Friday, April 30, 2010

Advice about my mom and being kicked out at 17?


17 years old.ive had depression for the past 4 years, and ive been seeing doctors since then. me and my mom have always gotten into fights about rules and responcibility but then i moved and everything seemed to get better. Within the past 5 months, my mom broke up with her boyfriend (who we were living with) and we moved to another town. everyone here is rude, and mean, and just the typical people you would not like to hang out with. I have been sticking it out, but it is hard, and i can not focus with everyone down my back and staying dumb things. i know i should just ignore it, but i cant. my grades have been slipping, and i have been talking to my teachers, but they couldnt care less. my mom said that she could transfer me back over to my new school for next year, for when i graduate, but id have to stick out the next 3 months. i didnt mind. but last month my mom got herself a new boyfriend. i didnt mind him, but he is a little strange. last sunday me and my boyfriend got into a debt about how my mom doesnt really care about anything but going to work, going back to school and her new boyfriend. which in a sense is true. we broke up and i got upset and told my mom how i really felt about her new boyfriend. everything was fine until me and my boyfriend got back together and agreed that we'd work things out. my mom got mad at me..i guess she doesnt really like him, but then last night i went to go see one of my doctors. My doctor told me that she had been emailing my guidance counseller and he had told her about my grades, and my mom was in the room. Then in the caar ride back home, my mom started yelling at me telling me how I told the counseller about her boyfriend, and how i knew better than to fail school. and i told her that that was what i was there for. to tell the lady my feelings and thoughts about everything. My mom told me that im ruining her life and i have respect for anyone but myself. i figured that my mom was just blowing off steam..but then she added that if i am to stay with my boyfriend i have to leave the house. she said that she wants me out by the end of june when school lets out.

im not sure what to do because i have no place to go, and no job.

i dont even have my permit because my mom said that i can wait until im 18 :(

im not 18 until december..til then i dont know what to do.

my friend offered to let me stay with him over the summer..but his mom said that i need a job, and a car might be nice..

but i know i can find a job..and a car will be no problem because ive been saving in my bank account.

i hate my mom being mad at me, but i dont understand why.

i thought that telling her i didnt like her boyfriend would maybe open things up and we could talk more, but i guess not. she just swore at me the time and told me that im always gone on the weekends, and im always complaining we dont spend time together..

but truth is:

i have to deal with assholes in school all day, 5 days a week..then go home and watch my little sister from 3 until whever my mom gets home. My mom sometimes doesnt get home until 10 and then has her boyfriend come over. I just want to see my old friends and boyfriend. and rides are always given to me by them, so..i wanna spend time with her, but on the weekends she is with her boyfriend too.

I dont know.

I understand that she is a single parent, and we dont have a lot..

but i dont see why she cant look into my eyes for just a second.

i tried talking to her, but she told me i was wasting her time, and there was no point. im not part of the family? i dont know, thats what she does.

im just scared because i have to wait until summer, and i feel terrible.

does anyone have any thoughts, or anything to maybe claim me down?

i have been feeling really down lately, and i figured, there must be someone like me out there..

thank you!!!! :(Advice about my mom and being kicked out at 17?

I'm sorry that you have to deal with this!!

It sucks. No one should have to deal with that. My situation is similar many ways and different in other ways. If you ever need someone to talk to don't hesitate to e-mail me.

By the way I'm 16 so not much younger then you.Advice about my mom and being kicked out at 17?
It is never easy growing up, especially when you hit your teens. Most want their freedom, to make their own choices and RUSH into adulthood. What troubles me the most is your Negative attitude towards hate your mom's boyfriend, everyone is rude in the new town, your teachers don't care, you resent babysitting your little sister, your mom doesn't care or understand. When someone believes the whole world is against them it usually isn't the fault of the world. First you should talk to your Dr and tell him how you are feeling, he may need to put you on meds or change your medication if you are already on some. You need to find something positive to focus on rather than negativity, get involved with a group or find a hobby that gives you some pleasure. One thing I can guarantee won't work is running off to be with your boyfriend. You will end up being dependent on him and that is a form of control. You are only 17, and you need to grow up. Your #1 Priority is overcoming your ';depression'; and how you view others. Start looking for just 1 positive thing in everyone you meet or know, you might be amazed at what you discover.
I think your mom doesnt understand where your coming from because she doesnt understand her own situation. Shes had alot to deal with from work(trying to provide for you and your sister), to her own relationship problems. If she really wants you to move out, then i would, but i would try to be in contact with her and especially your little sister as much as posssile. Your 17, you need to start thinking about your own wellbeing, providing for you and doing the best that you can do. Just be there for her, she needs you more than you know.

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