Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about this boy?

ok i need some advice there is this boy who is my best friend i meet him last year and right away we became best freinds im just wondering cause my sister and my freinds say that im going to end up together is that true cause we always hang out at school in the morning , break, lunch,and after school so please help me give me some advice please?I need advice about this boy?
thats a tough question. do u like him back? if so, u may want to take things SLOWLY and persue a relationship. because it sure sounds like he likes you! most relationships start out as friendships.I need advice about this boy?
Well i not an expert but i don't think so, i mean just because you guys hang out all the time doesn't mean y'all end up together! It sounds to me like you guys are really good friends, that's all! Unless y'all have hidden feelings for each other.
if you like him you'll be friends all your life
take about umm...2 years...and then talk about it. and say we cant be friends anymore, and u gotta go out...

i saw it on this tv
your young. some people are in our lives for a reason, a good reason, but aren't ment to be in it forever. stop thinking about what may happen later and enjoy it now!
ok thats what I hat, people telling others to get together just cause you look good!!! maby you should study him more, if people say that stuff infront of him, look at his reaction. just wait for the right moment and if you find you like him, ask him out.
Well How old is he and how long or how do you know him?
its really hard to say,however its a very common thing when two people of the opposite sex hang out they become more than friends especially after a bad break up because they be there to give you that comfort that ends up becoming something more than friends
Do you like him as more than a friend? If so then yeah ask him out.
well you sound like really good one knows the future
only if you and him have the same feelings for each other and there good feelings
usually it does end up that way the more your with someone your heart grows bigger in a strange way.

it will happen naturally on it's own in time for a

best of luck
probably, i ended up with my best frend....

I Need Advice About Love...?

I'm 16 and i have no guy friends AT ALL most probably because i don't go to church ( don't ask me to go) and I am studying in an all-girls school. I live alone and I feel like having a boyfriend to care for me. can u please give me as many ideas as possible? I don't want to turn into a lesbian and i don't wanna go for matchmaking stuff ( thanks!) ...and... randomly checking out a stranger is weird %26amp; uneasy for anyone isin't it?I Need Advice About Love...?
Please believe that you are a whole person just the way you are, and that although it is great to have a meaningful relationship where you both care for each other, you will never be really happy until you realize what a powerful person you are. You are a goddess!

That said:

Give yourself permission to make mistakes with guys (I'm not talking about sex! I mean conversations).

The best way to meet guys is to do volunteer work at the United Way, or at a job--even Burger King or a Library or something.

When I was 16 I had lots of guy friends because I was just ';one of the guys';, and I didn't get asked out at all. My friends did though.

The teenage years were just practice for real relationships.I Need Advice About Love...?
Are you sure you aren't a lesbian?
you have the rest of your life to worry about men finish your education trust me men will come
try going where a lot of ppl hang out. maybe a place where ppl from ur school hang out but where there are guys too. good luck
You are asking for advice, yet you shut out all possibilities to give you advice on!!!!! What you should do, which you already answered yourself is to go into your cacoon, and shut everyone out!!! Your too young to be so grumpy!

I need advice about my childs father!?

My babys father (who is black and I am white) dated casually for a few months and needless to say I have a one year old daughter. We werent together when I was pregnant and argued constantly when he came to visit after she was born. We have spent time together a few times here and there, when I visit. We do have good times and are still intimate at times...but as soon as I mention trying to work things out and be a family he runs the other direction and tells me he doesnt want to put himself in that situation. Should I keep trying..or give up. I do think it is important to give my daughter a conventional family life. All the sudden he seems caught up in being different races, but yet we were together before and it was never a problem. I live across the country and he wants me to move Houston, but am I wrong for not wanting to go because he doesnt want to be in a relationship. I am just at my wits end and dont know what to do anymore! Any advice about this situation?I need advice about my childs father!?
The best advice that was ever given to me about anything in life was ';When in doubt, keep out.'; which means if you don't understand is, don't make decisions about anything until you are very sure. In this case if you give up everything and move it should only be if everyone is going to benefit. If this is not the case stay where you are.I need advice about my childs father!?
You need to move on without him. You will only be setting yourself up for more heartache. He obviously doesn't want a relationship with you.Forget him, and don't move just because he wants you to. Stay where you are, go on with your life, and ,if he wants to be a father to your daughter, its still possible. Get things set up in court for support, and visitation rights.He can be your child's father without you being with him. Don't get me wrong, I think every child deserves to have a family with both parents, but, in this case, I cant agree with that. Its not gonna happen. Good luck
why did you post this again? you still looking to justify or waiting for someone to agree that you should go? not gonna happen baby doll, you know you dont need to be in this yourself and your kid enough to say no this man, i know its hard kiddo but stop trying to justify this you were just bootty that happened to get pregnant and keeps allowing him to come back , move on and forward
  • eyeshadow
  • I need advice about a hippie name and other stuff..?

    well i have always been a free spirited child and i have decided to go on my instincts and change whom i am to who i wanna be..

    So i am following all these hippie rules to get me started but i feel odd cause i don't have a hippie nick name

    has any body got any ideas..

    So far i have

    Mystery as one name that it..I need advice about a hippie name and other stuff..?
    You don't choose a nickname, it chooses you. Nature with thrust a nickname upon you and you'll like it, or else.

    How 'bout, Spiritasia?I need advice about a hippie name and other stuff..?
    Changing your name will dishonour your parents. They chose your name and you came from them. Your name is something that connects you to them.

    If you hate your parents or something they may have done to you then by all means change your name.

    But if you love and respect them accept and love their name for you.

    Changing your name will only result in you creating some hippie la la image for yourself that may not be the real you.

    Think about it.
    Hippie rules? Hippies were against rules honey. Just go with a name that seems to fit you... Flowery names and nature etc will inspire you... moonflower, river, harmony....
    Uhm.....a hippie name? Is Robocop hippie enough?

    Okay, try....Myth. Its mysterious enough.
    why in the world would you do this? you will regret it.

    here's a list:






    You are not a hippie.

    But Vanderama Patchuli-Peace would be a cool name...but don't take that.
    Here are a few






    you could always go with Chong HAHA
    Maryjane, Sensimilla
    clearance clearwater
    The hippie name I've always liked the best was ';Flo';.

    Need some advice about LOVE?

    ....whether it's from a Religious perspective or not.

    Let me first start off by saying: I'm Confused!!

    There's a guy I met not too long ago at my church who I befriended. One Sunday, we were designated as the primary organizers of the annual ';Nursing Home Visit'; program [Hence, this is how he got my number]

    To make a long story short, any time we talk, we can go on from as little as 30 minutes to hours--just talking. In fact, recently we were both coming from a church program and happened to be getting on the same bus ----and we BOTH missed our bus stops because we were so focused on our conversation with one another. Any time we talk, it just -flows.

    He's not drop-dead gorgeous or something out of a magazine, but he's certainly Not ugly.

    Any advice?Need some advice about LOVE?
    is there a reason why you shouldn't like each other? what's the problem?

    it sounds as if you two should continue talking. one of the most important parts of a relationship is being able to talk to each other.

    why not invite him over for dinner, or out for coffee?

    good luck.Need some advice about LOVE?
    keep talking and do meet at a place that doesn't have wheels those walks form a passed bus stop are no fun, sounds like a nice guy encourage him to get to know you
    advice on what?
    Probably an insurance agent or someone whos very talkative.

    Try talking more and see if you ever get tired. If you don't after, say 3 years, you might like to consider him as a lifelong partner.
    As cliche and corny as this may sound, I would advise you to trust your instinct. Dont rush or push it, just get along well, learn about each other and if you think that he's the one, only then you can start trusting him but again, be steady and natural. Never ever be hasty or superficial when it comes to finding your soulmate.

    Good luck!

    Peace and Love
    My advice is to dump him -- he talks too much.
    Religion is best way to hook a mate because of the moral foundation. get him by all means if you feel you are falling in love.
    just get to know him.

    he may want to be just friends. he may like you. Just let it hang awhile. But if you continue to like him alot...hint a little. Tell him, ';I really like talking to you.';

    He may be shy. So try and let him know you like him. good way: try touching his arm when you talk. touch can tell you alot. when I was in high school and i was talking to a girl, the closer she stood and the more she touched me, the more I thought she liked me and the braver I got. you don't have to bat your eyelashes.

    and if you are scared to just touch him, then touch him by checking out his jewelry, or watch, or straightening his shirt.

    sit next to him in church. get bold and hold his hand.

    if all that fails, and he still is clueless or shy, then just come out and say, ';I like you. Do you know if you like me?';

    If he says yes, then say ';do you LIKE like?';

    that is how it worked when I was young.
    keep dating as long as youre the opposite assuming youre a girl.. make sure youre compatable with birthdates...
    Hey, follow your heart. Sounds like you have a winner there. I followed my heart and married a wonderful guy who is christian and he loves cats and dogs. It sounds like God may have sent you someone. Bless you
    Just for the record, there is nothing in your question that would give any indication as to whether you are man or women.

    (just commenting on your ';additional information'; section.
    If you feel like you want to be more than friends go for it. It sounds like you guys get along great and could either be really good friends or a couple. It's all up to you.
    One thing not clear - - are you a guy or a girl?? I can't offer advice without knowing the answer to that.

    I need advice about a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    ok i have had a friend for 3 years and in 8th grade we started like talking to each other less frequently. my friends told me that she was talking to me behind my back and i did confront her about that but she said that she didnt know what i was talking about. Just recently her brother told me that she was talking about me she said i was a slut and alot of other stuff. I know she has been jelouse of me ever since we have been friends. what should i do????? should i talk to her or should i try to ignore her??? I NEED HELP!!!I need advice about a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
    I would talk to her and ask her what he problem is, because obviously she has one. Sometimes we just outgrow friends - maybe that is what has happened!? You're young, and throughout your life you will meet a lot of new people, make a lot of new friends, and lose some along the way too - it's all part of growing up. If this has been going on for the majority of the time you have been friends, maybe it's time to evaluate the friendship. Like I said before, try talking to her and see if you can work it out - if not, and it still continues, then I would think about moving on!I need advice about a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
    you're welcome :) Hope everything works out great for you!!

    Report Abuse

    ignoreee her! i have a friend like that but instead of ignoring her i let her get away with everything she did to me with an appology! Than she would act all innocent! dont let it happen anymore! be strong dont let anyone walk all over you and make you look like she is contolling you! Good Luck
    ask her brother again if he would be willing to confront her w/ you, gossip hurts and it wouldn't be good if she gets something going around
    i don't think we have the full story. what did you do to make her say those things?
    Fun Fun I remember those ages. I was BFF with my friend since kindergarten to 9th grade then we split. Just don't talk to her as much. Still say hi to each other but split ways. Most of the time when people reach high school they split ways bigger classes more people, Different clicks ect. Plus when you graduate it is not like your going to see or really talk to them again they say less than10 percent of people in high school and after College still talk. Good Luck and Don't Let your difference bother you. I had the same problem. Just think of it this way. Girls never really get along together because they are always jealous of each other.
    ignore, if it continues, then break it up. or as they say (two can play the gossip game) remember, a little kid will only annoy if u give it attention.)

    i think you should ignore her because why would people start that she was saying bad stuff about you. i mean theres got to be a reason. i think shes jealous of you and she is talking behind your back. people dont say stuff for no reason they most likely heard her talk about you.
    Ignore the things she says. Only you know the truth about yourself. If you know for sure she is saying stuff, confront her. Don't start drama or a fight just keep it real and maybe try to patch things up. Its much better to be friends than enemies. Don't retaliate.
    You told us all about the things she has done without telling us what you have done. By that I mean are you a good friend to her ALWAYS? If so then it is time for you to reevaluate the relationship. So often we stay in what is familiar and comfortable when the fact is we should move on with our lives. Life is too short to waste on people that don't have our best interests at heart. Don't tell her how you feel--show her. Stop answering the phone for her or if you do make the conversation very short and just put some distance between she and you. Remember actions speak louder than words.
    Over throw her. I did it with my friend who talked sh*t behind my back. Now hes a ****** and a looser while me n my boyz are at the top partying every night up. Trust is what you need between your friends.
    ignore her!!!! she's def. not worth her time
    Ignore her...girls are so catty
    well dont talk about her behind her back but just ignore her and when she wants to come to you for help dont help her and make her suffer just give a while but dont make it last forever u need to eventually talk it out but but not right now
    You should talk to her instead of listening to what everyone else is saying. If you find out that she is talking about you behind your back, then she was never really your ';friend';. Find a new friend. I wouldn't suggest sinking to her level and talking about her behind her back, then you would look just as bad as she did and you can say you are better than that.
    you need to talk to her. first confront her with it (again), and then tell her that she is beautiful, and give her complements to help higher her self esteem.
    There wouldn't be any use trying to talk to her because she would just deny whatever you accused her of doing. The best thing you can do is just distance yourself from her and totally ignore her.
    Well, confront her again. We can tell if people are lyin!!! Also, if i were u id keep my distance!!! she seems like the shadey type to me
    Ignore her..she's fake.

    Need some advice about this girl???

    Ok so there is this girl that is in a bunch of my classes.

    We talk a lot online and we walk to and from some classes together.

    We also text eachother a lot.

    We have known eachother since middle school.

    I have always kind of wanted to go out with her but i wasn't sure what she would say back, but she always smiles at me in class and sits on my desk before class.

    I really have no idea what to do in this situation so any advice can help?? preferable from a girlNeed some advice about this girl???
    go for it

    some girls are to shy to ask out guys and want the guys to ask them out but they'll hint it a lot so they knowNeed some advice about this girl???
    yes yes yes.

    it seems like she likes you, because if i was doing all of that with a guy that ive known ever since middle school that i would forsure like him!

    but if its been along time that you guys have been doing all of that then she might not like you as much as she did when you guys first started doing that, does that make sence?

    well i hope i helped somehow.

    mabe try to ask her to hang out with some of your friends at the mall sometime. that could spark something up!

    goodluck %26lt;3

    I need advice about divorce.?

    I have 3 kids ages 1,2, and 3. My husband has been abusive and controling for years. He's already been in jail for an overnight when I called the police because he hit me a bunch and then cut my finger open when I tried to call the police. As of January 3rd, he is going to jail for 4 months. He says he didn't do it, but my heart tells me he did. My question for all divorced single moms is this: Would it be better to leave while he's away so the kids will already be used to him being gone, or should I wait some more. I see this as my opportunity to finally be free. Also, I'm scared because he has told me in the past that if I leave him, he'll kill me, and I wouldn't be surprised if he means it. Please help?!I need advice about divorce.?
    I am speaking from experience. Leave that man while he's gone. My ex husband used to beat me and threatened to kill me too. I took my children and ran as far as I could to get away from him, but it was the smartest and best thing I ever did. The longer you stay, the more dangerous it will be to leave. Take everything that man says seriously because they do mean what they say. You can outsmart him by raising your kids and enjoying your life without him. When you leave, don't give a forwarding address. Him being in jail will make this legal for you not to notify him. Do not let him know that you are thinking about leaving. This man is facing jail time and nothing will prevent him from spending the rest of his life there just to get back at you. Good luck and GOD bless you.I need advice about divorce.?
    Take this time to locate a shelter for battered women (enter on Google or Yahoo) in your state, and get set up for the transition.

    Whatever possessed you to have three children with this monster is a mystery we'll never understand; I suspect that he prevented you from using birth control, wanting the children so as to control you.

    Get out NOW! Do it right, and legally. Don 't leave the state without full court permisssion or you could be charged with kidnapping!

    A shelter can help you with the legal matters.
    yes....leave now....go to a womens shelter/safe haven they will assist you for safety, food and shelter
    Leave asap. If he has a history of physical abuse and it's documented, get a restraining order on him. File the divorce papers. Don't wait for something else to happen.
    Take the chance to leave now while he is in jail. Make the break as easy as you can. Good luck.
    Go to your local district attorney's office and file for a protective order, call an attorney or a legal aid office and file for divorce, get your protective order and if he violates it, he will go to jail. LEAVE HIM NOW!!!!!!!! I cannot stress that enough. LEAVE NOW! Your kids and you deserve better than this animal who cannot even control himself enough to keep his family together. This is on HIM not YOU. YOU NEED TO LEAVE!
    Yes, I would leave now. You should go somewhere that he can't find you. Good Luck.
    First,Get everything legal going you can get- including a court order to keep him away -you can always change that if he cools out. This is a good time to have someone who can help you get full custody of the kids(cause he looks bad right now) and with the divorce- if money is a problem- use a legal service to file- much less. If he has made threats like that in front of anyone- get awritten statement from them to share with the court- When you feel like you have the ';ammo'; then tell him and move- don't let him just get completely surprized- he could accuse you of taking the kids or something---You have quite a load to carry my girl- good luck and be strong! But yes, do what you need to do NOW!
    leave, file first and stay in the state for 90 days (most states will not allow you to move once the divorce has started until 90 days)
    get protective order for yourself...

    I think you already made up your mind about the rest
    I would leave definately. Your kids deserve better. He could eventually hurt them as well as you. I know you're probably terrified. I dont know where you live but there are Battered Womens Shelters for abused women where you and your kids can go there and he wont be able to find you and your kids will be safe and they take care of you there. If you cannot find a place, go to a local church, and they'll help you find a safe place for a while. I hope I have helped.
    Get all documentation on him. When he goes to jail that is your best time for the divorce and to walk away. Because he will be in jail you can feel safe by getting you stuff out and your children without him flipping out and hurting your or them more. When you go to court for your divorce that is when the documantation comes in handy. Show the judge all records on how abusive he is get a restraining order for yourself and try to get supervised visitation (that might be hard if he has not hurt the kids). None the less do everything in your power to make it harder for him to see you and your kids. If he shows up to harm should have everything in place so all you have to do is call the police. The will arrest him if he breaks anylaws. Don't go off you feelings. Go off of common sense! What he has done to you is extremely wrong and he should go to jail. He has deserved and earned that right. Move out of state too if possible and have it so he has to travel 100 % to see his kids. No 50/50. Also take full and sole custody.
    get the heck out, right now, do not wait your life as well as the life of your kids are at stake. get out now
    git ASAP.
    In general, I am opposed to divorce, but in cases like yours, I make an exception! Get out NOW, or as soon as possible. This guy has proven that he is violent. Speak with a lawyer about getting a restraining order for when he gets out. Move to a new place, don't tell him where you've gone, tell your family and friends not to tell him where you've gone, and insure the locks are in excellent working order. You have a responsibility to safeguard yourself and your children. Stay safe!
    Leave him now!!!! DOnt wait till January. Go to your local police station and file for a protective order. There should be no reason it wouldnt be granted if he has threatened you like that. Get away while you can. Protect yourself and your kids before he hurts any of you.
    You can file for a divorce and get a restraining order against all at once.

    My problem with your question is you say ';he says he didn't do it, but my heart tells me he did'; Are you saying he said he didn't hit you? You obviously would know if he hit you or not. Not clear what that meant.

    Anyway, if he went to jail for hitting you, you will have not problem getting the restraining order.
    You should leave him immediately and get a restraining order.

    I need advice about this girl?


    Here's the thing, I like this girl and I think she likes me but here's the thing, she seems to have low self-esteem about herself and she is getting over a tough break up with a stupid boyfriend. I recently told her after I got back from vacation that I like her over the phone, but she said right now relationships aren't worth it and she considers me only as a friend. Lemme add something though...She'll stay up even though shes tired to talk to me, while I was gone on vacation she gave me like 4 emails in the month of July page long email/per wk basically ';and I responded back to them';. In the email's she said how she misses me, she wants to call me when I get back, and she wants to see me. So here's my question, does she really consider me a friend or more? and if a girl has low self-esteem about her self, what are the best ways ';from a females stand point'; to give her that boost of confidence?I need advice about this girl?
    You seem to really care about her. My suggestion is to give her the space she ask for and when she is ready it will happen. Give her compliments no matter how silly you think they may be. She will eventually open up to it and see you for the caring guy you seem to be and it may go your way. Don't pressure her. You will only make her draw into herself harder and then there will be no room for you. Girls love to hear compliments especially if there self esteem is down. She will thank you later. When you compliment her keep it simple. She stays up to talk to you because it makes her feel good about herself. She knows she deserve better than the stupid ex but she is on soft ground and doesn't want to sink again. Just be patient it will come if you stick by her.

    God bless!I need advice about this girl?
    well bro let me tell you something,i'm a girl of early 20's %26amp; the same thing happen to me as well...the only answer there is that she want's you to be there with her all the time so that she can recover from her last break up relationship,so that she can forget her time with the previous guy..she might be lonely but please do still treat her as a good friend because she might need someone to talk to,but remember dont get to attached to her....let it loose and lay low for sometime
    I think she likes you but she;s confused.

    the self-asteem in this case is that she is scared of getting hurt again. So try to get her to understand you wont do that. or just sit back and relax until she is ready. you cant really change a woman's self-esteem problems, you can help by talking to her alot and always making her feel good. it might help a little but it wont completely fix it.
    You know what? From my point of view this girl really loves you more than a friend. You just have to give her some time to forget about that other guy. Most likely it seems like she's afraid of considering another relationship cause she's afraid she might get hurt again. You know what? Keep on treating her the way you are now. She's going to start realizing that you are the one that she really wants to be with. Buy her flowers, chocolate, Check out whats her favorite things like perfume and once in while surprise her with them. Also u could buy a nice postcard send it to her by mail and you'll see she'll fall for you. Good luck sweety

    she definately likes you.

    But...if a girl has low self esteem...idk what to tell you.

    Cas i do too.

    I think she may like you.

    She could like you, but is still not ready to be in a relationship.

    Or when she said that relationships aren't worth it, and that she just sees you as a friend, those just may be her feeling at that time.

    Talk to her about it. Ask her if she still sees you as a friend or more, or you guys could even be more than friend but less than lovers.

    For the low self-esteem...just make her feel special. Tell her how beautiful she is, not hot. Tell her how you reeealy enjoy her company. Make her feel special, but not up to the point where she gets big-headed and cocky.

    Good Luck!
    i think the girl is right in giving you reason that she's not ready for a relationship at this moment.You hould be thankful that this girl is sensible to let you know rather than beat around the bush.I'm not saying you give up your intention on her but maintain a safe distance on how you treat her.You don't want it to be a rebound love ,right? take your time to know each other and let her see you the way you want to be seen.She may like you but she's still in the grieving period.Goodluck.
  • eyeshadow
  • I need advice about a hottiee !!?

    me and my friends went to the movies and as we were getting out i noticed this guy that used 2 go 2 my school and the guy next 2 him was so hot and me and my friend smiled and giggled as we went in the mall the guys were fallowing us biversa they gave us chances 2 talk 2 them but me and my friend chickend out. we know 1 of the guys myspace but we dont know how 2 approach him ?? any advice ?I need advice about a hottiee !!?
    You could be like,';hey was that you in the movie/mall the other day? we thought it was you but weren't sure.';

    That way it looks like you didn't chicken out.

    Other than that, don't giggle and chicken out. If you like someone, just go for it. What's the worst that could happen? You're embarrassed?? Big deal. Happens all the time in life. The sooner you get used to it, the sooner you can live the way you want to.I need advice about a hottiee !!?
    grow up?

    Hey....need advice about a female?

    have this friend who is female...she has a guy she likes who is an ex, btw, but she has feeling for me as well but i think she says she just wants to be with her ex cuz he came up to see her and they had sex. should i tell her those words or not without sounding selfish?Hey....need advice about a female?
    no but u can remind her of everything about her ex that made her ex her ex and go from there....Hey....need advice about a female?
    I am in the same situation, I am attracted to this guy but i am still deeply in love with my ex ... I think you should tell her how you feel and take it from there...but personally i think she doesn't really wanna be with you if she informed to you she had sex with her ex.. move on u deserve better
    haha well do you like her?

    dont say that thats mean

    you could re-phrase it and just be like

    ';how long do you see your relationship going with this guy?';

    idk somthing like that!

    I guess you could then say it like joking but if she gets mad apologize, if she does get mad when you say it, she will think about it.

    believe me, shes prob already thought alot about it. Its hard to go back to an ex whith out questioning youself.

    look on the bright side! theres a 60% chance that they will break up now!
    ask her out
    you need to stand up for yourself and dont let women walk all over you like that...if you are in a relatioship with her...sit her down and let her know how you feel......has she been seeing this guy for awhile? good luck with that hun...ttyl

    I need advice about foundation?!?

    Which foundation would be suitable for spot prone and oily skin?I need advice about foundation?!?
    i use 17 and i have spot prone any oliy skin but it does rub off alotI need advice about foundation?!?
    My mom has very oily skin and so what she did is buy a foundation that doesnt contain any oil that way the oil from the foundation doesnt mix with the one from her face and she got the Artistry Absolute Oil Control Foundation you can find it in this link鈥?/a>

    Lightweight, 100% oil-free foundation confidently puts an end to oil and shine. It鈥檚 clinically proven to minimize the appearance of blemishes, pores, and other skin imperfections while the Matte 300 Oil-Control complex absorbs 300% of its weight in excess oil.
    for spot prones...your going to want to get a concealer. you'll want to get a concealer palette...of at least 4 colors. and depending on the color of the spot, use a color wheel to determine what color concealer will be best.

    and a Foundation for oily skin you'll want to use a matte or powder foundation. or you can even go for a cream/mousse just make sure its not a liquid or gel (yes foundation comes in cream/mousse/liquid/gel/and powder).

    Hope that helps you. :)

    I recommend what I use: Savila base from Coonobabe made specifically for oily skin.

    But before any makeup consider also what I use: a cleanser/toner combo. This goes a long way in preventing breakouts for me. I use their Pepino cleanser, followed by their Savila toner. After washing with cleanser, I apply toner and allow to air dry. This extra step is worth it.

    Hope this helps.
    Bare minerals. It is completely natural, as it has only 5 ingredients (all of which are minerals). It wont antagonize spots like liquid foundation and its good for oily skin too. Hope I helped!! :D

    Answer mine?;鈥?/a>
    clinique almost-powder foundation. i use it, and it works wonderfully, and my dermatologist agrees with it :] try to avoid liquid foundation unless it's oil free, oil can clog your pores and cause breakout.
    dream matte mose, its a dry one so will help to soak up the grease :)
    something oil free, cover girl makes some. and your only supposed to use a little bit to cover the whole face

    Help me !!!! advice about parents?

    what is a way i can show my parents that they can rely on me and trust me ???? casue im grounded and dont want to be ???? so help!!!Help me !!!! advice about parents?
    1, Make sure your room is clean at ALL times.

    2. do extra things around the house that they don't ask you to do. IE cleaning, dishes.

    3. ALWAYS be respectful and courteous even when you don't want to be.

    Good Luck!!Help me !!!! advice about parents?
    what the first person said

    Need some advice about my friend?

    so i dated my best friends bro she hooked us up we broke up 2 months ago and i found out that she was a little upset because i guess i didn't tell her what's going on when we were going out but i didn't think she really cared being it was her bro and all. now that we broke up i really want to talk to her about it but i feel she might be offended becuz it's her family member. so should i talk to her or just leave it alone since i broke up with the guy 2 months ago.Need some advice about my friend?
    Leave it alone.

    Nobody likes to hear bad things said about a family member.

    It ended 2 months ago, Im sure you'll find someone else to hook up with and then you can spill your guts to your mate all you like.Need some advice about my friend?
    if u think she wants to kno then tell her if not then dont bother theres no pioint in telling her now if it was 2months ago!u kno?
    if you think she wnats to hear about it, I think you should tell her but in a not-so-rude way. if you think she doesn't then you should just leave it alone. in the words of shakespear ';what's done is done';
    if you think it would upset her, leave it alone...i mean, its not like it just happened last week or anything.its been 2 months now. you might just be bringing up ancient history by saying anything.

    Need some advice about my husband?

    i met my husband 19 years aga i was 16 hes 21we had twin daughters in when i was 18 we got married when i was 19 weve had our ups and downs like anyone else but i thought we were happy he started a new job 3 months ago two weeks ago found out he has been seeing a nineteen year old from work for six weeks i threw him out but he still with this girl think its disgusting considering his own daughters turn 18 in january since he been with this girl he has had contact once with his daughters with a five minute visit outside there collage i hate him so much much but deep down cant imagine my life without him been with him so long but i just hope i have the last laugh when the girl looks at him one day and says why am i with u and meets someone her own age and ends up with nobody cos he has give them all up for her what are your veiws on this situation and what do you make of it thanksNeed some advice about my husband?
    You think you know someone dont you? What an absolute shock to find out the man you married, the man you thought loved you is messing around on you. Unfortunately, and I am speaking from experience...I found out what my ex husband was like about 15 years into our marriage. He fooled me for all those years....I thought he honestly loved me, then I found out what he was doing and my self esteem took a huge nose dive. I felt like the most ugliest woman in all the world....Everything negative I felt about myself. I wanted revenge, I wanted the same as what you want and that is because you have been hurt to the quick. Dont take him back....he has shown his true colours. She will get sick of him and he will come crawling back to you. Dont be fooled, try to do some really quick healing because it wont be long before he does come crawling back and what better revenge than to say to him...';I dont want you anymore, I have found a man who trully loves me.'; Do whatever you have to do to start feeling good about yourself...Now is the time to pamper yourself, if you need to lose a few pounds, then join a gym, just do and do and do. Become the person you used to be. Get that confidence back..hang around with positive life again. I was in a deep depression for a couple of years...I did some really stupid things....I thought I couldnt live my life without my ex either. I also thought I could never love another man again. I thought I would live out the rest of my life on my own. Guess what? I am 52, and at 50 I met the love of my life and I have never been happier. I thought I was in love with my ex-husband, but how I feel about this new man made me realise I was never trully in love with my ex....this man is my true love and had my marriage not ended I would never have met him, so everything I thought would not happen, did happen and I am just so in love. He is 55, but in my eyes he is 19. He walks into a room and I just have eyes for him. He only has eyes for was a match made in heaven. Time is the only healer, you will get to a point where you no longer hate your husband. I never thought it could happen, but I really dont hate my ex husband, I dont like him either...I kinda feel nothing at all. You will feel the same way one day, but dont do what I did, dont hide yourself away....get out and be part of life again. He will regret what he has done...I guarantee it. And the perfect revenge is to him you dont need him. Show him you are a confident capable woman who is desirable to other men. He will see what he is missing out on....but its going to be too late because you will feel so good about yourself that you wont accept second best want the best. You want to be loved properly, and you will be, but you have to let go of your husband. You have to stop thinking that you wont be able to make it without him. They are all negative thoughts. You can make it without him...probably more than you actually realise. Give yourself some credit....start achieving, start being good to yourself, think good things and your whole life will start changing. Sometimes you are going to need a lot of self control because some days you will feel like just staying in bed and leaving the world is on those days where you will have to force yourself to get up, force yourself to be positive, but if you do it often enough, one day you will be the positive person you are telling yourself you are. Be strong, you will find love again, You were so young when you were married, you havent experienced the real wonders of life...that is all ahead of you. You can have a good life, but you have to believe in yourself.

    I wish you all the luck in the, I dont because all you need is guts and determination to know that you are a capable and beautiful person and that you dont deserve to be treated this way. You will know that your real soul mate could be just around the next corner, but even if its not the next one, I guarantee that one day you will go around your corner and he will be there...he will take your breath away and that is the day you will know that everything I have said here is true.Need some advice about my husband?
    you having the last laugh wont make it better! i think its an inbuilt feature in men to just do hurt ful things no matter how much u have sacirfised.........get up teach your self to live with out me..its a process one step at a time.......ignore wat his doing, focus on your life,be on the mend,not the breaking!
    You sound very bitter, but then you have every right to be. He is obviously going through a middle life crises and was flattered by the attentions of a young girl - not that that is any excuse. He probably wouldn't have left you, but just had a fling to boost his ego. However, you did chuck him out and now you have to get on with things. The first thing to ask yourself is - do you still love him or had he just become a habit after all those years together? Your decision about what you want to do will depend on your answer. If you truly love him you will take him back when the girl dumps him and he comes crawling back to you with his tail between his legs. If you don't, and he is just a habit, believe me you will get over it and you can use this situation to create a new and better life for yourself. You will eventually look back and be glad that it all happened. Incidentally, what do your daughters think about what their father has done?
    If he has plenty of money or he is in a position to cause continuance/discontinuance of the job of his gf, she will continue to have relationship for material benefits. Sort of whore.


    I am sorry for your painful situation, Penny. My ex divorced me after 18 years with two children. The reason was he had been having an affair with his secretary whom he is married with today. All this happened five years ago and I thought death would have been less painful than the humilliation he put me through. I understand you want him to be disappointed in the end of a love affair with this very young girl but will you really be happy when all this is over? And, will you ever be able to trust him again? Maybe your marriage is already over?! Is it really worth it pursuing it?
    Firstly may i say how sorry i am for u and i do understand the grief and sorrow u are going through!

    However can I just let you know my parents marriage split up 8 years ago due to my dad going off with a lady young enough to be his daughter! My mum was like you, they had been together 34 yrs! She forgot about all her bullying and the reasons why dad may have gone off! (not suggesting you bullied your husband!) However My dad and his girlfriend are still happily together! My mum has made things very difficult fot all us children to see our dad ( even though we are adults) she has caused so much pain and heartache to us all!

    Just please still encourage you children to see him, as my mum thinks none of us see my dad with his girlfriend! Don't ruin your kids relationship with him just because he didn't want you any more! Please for your kids sake! Good luck , if i were you i would start looking for someone else!
    1 Stop being spiteful and you will be able to get on with your life.

    2 Unfortunately due to the circumstances with you he probably feels uncomfortable about contacting his daughters.
    Let him go but if he comes crawling back tell him to F@@@ off.
    men could be so foolishly carried away by meaningless things.just be positive %26amp; be 'still %26amp; wise' in handling the issue.all will be well again.
    first of all i am sorry to hear about this, this is obviously a difficult time for you. i know you love him but the best thing to do now is to let go, your children are at the age where they can go and see there father them selves and if they dont want to then its him thats missing out. as for you get some friends together get your hair, nails and feet done, buy some stunning new clothes and go out on the town. this is not going to make you get over everything but it is a start. and your right she is only 19 so she will find someone her own age then he will come crawling back with his tail between his legs.
    She probably will indeed get rid of him eventually. Really there is nothing you can directly do. I am really sorry for both you and your daughters. Some men are such right gits!

    Though it may be cold comfort at this point, you are still young enough to attract someone else when you are ready. Really even the score:

    Find a 25 year old graduate student with good looks and money, and be sure to rub you husband's nose in it at every possible chance!

    --CJ ';That Cheeky Lad!';
    Well....first let me say that I am sorry that you and your daughters are going through this terrible pain. It is not easy to suddenly have your entire life and everything you thought you had disappear. Unfortunately, it is not that uncommon for an older man to become infatuated with a much younger woman. He clearly is going through his Mid-life crisis and at some point will not doubt, want to come back to you. What you do when that happens is up to you but just keep in mind that once they will be easier the next time...and there will be a next time no matter how much he begs and pleads and promises that there won't be. The fact that he is not in touch with your daughters is even more need to help them understand that it is not their fault and that these things happen in life. Hopefully, he will smarten up and be a dad to them again soon. If it were me, I would be calling a lawyer and filing for divorce. I would also be gathering all the financial assets that you have and making sure that he cannot get his hands on anything. It will be spent on this young woman and you will be left with empty the bank accounts and put everything in a safe place in your name...If you need to start over alone you will need money...Good luck to you and your prayers are with you...
    No one should be treated like you have. This 19 yr old will look at him and realise he'll be old enough to be her father. You can live without him just you have never needed to and are scared of being single, it'll take time to get used to you have never been in this situation before. Show him you can survive without him. Good luck
    u married way too young. Now u should make the most of your freedom and go out and live your life the way u want to. Enjoy being single again. Meet new people, go to the pub with your friends, party, and forget the loser u married. He is not worth crying over. It wont be long before u realise u missed out when u were younger
    the only reason you want him back is because you want your daughters to be happy. what you need to do is talk to your daughters and ask them how they feel about this entire situation and if they feel unloved by their father have them tell them that because if you tell him that that will just make him think that you are jealous.
    I don't think he's worth the air that he breathes if he's given you and his daughters up for some stupid 19 year old at his work. You did the right thing throwing him out though. Seems like he's ignoring his daughters too, all for the sake of this. If you really feel like you can't go on without him though, speak to him and make it clear that this is his last chance, but if he's done this once, he may well do it again and again. I think you should leave him to his own devices as he's the stupid one and it's him that will lose out in the end. At least your daughters are at an age that they can understand what's going on and can make up their own mind about him - would be worse if they were only young and unable to understand. He sounds like an idiot to have done this. How dare he. The best of luck for the future x
    I had been with my ex for 26 years before I left him. What's in the past is just that(in the past), concentrate on the future. Don't waste time thinking he will get what he deserves. Put an action plan into place so you get what you deserve. Best piece of advice I ever received was 'Don't add to an already destructive situation'.
    I think you're very angry and hurt by his actions and rightly so. You will go through many emotions which is perfectly normal but don't let that anger get the best of you. You can have a life without him, never tell yourself that you can't. The best thing you can do is show him that you have no problem getting on with your life without him in it. You're going to be ok, you will get through this.
    I'm sorry for you. It would be terrible for that to happen, all the time invested, love, children. Karma will get him. I hope it comes up and bites him in the ***!
    there wont be nothing stopping them two having intimate relationship so expect it. I would leave him if he is that perverted he needs to realize he is a older man now not some kid. Tell him to grow up
    OK, several different things here:

    ';I can't imagine my life without him'; - of course you can't ,you've never been on your own before. However, you're very angry right now, and to consider getting back with him for this reason alone is not a good enough reason. You need to get past the angry stage, and see what your real feelings are when they're not twisted and fired up by the nearness of this turn of events. I'd suggest you need to focus on YOU for a while - getting your life in a position that you are happy with WITHOUT taking hubby into the equation. You might find that you like the freedom that goes with the single life, you might find that you like the thought of dating other mena or you might find that you forgive your husband and do still want to make a life with him. But you do need that clamer perspective before making permanent decisions.

    Secondly, your husband is like many people - has seen something new and exciting and is too weak willed to turn it down. Even if she turns out to be the new love of his life (and that may hurt, but it's a possibility) then he didn't go about it in a respectable fashion. IF his jailbait does chuck him out in time, you need to decide what you're going to do if he comes back begging for a second chance. But remember, you deserve a good life too, and so you need to decide whether your life will be better with or without him.

    As for the girls, they have to make their own relationship with their dad work, and they need to tell him if they think he's neglecting them. Most 18 yr olds only want their dad around for cash and a taxi ride home, but if they do want to see him more, they need to tell him. You're very angry right now (understandably) so it will be hard not to influence their opinion of their dad, but you must try.

    At the end of the day, YOU'LL BE FINE. As many millions of us wronged women will testify, it may seem that the world has collapsed, but it only SEEMS that way. What's on the other side of this pain and misery can be quite a lot of fun if you want it to be!

    Best of luck, and keep your chin up!!
    Well Penny i think you are right. What goes around comes around.
    He will get what he deserves, just give it time. Im sure she will eventually dump him like you said and then he will have nothing and no one.
    Sounds like he is having a mid life crisis!!!!!!!

    I believe in karma, u'll be fine and meet someone lovely and soon enough he will regreting his stupidity.

    Hold tight life will get good for u again x
    i think you should let him go


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  • Advice about cayman island info...?

    i am going to the cayman islands for a week, and i wanted to know iuf you guys could throw me a few suggestions what i can do, since i wont go the for a long time, and i live in new england so its a big deal.all my family is from cuba and live in the carribean, so im not the tourist type of guy.


    fishing, or something cool and enjoyable,

    alsowhat are some things i shouyld bring back for memories?Advice about cayman island info...?
    Visit Hell (not touristy)

    Relax on the beach

    Relax at some pub

    Visit the turtle farm (educational)

    Walk around Georgetown

    Eat turtle stew/soup

    Do what ever you want that's not tourist.

    Sleep in late

    Don't bring any turtle shell products back. They are on the endangered species list and customs might confiscate them.Advice about cayman island info...?
    Yeah everything he said above. You can fish anywhere. Do some snorkling if you want. The water is excellent. Warm and very clear. Shop downtown, its very nice. Its hard not to do the Tourist things on this island. Food is very expensive there so be prepared.

    Advice about my mom and being kicked out at 17?


    17 years old.ive had depression for the past 4 years, and ive been seeing doctors since then. me and my mom have always gotten into fights about rules and responcibility but then i moved and everything seemed to get better. Within the past 5 months, my mom broke up with her boyfriend (who we were living with) and we moved to another town. everyone here is rude, and mean, and just the typical people you would not like to hang out with. I have been sticking it out, but it is hard, and i can not focus with everyone down my back and staying dumb things. i know i should just ignore it, but i cant. my grades have been slipping, and i have been talking to my teachers, but they couldnt care less. my mom said that she could transfer me back over to my new school for next year, for when i graduate, but id have to stick out the next 3 months. i didnt mind. but last month my mom got herself a new boyfriend. i didnt mind him, but he is a little strange. last sunday me and my boyfriend got into a debt about how my mom doesnt really care about anything but going to work, going back to school and her new boyfriend. which in a sense is true. we broke up and i got upset and told my mom how i really felt about her new boyfriend. everything was fine until me and my boyfriend got back together and agreed that we'd work things out. my mom got mad at me..i guess she doesnt really like him, but then last night i went to go see one of my doctors. My doctor told me that she had been emailing my guidance counseller and he had told her about my grades, and my mom was in the room. Then in the caar ride back home, my mom started yelling at me telling me how I told the counseller about her boyfriend, and how i knew better than to fail school. and i told her that that was what i was there for. to tell the lady my feelings and thoughts about everything. My mom told me that im ruining her life and i have respect for anyone but myself. i figured that my mom was just blowing off steam..but then she added that if i am to stay with my boyfriend i have to leave the house. she said that she wants me out by the end of june when school lets out.

    im not sure what to do because i have no place to go, and no job.

    i dont even have my permit because my mom said that i can wait until im 18 :(

    im not 18 until december..til then i dont know what to do.

    my friend offered to let me stay with him over the summer..but his mom said that i need a job, and a car might be nice..

    but i know i can find a job..and a car will be no problem because ive been saving in my bank account.

    i hate my mom being mad at me, but i dont understand why.

    i thought that telling her i didnt like her boyfriend would maybe open things up and we could talk more, but i guess not. she just swore at me the time and told me that im always gone on the weekends, and im always complaining we dont spend time together..

    but truth is:

    i have to deal with assholes in school all day, 5 days a week..then go home and watch my little sister from 3 until whever my mom gets home. My mom sometimes doesnt get home until 10 and then has her boyfriend come over. I just want to see my old friends and boyfriend. and rides are always given to me by them, so..i wanna spend time with her, but on the weekends she is with her boyfriend too.

    I dont know.

    I understand that she is a single parent, and we dont have a lot..

    but i dont see why she cant look into my eyes for just a second.

    i tried talking to her, but she told me i was wasting her time, and there was no point. im not part of the family? i dont know, thats what she does.

    im just scared because i have to wait until summer, and i feel terrible.

    does anyone have any thoughts, or anything to maybe claim me down?

    i have been feeling really down lately, and i figured, there must be someone like me out there..

    thank you!!!! :(Advice about my mom and being kicked out at 17?

    I'm sorry that you have to deal with this!!

    It sucks. No one should have to deal with that. My situation is similar many ways and different in other ways. If you ever need someone to talk to don't hesitate to e-mail me.

    By the way I'm 16 so not much younger then you.Advice about my mom and being kicked out at 17?
    It is never easy growing up, especially when you hit your teens. Most want their freedom, to make their own choices and RUSH into adulthood. What troubles me the most is your Negative attitude towards hate your mom's boyfriend, everyone is rude in the new town, your teachers don't care, you resent babysitting your little sister, your mom doesn't care or understand. When someone believes the whole world is against them it usually isn't the fault of the world. First you should talk to your Dr and tell him how you are feeling, he may need to put you on meds or change your medication if you are already on some. You need to find something positive to focus on rather than negativity, get involved with a group or find a hobby that gives you some pleasure. One thing I can guarantee won't work is running off to be with your boyfriend. You will end up being dependent on him and that is a form of control. You are only 17, and you need to grow up. Your #1 Priority is overcoming your ';depression'; and how you view others. Start looking for just 1 positive thing in everyone you meet or know, you might be amazed at what you discover.
    I think your mom doesnt understand where your coming from because she doesnt understand her own situation. Shes had alot to deal with from work(trying to provide for you and your sister), to her own relationship problems. If she really wants you to move out, then i would, but i would try to be in contact with her and especially your little sister as much as posssile. Your 17, you need to start thinking about your own wellbeing, providing for you and doing the best that you can do. Just be there for her, she needs you more than you know.

    Need some advice about a relationship advice. Girls help me if u can. Cheers?

    can I get one of my best female friends to be my gf. This girl u can say treats me very well. She is a very nice person but if someone met her for the first time then they will see her as a very reserved person. And i thought the same as well. i think it is very difficult for her to trust a guy as usually she does not like to get into pictures with guys and also refuses any drinks from any guy barring me. She also hardly talks to them much.

    I have started to like her only recently after knowing her for 1 year. she only leaves her drinks with me and no other guy. once when her friend died and she ended up drinking too much she came to me, held my hand the whole night, and asked me to look after her which i did. She also that night (do not know if it was because she was sad) locked my arm with hers and asked me look at the clear sky. She said ' look at the sky. there are sooo many stars' I had no idea what to say to her (or what she wanted me) to do so i just gave her a hugNeed some advice about a relationship advice. Girls help me if u can. Cheers?
    You must tell her if you feel this way about her . It sounds like she likes you so much and probably feels very comfortable with you . If you are true friends . You will get through these feelings 1 way or another. I t could be very positive for you . These things take time . She sounds as if she is a careful person . You mentioned that you are not a threat to her . You must know her pretty well for you to have realized this about her . She must trust you if you can be together as close friends with affection. Good luck on your fate . I hope the best for you . You sound like you have a great respect for her and a genuine friendship. .Need some advice about a relationship advice. Girls help me if u can. Cheers?
    100%, thats how i acted around a boy, h never had the guts to say anything though! i wanted to be more than fiends but i was scared he didn't!
    I think it sounds pretty good to me. I think she would be attracted to you. I'm not absolutely positive that she would say yes to you because you two are such good friends, but i would try to flirt with her more. Give her more hugs, and maybe if she responds in a good way with those, then try kissing her when it's a good time.. should make sure she is into you.
    I would say you are in a great position. If you are already good friends and she trusts you then chances are she wants to be with you. When you guys are just hanging out, say to her ';what do you think about dating me?'; Then see what her response is. You should be able to tell from her reaction on if she backs off or not. If she backs off say something like that would be funny the 2 of us dating.
    Sounds like it would be rather easy to get her to be your gf. However, you also run the risk of her really just considering you a good friend, almost brother-like. If she sees you more as an awesome friend/brother figure, trying to date her may put a slight strain on your friendship if she doesn't feel the same about you. It could make it awkward. If she only sees you as a friend and nothing more she may think more about how she approaches you to keep you from getting mixed signals. Women are usually affectionate with men, whether it be just their friend or someone they want to be with. I agree we can be slightly confusing. I'm not saying to give up just really think deep about the friendship and think about all her actions. Are they more girl-just-being-friendly actions or are they girl-likes-boy actions. There is a fine line between the two but there is still a line. If you know it is more than a friend vibe she is giving off then I say go for it and good luck. Personally, you sound like a guy friend that I would probably have a slight crush on. Good luck.
    doesn't hurt to ask her, sounds like it could work to me.
    I think the question is hard when it comes to marriage. That's why people have girlfriends or boyfriends (to decide if they can take another step to marriage!) I mean you don't need to think that much; if you guys cannot get together after all, you can still keep the friendship, right?

    Personally, I think she is TOO reserved but that would secure fidelity, too. (And I consider faithfulness the most important thing of any relation)

    Somebody waits and loses their chance. But because you seem to be really serious about this and because she is so reserved, I guess let give it some times before you decide anything. In case you are not a man of patience, which is not any bad thing but which I guess you are not ^^, just ask her what she thinks of you so that you would not mistake her, or at least what she wants you to know. (People's problems result from assumptions. So even if you are patient, this would probably a way to get thing clear).

    Good luck ^^
    It sounds to me as if she trusts you A LOT. That's good to know in both a friendship or relationship.

    She obviously feels very comfortable around you and you are most likely one of the top guys that she trusts.

    As for the gentle flirting, she may just be a friendly person to people who she is comfortable around, or she may be subtly hinting to you that she may want more. She also may want you to make the first move.

    She could just see you as a really good, close friend. If you're desperate for the relationship to happen then you're going to have to make it clear for her.

    But I recommend turning up your flirting a level and soft hints that you may like her, see how that goes at first. If things get bad between the friendship then it probably means she only wants you as a friend.

    Good luck!
    look wat u wrote at the begining was like she likes u but at the end somethin .....

    u go and jst say to her that u want to ask her somethin and whn she replies wat is it then simpy say i will tell u later

    i she argue with this then she likes u and if she say ok later then jst friends . do this stuff whn both of u are alone and havin a good personal conversation...

    then start ur conversation on holidays then suddenly u ask her why she was not in touch with u durin holidays ok

    hope she likes u ....
    The chances sound pretty good. My boyfriend and I were great friends all throughout high school and into our early 20s when we finally decided to get together. We have been seeing each other for over 3 years and are very happy. You two sound like we did. Just don't rush her and don't freak her out with any bold proclaimations of love. :) Good luck!
    she likes you. you like her. make it clear. tell her. word that comes from your heart will fall into her heart... go tiger!!!
    Hmmm... from my point of view she seems to like you a lot, but whether she wants you as a bf... this remains an enigma... I think you should tell her about how you feel and also tell her that the decision is all hers and if she doesn't wanna go out with you then it's fine, you can still be friends...

    Maybe she likes to be with you because she feels secure when you're around, she came to you to seek for comfort when her friend pass away...

    Maybe she thinks that you're the only one who can understand her... Ask her your question calmly and wait for a reply. Don't rush things over though...

    All the best
    We don't know if she likes you in that way or not, just ask her out if you want to.

    If you're a teenager keep in mind that you are only young and if you break up it would affect your friendship. What's more important to you?

    Advice about a boyfriend?

    My boyfriend and I have been ';together'; for 4 years, I'm 20. Yes, we met online and live in different areas but, that's never really been a problem between us. Both our families already know about us and they seem more or less okay with the idea. I already know he's not fake or messing around, so that's not an issue or what I'm asking about here. His brother, whom has never really supported us, argued with him about having a long distance relationship. He mostly talked bad about me, also made stupid accusations about things he doesn't understand and, in fact, aren't really any of his business. I'm upset because it seems like it changed my boyfriend's mind about everything just from the fight. I'm afraid he's going to break up with me soon and I can't seem to think of anything to stop it. Advice appreciated.Advice about a boyfriend?
    Long Distance Relationships DON'T WORK he's only been happy because he's been banging someone on the side while he's been trying to figure out how to get to were you are to get in your pants before breaking up. He has probably realized he's never going to actually meet you so he will be breaking up with you. GO FIND SOMEONE CLOSE TO HOME GET LAID AND FORGET ABOUT HAVING A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP. They don't work!!!!!!!!

    F99Advice about a boyfriend?
    if he really cares about you his brother wont be able to change his mind about the way he feels. dont worry about it;鈥?/a>
    Just continue to be who you are. He will hopefully realize he loves you and realize that this relationship is his and not his brothers. His brother doesn't get a say in this. Good luck.

    ya'll been together for 4 yearsz

    i doubt hes gonna break ur heart ovr sumthang is dumb brother said

    ..if he tellsz u he loves u..%26amp;%26amp; u believed him....

    so why not trust him wit ur heart now

    so wat if his bro dnt like u...he doesnt matter

    one lil thing shouldnt change his mind atfer 4 yearsz

    %26amp;%26amp; if it does...he aint worth ur time anywaysz

    u can find better right in ur own area
    you can't stop him from breaking up with you. do you really think you have a future with someone who is so easily influenced by a family member? i could see if he knows something awful about you, like you are a tramp or you actually have 4 kids all with different dads, or you are a con or something. but, if he has nothing and is just talking out his ****, then..... your bf should not be breaking up with you just because his brother is a treat. why would he be against you guys being together. i don't really understand that part. i'm sorry, but you can't prevent him ending things, all you can do is tell the truth and maintain to him that you care about him and want the relationship to continue. thats all YOU can do.

    Advice about replacing a clutch on honda accord.?

    I have a '93 accord, and I'm getting ready to replace the clutch since its pretty shot. I've been fixing my own vehicles for about 7 years, although this is the biggest repair I've faced.

    Heres my question though, I checked the haynes manual, and also the chilton manual. And they do have a big long step by step process, however they list a lot of steps that don't seem necessary.

    Such as removing the starter, removing the exhaust, both cv shafts, center beam, air intake, all the different cables attached to the transaxle, draining the transaxle, etc.

    Are all these things really necessary? Part of the reason I wonder is because I've seen quite a few jobs in the past in the haynes manuals that have more steps than necessary. But also in both manuals, when I go to the clutch replacement section, it referres me to the section on removing a if I were to replace it with a new one. But I'm not. Now I don't know much about transaxles, but Don't I just need to lower it down a foot or so just to gain access to the clutch?

    I just looked under the car and to me it doesn't even look like the exhaust and center bar are in the way, nor does it look as if the starter is in the way. Or it also looks like if I just unbolted a couple bolts, or ball joints on the control arms (to give them a little bit of play in and out), it seems like I'd be able to just leave them attached to the transaxle without removing them.

    I'm really trying to get this done in the least amount of time so I can still have fun this weekend, so are all these steps really necessary? Which ones are/are not? Is there any place to find a better guide? Thanks.Advice about replacing a clutch on honda accord.?
    Everything excpt the exhaust has to be done, replace the rear main and throwout bearing also. You need a lift and the transmission needs to be completly out of the way. I am not going to lie, the job is a P.I.T.AAdvice about replacing a clutch on honda accord.?
    i hope your planning on changing the pressure plate too, and it really is a pain. hope you have a lift

    Advice about my boyfriend.?

    Okay ive been going out with this guy for four weeks now, I really like him but he is real big on drugs and he got arrested at school last week for drugs. Every one that knows im going out with him at school and they all know that he is a pot head but no one understands that hes not a bad guy i like him a whole bunch my teachers even know that were going out some how and they told my mom im dating someone that doese drugs at parrent teacher converence and they all warned my mom about him that he is very dangerous. And he is suspended from school for awhile and i dont see him much because my mom is becomeing very protective because ive been making bad choices or she thinks i have and she has never even met him. ive been going over to my friends house alot so we could go see him because my mom wont let me see him. i dont know what to do he gave me a dimond ring and i like him a whole bunch and he isnt dangerous people think they no him but they dont hes really cute and funny and nice and i like everything about him i dont know how to prove to my mom or everyone else how sweet he is. And i want to hang out just me and him and not my friend around. can someone help me out?Advice about my boyfriend.?
    okay, how do I say this nicely............Unless he changes his ways more than likely he will turn out to be a lazy no good wife/girlfriend beater that can not hold down a job which will in turn end up as more beatings for the wife/girlfriend. Please move on with your life and find someone else
  • eyeshadow
  • Need advice about my ex... I'm so confused..?

    I was dating my boyfriend for over a year and a half and I can honestly say I loved him. We're both 21. Well, to make a long story short, it didn't work out... and we broke up in May, last year. I'm still not over him. We hardly ever talk.

    Then a few days ago he messaged me on msn and we had a short chat. And two days ago, when I was away, he left me the link to a song called:

    Always On My Mind by Pet Shop Boys

    Is he just toying with me, showing me a good song, or is he giving me a hint? I remember he did the same thing over a year ago; he was too shy to talk to me so he gave me a song that explained his feelings, but do you think this is the case now? Would you give such a song to your ex? And what do I do? I talked to him for a little while today but he's not feeling well so I'm not even mentioning the song... I know I might be overreacting but I'm confused... any advice is very appreciated :( I miss him...Need advice about my ex... I'm so confused..?
    Thank him for the song, and playfully joke with him

    ';If you continue to send such songs to me I might fall in love with you all over again!';

    Let's see how he reacts.Need advice about my ex... I'm so confused..?
    it does sound like he is trying to communicate via a song; if he is that shy i totally understand!

    since i don't know his personality, i can't say for sure, but it sounds like he is either interested still/again or regretting his decision and trying to grovel...

    either way if he is a good guy and you enjoyed being with him you should see where it goes; if not, don't even get into it!
    He might genuinely miss you, just try to go out to dinner with him sometime or something. If you get back together don't get physical with him right away, take it slow so he can prove he wants you back for you, not your body.
    speculating does not help u ..either ask him outright or forget about it..untill he tells u what's what u ain't gonna know ne thing... only guess....which will lead to more confusion 4 u all this beating about the bush stuff stop i said untill he says ne thing u won't know where u stand..wud'nt it be better to get this out of the way .. u miss him thats y ur willing to entertain him r u forgetting it did'nt work before what makes u think it's gonna work's time to take off the rose tinted glasses

    Need advice about baby's feeding pattern?

    I am a new mom of a lovely little girl. She turns 2 months in a few days. I don't know if this is a problem or not, but I wanted to ask this question and seek advice from mom's who have had similar experience. My daughter used to breast feed every 3 hours day and night till last week. Now she has started sleeping 8 hours without feeding at nights and eats every 4 hours during the day. She has enough amount of wet and dirty diapers. I did not check her weight since 2 weeks, but I guess she is gaining and not losing. I am very confused if she is eating properly or not. Is something wrong? Should I take her to her doctor?. Please advice.Need advice about baby's feeding pattern?
    your daughter will eat on demand not scheduled feeding, better. your baby knows just how much she needs and how often. you will notice longer breaks between feedings as she gets older, AND sometimes shorter breaks when she is having a growth spurt.

    just like a formula fed baby, their mother would have to increase the amount of formula they give their child as they grow, you breasts will make more breast milk depending on how often baby feeds.

    the shorter the breaks means that your baby is trying to increase supply, allow her to do that; to feed on demand.

    when the shorter breaks lengthen and stretch out, that is when the growth spurt stops for a bit and she enjoys the longer naps and a fuller tummy.

    you're doing great! keep it up.Need advice about baby's feeding pattern?
    Feeding every 4 hours is fine if she has enough dirty diapers. I wouldn't let her go more than 4 during the day. You should go buy a baby scale. They sell them all around even at Walmart. It may cost like $60 but the peace of mind it gives you is priceless. I did this and I felt so much better that my daughter was gaining weight!
    I think ur baby is fine. She wont sleep so much if she isnt well fed. babies tend to have longer intervals of feeding as they grow up. and since she has wet diapers, then there's no problem. U don't need to see d doc. at all. When she is experiencing growth spurt, she'll eat more and u may even begin to think she's not getting enough.

    As long as u breastfeed exclusively and feed ur baby on demand, u shouldn't bother. She's just a good girl who doesnt want to disturb mom all the time, and of course she loves her beauty sleep too.
    Your daughter will be fine she must be getting satisfied enough, how long does she nurse?
    As babies get older, they can go a little longer without food. She's likely getting more in one sitting now. You are the luckiest mommy in the world having her sleep 8 hours straight - shouldn't be a problem as long as she is wetting and dirtying enough diapers and gaining properly.

    To make certain, run by your doctor's office for a weight check. I'd call and talk to a nurse as well and make certain they don't think you should wake her once at night to feed.

    Please advice about my Life?Please suggest what to do?

    I am owner of a web development %26amp; training company. I am a college drop out. I have taken 7 long years to build up this company in which we used to give professional training.MBA and MCA people also are working for me. my problem is that i come from a poor family and we are 8 brothers and sisters. 6 are married (4 elder and 2 younger) and me and my younger sister are unmarried and searching for the match. I am already 36 years of old. not made even a girl freidn yet

    My family wants me to go arrange marriage and they have match but i don't want to marry such match becuase they are not upto my expection ( not so educated and beautiful) and i can't go for rite match (educated and beautiful girl) because if i try rite proposal people will reject my proposal. because we are 8 brothers and sister and i come from a poor family and also i am not even a graduate. My family find a girl for me and they force me to marry because i am already 36. Please guide me what to do should i marry according to my parent because i am too old and my family background and not graudate and my 2 younger brothers are already married. And how to find a rite match for me? I am totally confused about my life. One more i live alone as a PG there is not allowed any one else one more thing i don't like the PG owner it generate negative energy. I am planning to take a apartment so that i can invite friends on weekend and interact with girls or friends and sometime think managing the apartment is little difficult becuase leaning and all. due to lot of problem i am not doing good in business.

    I am very negative, low esteem and not confident about my life and profession. not happy with my current situation. Please guide what to do first and step by step.

    I will really thanks for the person who help me to come out with problem.

    ThanksPlease advice about my Life?Please suggest what to do?
    You don't have to feel ashamed for not sticking to cultural tradition or family pressure to marry. That's bondage. You should respect and love your parents, but as an adult, make your own decision, carefully. slowly, and wisely.

    I congratulate you for having a successful business lasting 7 years. Yes, I say successful, because many businesses fail in the first year. This can look good to a potential wife, who wants to feel secure. It's not the college degree, but what you do with your head that counts. Not everyone is meant to go to college. I graduated from college but had chosen the wrong career, and didn't really use the degree. Still, I'm trainable and intelligent. So are you and you've proven it with the business.

    Coming from a poor family isn't your fault and you are not doomed to a helpless future because of it. You're you, not your family. Each member must be responsible for actions, obtaining knowledge, right habits, good social contacts, etc.

    I suggest you change the way you think; as a person thinks, so is he or she. Your life will be shaped by your thoughts: decisions, actions, and destiny. The best destiny is one that is led by the only One who knows every single detail of your life: God. He wants a relationship- not religion- with you. He made you for Himself,to become like Him. I can't help you choose a wife, but God knows who is right for you, and who can encourage you. He has a plan for your life, and also knows it's not good for man to be alone. That's why He created Eve.

    God will give wisdom, peace, understanding, guidance and more, if you keep an ongoing relationship with Him, by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart. He's made a difference in my life, and is not partial to anyone. Start by praying the following out loud:

    ';Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me of my sin. Wash me and cleanse me. Jesus, thank You that You died for me so I would have eternal life. I believe that You are the Son of God who rose from the dead and that You鈥檙e coming back again for me. I'll live for you. Help me to see myself and others as You see me. Direct me in the path You know is best for me. Lead me in Your timing to the right woman who will stand beside me. Thank you, Lord for saving me and making my life new. Amen.';

    If you meant what you prayed, welcome to God's family! Now stay in contact by talking to the Lord everyday, and follow an easy-to-read Bible daily, starting with St. John. Make friends at a local Bible-teaching church and tell others how Jesus has made a difference in your life. Follow the sources below.Please advice about my Life?Please suggest what to do?
    who cares if your poor. your never to old to marry. im 51 ive been maried 5 times

    i sponcered 4 girls to go america. married 2 and they left me for their own kind oooopppps . i live in the philippines now and live with a girl 24 and so what . remember 2 is a pair 3 is a croud. seperated from your parents and get a girl and be with her . she wants you not your parents
    I only have one step for you. Say This is my life and I and I alone will choose for and take responsibility for my life. All else should follow.

    Need advice about parents and school. Please don't answer if you won't take the time to read it all.?

    I go to a very strict Christian liberal arts university where I am studying pre-med. I've always been interested in a health related career. Especially one that involves the brain or nutrition. When I was younger I decided wanted to be a neurologist as so assumed I would go to medical school. Lately I've decided that medical school might not be my thing. I don't want to be in school forever. So, my next option was to study nutrition and become a registered dietician.

    Now, here's my dilema. I'm going to this school because my parents are making me. When I told my parents that I was wanting to study nutrition instead of pre-med, they were fine with that...until they found out that I would not be able to study it at my current school. I would have to transfer. They are now very much against it because they want me to stay here. They now claim that nutrition is a very narrow field of study and that it will not enable me to have a wide range of career options.Need advice about parents and school. Please don't answer if you won't take the time to read it all.?
    I'm sure that your parents only want the best for you and so far they seem quite accepting of your change of career choice. Why are they ';making you'; go to this school? Are they paying your bills?

    Chances are, if they are paying for you to go to school, they would like to have some say in where you go. But it may only be as simple as they like the location of the school. You are getting really close to the end of this term. Are you planning to work in the dietician field this summer? Perhaps that would be the best place to start.

    Biology is a good ground level course for many medical-based professions. You'll ultimately be better in any medical field if you diversify your education and take as many related courses of study as possible. I have a friend who started with a science degree (in biology), studied for many years in China to understand ancient healing arts such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, meditation, etc. Then she returned to go to medical school and now I believe she specializes in the brain.

    The bottom line is: there are many paths from where you are to each destination. I could say 'go with the flow' but you'll probably prefer to have more direct the next best thing is for you to believe that ';if it's right, it will come to pass'; despite all your well-intended activities to control something. Start looking for solutions and they will manifest. Perhaps if you start looking for a co-op position in the nutrition field, you'll get closer to a solution to your problem. Perhaps if you research somewhat, you'll find a nutrition program in a Christian campus at another university.

    Talk with your parents, explain why you want this so much and why you feel you must change schools. Ask them what school would make them feel comfortable. Ultimately you are all on the same team with the goal of getting you through this educational phase and on to a rewarding and fulfilling career.

    Best of luckNeed advice about parents and school. Please don't answer if you won't take the time to read it all.?
    To be honest, getting a broad degree in biology won't do you any good if you want to go into nutrition. What it will do is give you more options for graduate school.

    Before you do anything rash, sit down and decide if nutrition is really what you want. Figure out your end goal and how much schooling it will take to get there. If that means leaving your school, you will need to do it. Make sure your next school will take all of your credits thus far.

    If your parents are worried about a new school because it might not have the same values, make sure your new school at least has a Bible group or something else you could join.
    I'm 12 and have no expereince with college courses, yet, I have an answer for you. You're legally and adult, and your parents no longer HAVE to make your decisions. A little guidence from them would be nice at times, but at this time, you have all the rights to do what you want. Switch schools and be happy at what your doing. Tell your parents it's a total waste of money to pay for a college in which your pursing a career that you don't intend to do. If you lose your love just for doing what you want, than they need to think seriously about what they're doing. Your amazing in every way, and just because you want to do a job you love doesn't change who you are. They really only want you to do a different job because they figure they want you to stay at the same chrisitan collage, right? If it's about religion, assure them that you'll be going to mass every Sunday, every Tuesday, whatever it takes. If it's about discipline, tell them that if you do something wrong they can pull you out of that school (so be determined to be good!). They're your parents so they should support you. Don't be afraid to talk to them about this, and if they're anymore problems, do not hesitate to contact me at Good luck, and congrads' on getting into collage! College? I don't know how to spell it lol sorry!
    yes they are just looking out for you

    but this is what YOU want to do

    not them

    unless if its tehre money paying for it, then you might have issues

    they cant force you to study somthing you dont want to

    tell them that they should respect your choices

    and that you are OLD enough to make these decisions!

    because you are 18 and you sound very smart.

    Need advice about a girl.?

    Ok, here's my situation. I live in a small town, about 1000 people, which means our high school is also small. I am a freshman and am in the high school band, first trumpet. One of my sister's friends, the star basketball player, and a senior is the other first trumpet, so we sit by each other everyday. Over the course of the year we have become pretty good friends, and I am really starting to like her. I am terrible at understanding girls, so I have no idea is she is even the slightest bit interested in me.

    Question is: should I ask her out? I know everyone always says just go for it, but there are so many things working against me. First off, she's a senior, so she graduates this year. Which means that at the end of this year she's going off to college, and I'm stuck in high school. Plus, she's my sisters best friend, so if she says no, I'll end up getting crap from my entire family for asking a senior out.Need advice about a girl.?
    ummm dude...i asked out a junior this year and she said yes, i'm also a freshman. Go for it, if you get rejected, so what, everyone will forget about it eventually... oh boy.... ok here's a good example. I asked this goth chick out once (and i'm not goth) cause i thought she would be kinky as a girlfriend, and i got rejected...I kinda told my friend about it in math class, kinda loud, and a few other people heard. People laughed, and made fun of me about it for about 2 weeks, maybe less, but now everyone has forgot about it.Need advice about a girl.?
    you first try to know her interests.whatever she likes %26amp; even her opinion about ur friendship.if shes more happy while spending time with you compared to other times %26amp; if she always speaks to you more than any one else.then it will be easy 4 u to ask her.all is to understand her completely b4 u go ahead!.let ur love succeed: )
    she has no interest. not saying anything negative against you but girls almost never go for guys younger than them. the bigger the age gap the less the chance. so you my friend have no chance

    Need advice about a guy....?

    Hey guys and gals need some advice. . .well I went out with a guy back this summer but only for a few weeks, nothing long term or serious and we agreed just be friends (I think we dove in to fast and got caught up in being lovestruck for lack of better word lol) anyway we didn鈥檛 speak for these past few months and now we鈥檝e started texting %26amp; talking a little again. Anyway I know people say exes can鈥檛 be friends after a relationship BUT my question is since we didn鈥檛 really go out that long do we really classify as exes? I personally don鈥檛 think so but I could be wrong and if not is it ok that we start talking again and hanging out (as friends) I don鈥檛 want to do the wrong thing by keep trying to call him or invite him somewhere you know if that鈥檚 not right. It鈥檚 sad I know guys still stump me :-PNeed advice about a guy....?
    Hun, if you want to be friends with this guy then be friends with him. You are looking for societies approval, and you don't need it. Who cares if he is an ex. How do you feel? If you are attracted and jealous than I would suggest staying out of his life unless he wants a relationship, if it is completely platonic and you only have friendly feelings, you don't need approval. You don't need approval at all. I don't understand the question. You are asking if you should be friends with someone. Or are you asking if He just wants to be friends? That you will never know. My experience with guys most likely not. He either cares for you and wants a relationship, or he is single and wants a friend with benefits, either way it is your decision to make. No one elses. I hope this helps
  • eyeshadow
  • Need advice about future sister in laws bacheloette party..should I go or not?

    My fiances brother is getting married to this girl.I was not asked to be in the wedding yet she's making a big deal that I go to her bachelorette party..her and her bridesmaids are going golfing then lunch (I wasn't invited to that) then bar hopping for the night (I don't drink) then ending up at her friends house where she told me and I quote '; we will be getting totally abliviated';. I politely told her that I don't drink but she keeps pushing and pressuring me to go. I'm to the point where I feel like I am going to tell her in a not so polite way that she can take her invitation and stick it.. How should I handle this situation??Need advice about future sister in laws bacheloette party..should I go or not?
    i would tell her that i'm sorry but i do have other plans. have a good time. i sure wouldn't go. sounds like trouble. she's not that important of a person in your life to make a sacrifice for.Need advice about future sister in laws bacheloette party..should I go or not?
    It sounds like you have nothing in common with then. Just tell her in the nicest way you can that you dont think that they're your type of people or that you guys have nothing in common. Then give her the invitation and tell her she can give it to someone else.
    Don't blow your cool. Tell her you will think about it and will probably go. This will get her off your back. If you really don't want to go, don't. Then make up some excuse the next day why you didn't show up.
    Just go and make the best of it. You could be a sober driver and keep everyone safe. You do not want to start out on the wrong foot with new family ties.
    go and not drink.
    yes go....with a camera
    typical woman alway have to make everything about yourself .

    this isnt about you what so ever this is about ur brother and his partners special day and the build up to it as well . dont go sure y would u it only someone ur going to see for the rest of ur life unless u disowen your brother , thats a great start sure mouth at her over it dont be polite that will do the trick .

    why should you be a part of the wedding !!!! itsd her friends and family from the sound of it ild say uve had nothting to dpo with the girl up to now either ................. your not owed anything from them so take the lemon out of ur mouth and stop being so selfish , making everything about you ,looking to cause trouble and ruin there wedding and the build up , im supprised with at attitude like that ur even invited to the wedding at all ..... so what if she wants to spend time with her mates as i said u probably look down ur noise at her anyway

    so all in all shut ur face and suck it up u horrible human being
    turn it over to your intended 's brother , it's obivous that she is trying to enclude you cause you both are getting married to the same family and it does excite her. I think you should say you have something to do for your wedding at this time and it requires your attention. Which it does and which you do have to focus on your own special day. Focus on your wedding day and make it fun for all just as much as she wants the party to be great. I don't drink much and I have good reasons not to drink much.So let it go and leave it at her intended's feet. He will have to deal with an over energetic young woman lol. Best he learns how to deal with it now lol. Hopes this helps.

    Tell her you weren't invited to the wedding, so you don't think it's appropriate to go to the bachelorette party (hen night is easier to type!). It sounds dreadful, especially if you're not a drinker! Golf and lunch sounds good, but bar-hopping?

    Or just agree, and invent an elderly relative that has a fall that you need to go and visit... Sometimes these things have a way of catching up with you, but she sounds distant enough (fiance's brother's fiance) that you might not get found out. Would you care anyway? Is your fiance's mother going? She's the one you need to not fall out with.
    First of all, I have to say, I have no idea what abliviated means. =\

    (Call me dumb)

    Before I give my advice, I must press that no matter whether you reject or accept, you must tell her in a polite manner. If not, it may cause further complications that will stress you out in the future. After all, when you marry your fiance, she WILL be your relative, and even if she is a total prat, you have to keep things light so you won't have any problems.

    Her behavior is sort of confusing me, I will admit. Not inviting you to the wedding? But pressuring you to ';get totally abliviated';? =\ You seem not to want to go, so, my advice is:


    Make sure you have a good explanation too, like,

    ';I don't want to be any trouble.';

    ';I have other plans.'; %26lt;---Lame excuse

    Be creative =)

    Or, just say it straight to her face (somewhat politely), that she can shove her invitation up her...nose. Whatever suits you.

    However, she may get offended (though I wouldn't understand why), so if you think she's that sort of person, I suggest you go, but try to stay away from trouble. =)
    i have a friend who kept pressuring me to go to the club with her.

    usually its ever 16 year old dream to go to a club an drink and not have to have an ID.

    i have a boyfriend and he wasn't comfortable with it and neither was i because that's not how i am anymore.

    so i told her yes one time so she would stop bothering me about it and at the last minute i just didn't go.

    and another time i just told her, politely, that im not going and there's nothing that you can say the will make me go so you can give it up.

    she was mad a little but she got over it because i told her that's not my scene.