Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about pregnancy.....?

how long do you wiat to have to take a preg. test???I need advice about pregnancy.....?
there are tests now that can test for the pregnancy hormone as early as four days before your missed period. If you have a VERY regular cycle and know when you are suppsed to get your period then you can take a test before you miss your period but its better to use the first urine of the day and that still doesnt guarantee that you will get the right results as there can still be too little of the hormone to show up on the test. The best time to take a test is if you have a regular cycle and have already missed your period, its very unlikely that the test will miss the hormome in your urine at that point. for me my cycle wasnt regular so i had no way of knowing when to test myself and if thats the case with you then you will just have to keep testing until you get your period.I need advice about pregnancy.....?
You will need to wait until your period is one week late and take the test. If the test is negative wait another week and take it again, assuming you do not get your period in this time frame. If it is still negative and no sign of your period go see you doctor.
check the test. each is different some say as early a 5 days before your period is due. taking 2 or even three gives you a better result... remember a false negative is common a false positive is almost unheard of...
you should wait until around the time of your next period to get the best results. Any tests taken before then could just end up being a waste of you precious money.

Good Luck I hope you get the outcome your looking for!
First day of missed period, if you get a neg but still no period re test at 3 - 5 days intervals
when you miss your period or if you are spotting thismeans your period isnt the same if you exerence this take a test and let me know what happened because i'm worried
take it 5 days before you are supposed to get your period, but even then, you can get a false negative.
you dont need to wait they are so advanced that they can tell b4 your missed period...... i'd go buy a home test if it says no make an apt. with your dr.
when you miss your period and if its negatve then you wait 2 more weeks and take it again if still no period.
take a few tests about 5 days after your missed period.

when your period is late

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