Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about this guy.....?

i like this guy, i see him everyday, and i want to tell him i like him. how do i do this???i apreciate all answers because i would like lots of different views on how i should do this.I need advice about this guy.....?
Talk to him online or in person a lot, and it will come up. But make sure you know him first. At least to me... telling a person you like them JUST after you meet them is dumb.I need advice about this guy.....?
actually, first try to become friends with him. when you feel like you two have grown a nice friendship-relationship, tell him how you feel. but be very careful, as it might ruin your friendship. if you don't want to wait that long, go up to him, and tell him, that you need to talk. if he says yes, take it slowly, and say i like you. i've had a crush on you for awhile now. or you can ask him to go out with you. if you doget rejected, forget about him, and move on. sometimes its alot of work liking someone. cause people try to impress the person they like and stuff like that. don't take it too harshly if you do get rejected. i've been through some of this stuff before. Best of LUCK!
Be Honest with him. He probably likes you too. Honesty is the best policy.
well, let me tell you, this may be one of the hardest things you will ever do, but it's better sooner rather than later, let me tell you that! first you have to build up courage, and when you decide you are ready, just ask him out to the movies or something casually as friends, then, at the movies, jus tkinda whisper it to him, he can't leave, and he can't talk, give it time to sink in, then on the way back to your house or whatever, weasel yourself into a conversation about it, see what he thinks and feels. or, you can make it easier on your self and get it off like a band-ade :). build up the courage, and just tell him, ';____, i think i really like you';. as simple as that, the hardest part is actually saying it hough. good luck to you!

oh yeah--don't beat around the bush, and do not sugar coat it
I mean this in the best way possible, I swear:

Don't be a chicken! Just go up to the guy and say, ';Look, I like you, and I want to know how you feel about me.'; If nothing else, he will respect your straight-forward attitude. Even if he doesn't like you back, that's okay. Life goes on, cute boys come and go, and you'll find someone else.
You can't tell him unless you first are talking to him. Find a way to talk with him and you will get a sense if the two of you are compatible. If you sense that you are, try talking to him a few more times, eventually dropping hints by doing things such as laughing at any jokes he tells, commenting on how he looks cute that day. If you are really feeling bold, you can make a flirtacious remark like, ';you would be a good one to catch alone some time.'; Yeah, most flirtatious remarks are rather lame, but they get the point across and allow you to judge his reaction.

If after a few conversations, you get the sense that he is interested, ask him out. That will let hin know real quick that you like him. It doesn't have to be anything extravagent, just something simple.

Another sure fire way is to find something inexpensive that you think he might like and buy it for him. Then when you see him, you can tell him you saw it, it reminded you of him, so you bought it for him.That will let him know for sure how you feel. And you are only risking a small sum.

Good luck with this guy. Hope you get what you want.
If you don't talk to him some other girl will and it will be to late
Just tell him. Find some time to be alone and tell him how you feel. If you find yourself backing out, send him a note or an email that there is something important you have to tell him, so you can't undermine yourself.
well you can tell your friend to ask him if he likes you
First get a friendly conversation going and just be friendly.. Then ask him if he'd like to hang out sometime.. That way before you tell him that you like him, you can see if he likes you =)

Hope this helps, Good Luck =)
he sounds like spiderman so you can never be together

because no matter how hard he tries the ones hel loves will always be the ones who pay
.This might be a little different, maybe you could just go over and tell him.
Go through friends. Networking is the best way since you sound like a you are in grade school.
Well your approach has to be calm and not too desperate. As far as what you have written it seems as if you don't know him. Are you sure you like him or are you just attracted to him.

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