Friday, April 30, 2010

Need some advice about asking some1 out.?

I wanna ask this 1 girl out but i ahve never asked somebody out before (in 6th grade) and im really nervous because she is with ehr freinds all the time and i erally like her and want to ask her out but i dont want to do it in front of all her freinds. can any1 give me some advice.Need some advice about asking some1 out.?
Hey man all i can tell you is first of all to try to concord the fear of approaching her....

It is nice to have fear and to be scared but just think of it as wild thing that you are doing...

you need to pull this girl away from her friends and ask her out or tell her what it is that you have inside.. Do it before someone else beats you to it...

I wish you good luckNeed some advice about asking some1 out.?
Well, 6th grade is a little young. But, why don't you just go up to her and ask to speak to her alone? Then you can just ask her
When shes with her friends pull her out and say can i talk to you for a sec then do it and then hug her.
it depends. are u a total dork? If so, leave this girl alone. If ur cool and all, i think she would appreciate ur thought. get one of ur friends to ';round'; her away from her friends so u can talk. i'm the person who ';rounds'; all of my friends boyfriends. Just act cool, and DONT get red in the face. good luck!
well the best way to do it is to ask one of your friends and tell them 2 go ask her. Its the only way. Unless your really brave and u want 2 say it to her face. Another way is MYSPACE or e-mail!!! that's another good way!
well theres this guy at my school going into 7th grade (hes pretty hott) that is obsessed with asking girls out with a note, he did this to me, but im not interested in him (going 8th grade) and yeah soooo i said no so i wouldnt reccomend that...just tell her that you like her (or get your friends too...whatever) and then just ask her out! its okay really, her friends will probably think its cute!
Id say to ring her and arrange to meet her........ At the cinema or something?????

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