Saturday, December 19, 2009

I need a psychic only to answer my advice about this girl.?

There is this girl that I like, but I would like to know if she has feelings for me, and if I should tell her how I feel and if you see me dating her and if so, when? She knows how I feel thanks mainly to my brother, and I also want to know what she thinks about me liking her.My DOB is 11/7/1990

Thank you!I need a psychic only to answer my advice about this girl.?
Are you serious? I hope she doesn't read your question. That would knock you so far out of the running for her attention. Dude, are you really serious?I need a psychic only to answer my advice about this girl.?
well my advice to you is instead of your brother telling her you like her why don't you just confess. the hardest thing is you not telling her and losing her to another guy. i see you getting with her before next month is over so look for love because i see it in your future.
Try some 1-800 #.
To get a girl to like you when she has no interest in relationships is a sticky problem. The gist of it is, girls who say that they ';aren't ready for a relationship'; are usually girls who just don't like the guy they say that to. A few honestly aren't interested in a relationship due to temporary circumstances or painful past experiences.

Consider why you want the girl to like you. Is it just because she's attractive? If that's the only reason you like her, then you're probably going down a very difficult road. An attractive girl has probably had lots of guys approach her just for her looks. Having that kind of constant, shallow attention can leave a person feeling isolated, lonely, and misunderstood. It can also leave her doubting her own self-worth if that's the only reason she's approached. Step back a bit and reevaluate what you're looking for. It's unkind to go out with someone just to have a pretty girl on your arm.

Make sure that it is known that you don't want a relationship either, or care that she does not want one. The easiest way to make a person want something more is by making it impossible to obtain. So when she says she doesn't date, don't dwell on this but move on and say ';who cares.';

Show her what you have to offer in terms of friendship. Friendships are the basis of good relationships. If you have similar interests, talk about those. Talk about her interests, activities, etc., but keep it casual at first.

If she has told you that she is not interested in a relationship, it must be because you gave her the impression that you liked her. So don't mention it again. She knows. She will not forget. If she changes her mind, it is up to her to show you.

For future reference, ask girls out on DATES first, don't ask them if they want to be your girlfriend. That will reduce the instances of this kind of response, as well as avoid you losing the respect of the girl. This kind of haphazard headfirst approach is typical in high school, but adults ask others on dates and progress to the bf/gf phase after several dates. And not to mention, if a girl says that she's not ready for a relationship when you ask her for a date, you can know immediately that she isn't interested in you. What sane single person will turn down a date with someone they think they might like?


Most of the time, when a girl says that she is not interested in a relationship with you, it means that she simply doesn't like you -- not that she isn't ready for a relationship. Do not make the mistake of confusing a girl who does not like you for one who isn't ready for a relationship. Think about it. If you were the girl's favorite male celebrity, wouldn't she take a chance on the relationship? You want to find a girl who will like you enough to take a chance on you.

A person who has no interest in relationships of any kind is sometimes a person who's been hurt. Don't push them and don't use the word ';relationship'; or the phrase ';getting closer';. You need a strong friendship before a hurt person can open up.

Rethink how you're approaching this. Some people just don't get along. If the girl doesn't like you, there isn't much you can do to change that. The fact is, the title of this article is somewhat misleading -- there isn't really any way to get a girl to like you if she has made up her mind that she does not like you.

Developing yourself as a person...your talents, interests, and good nature, will make you more attractive. Refocus on making yourself more attractive rather than forcing a certain person to like you. You just might end up with someone even better for you!

Know when to give up. It is rarely worth it to spend much time on girls who claim they aren't ready for relationships. If they don't like you, then you have no business trying to win them over. It's only going to cause you pain.

If they are honestly hurt and afraid to be in new relationships, then it might be worth it to get to know the girl.


Do not put your whole life on hold while you are trying to get into a relationship with a girl who is ';not ready for a relationship.'; Talk to other girls.

Avoid talking about your feelings. The more you talk about your feelings early on, the more desperate you look. Few things make girls lose respect for you faster than coming on too strong. Start by asking them on a date, not by professing your undying love (give me a break!). If they have any sense at all, they will get the hint that you like them and accept if they like you back.

Again, girls who claim to not be ready for relationships usually mean they aren't ready for a relationship with YOU. They just don't want to hurt your feelings.

Never get into a relationship where you don't have a relationship but you act like there is. You'll probably end up getting hurt by the manipulative/destructive woman you are pursuing. The key is to make yourself seem like you do not care- providing too much attention is a sure fired way to get the entire goal to backfire.

Chances are if she does not want a relationship she will act in ways that are destructive at times. Take the hint and move on. When they like you, they help you!
a psycic? there is one next door but i dont really think psychics do yahoo answers.
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