in the dogs environment). With regression you are simply going to have to repeat the steps you went through originally to housebreak her as well as repeat whatever training steps you had to do before for any other kind of training in which she has regressed.

Dogs do not grow out of bad behavior. They need training and guidance, so if shredding things is a new bad habit she has picked up you are going to have to correct it. There are any number of negative reinforcers you can use to dissuade bad behavior by your dog beginning with the simple scolding of the dog when caught in the act .Advice about a 7 month old beagle?
It could be that she it at that kind of 'teen' stage in her life where she is rebellious and acting out. If this is the case, then she should grow out of it soon. It could also be still anxiety as was suggested. Make sure that she gets plenty of exercise, at least a 45 minute walk twice a day. Good luck!

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