Friday, April 30, 2010

Need some advice about my ex!!?

We broke up 2 weeks ago. She got a new boyfriend like the next day. She did not even tell me why she wanted to break up. I really love her and I always thought she woul be my wife. I don't know how I can get her back. I have always been a good man to her. I do so much for her I dont know what else I can do for her. I really need some good advice. Please no stupid answers.Need some advice about my ex!!?
Well I hate to tell u this because I can see u are hurting enough.......but if she was together with another guy one day after a 5 year relationship, then she either was seeing him during your relationship or she was interested in him for awhile. That would be the reason she didn't tell u why she wanted to break up with u. She knew telling u it was for another man would be too hurtful and she would feel bad. I know u love her but do u really want to be with someone (especially marry them) if they truly don't love u like u love them? You want someone who is honestly committed to u and u alone and someone who meets all of your needs too, not just u doing for them. Honestly think back.........did she do for u the things u did for her? If the answer is no then is that what u would want for the rest of your life........just doing and doing for someone without being cared for yourself? You need to let her go, heal your heart and then open it back up for someone to enter your life who is going to be as loving and devoted to u as u are to them. Just know u are a good, loving person and the right woman will come along that deserves that kind of man. When u do meet that person u will look back on this woman and realize yes she wasn't the one. I wish u the best.Need some advice about my ex!!?
If she had a new boyfriend the day after you broke up, I would think that she already had her eye on this guy while the two of you were still together.

Although she may not have cheated on you, I'll bet there was enough flirting going on that she knew he was interested too, so that the two of them were able to hook up immediately after you were out of the picture.

So my advice - just try to accept that it's over and move on. I'm sorry. But it sounds like she wasn't doing right by you anyways, so you deserve someone better!
Love is a two way street, so you're probably not in love with her, just infatuated. If she has that kind of rebound skill, you may want to just keep going, this new person may have been there before you two ended.
move on she does not care
we'll it all depends on why she broke up with you. In my opinion it looks like she got tired of the relationship. Take it for what it is and move on. There is nothing you can do to make her love you. If she loves you she will come back, but if she doesnt and obviously she found someone new. then i suggest you try and move on too. I know its hard because I am going trhough this as well, but i have come to accept it. It didnt work out for a reason. Hey maybe in a few years you would have gotten tired and found someone that can make you happier. Try keeping yourself busy and don't reduce yourself for someone, because obviously she doesn't care for you. If you really think there is a chance after all then try. But don't dwell on this, I hope you find happiness outside of this, because it's really hard to be at peace with this in your mind.
I say let go ,and move on. I say wake up and smell the coffee, see she got rid of the old sneaker,got another the next day, well she never love you because she would have gone to counseling, and solve this problems. BOZO she already got another penis move on there more fishes in the sea. Why say with a broken relationships ,she,ll cheats on you., no TRUSTS!!!!
look man if she just got another man just like that it only means one of two things she was cheating on u or she just don't feel the same way u do u say u wont her happy so i reckon she wasn't wid u so leave it be she wasn't worth it ne way
I am sorry babe. If she was able to get another guy right after the two of you broke up, than she was not into you. you deserve so much better. I know it hurts, trust me i have been there. I promise you that you will find someone who will love the fac that you treat them so well. The pain will go away. it just takes time. wish you all the best.
Seriously, why would you want her back? You sound like a good guy, and she sounds like an idiot! You can do much better! Try to get over her as best you can, do some things you always wanted to do, but never seemed to have the time for, and before you know it, somebody else will fall into your lap!

don't attempt to because if you think of it this way, if she was willing to do something of that degree when you guys were going out, what would make her think twice if she had already done it once??? i know once and i got away with it, I'm willing to do it again. its just the human philosophy. sorry man. theres another person out that can top tha love you shared for her... believe me, there always is..
I am guessing she doesn't love you or maybe she wants to see what else is out there for her. You should just enjoy life and not let this stress you out. She lost a good guy and in the future you will find a good woman to be there by your side and love you.
Here's the best advice you're going to get - you won't be getting her back. Her actions speak louder than words - she had a new boyfriend the next day. The likelyhood is she's had him for much longer than the next day, and just finally decided to end it with you.

Don't think of what you can do for HER, anymore - you did all you could, and she decided it wasn't good enough. Now do something for yourself. Grieve the relationship, then go out and have a good time with friends. Don't go looking to replace her yet- you need a break. Just enjoy the dating scene and hanging out doing the things she hated you doing.
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