Thursday, December 31, 2009

Advice about what to do regarding trusting doctors again?

About a year ago, a consultant I was seeing for an eating disorder started to contact me at home for help with his masters degree in medical law. I had a background in Law and he was sturggling with his part time course. The calls were unsolicited and unrelenting [often 15 times a day - I never picked up the phone after the first call from him]. I eventually submitted a complaint to the NHS Trust as all he was doing was asking me to help write his essays without providing any form of help to me.

What happened?

The complaint backfired on me. The Trust wrote to my GP to say that no doctor should see me unchaperoned as if I had done something wrong. As a result I changed my GP to another who were very understanding, and commenced an independent complaint against the Trust. One year on and the complaints procedure has been concluded. The Consultant was disciplined [I had proof he was phoning me constantly so he could not deny it. He did other things too numerous to go into] continued...Advice about what to do regarding trusting doctors again?
Personally I would consult a solicitor who specialises in medical negligence, you may even have a claim against the Trust. Always remember, Doctors are the only people who can bury their mistakes and no I wouldn't trust one of them an inch.Advice about what to do regarding trusting doctors again?
It is unfortunate you encountered this individual who behaved both unprofessionally and inappropriately. You should now try to get some closure and put this behind you. Rather than questioning the motives of the Health Care Trust it's more productive to focus on what you need. Presumably it would be with a different Consultant so it would be in your interest to give him/her a chance. It will probably take a while but your trust will return.
Honestly, the medical community will defend each other and even hide each other's flaws to keep from being sued. I had a terrible doctor who basically almost killed me, and when my new doctor heard what he had done, she didn't say ';oh my goodness, you should get a lawyer'; She said ';well, that's pretty unorthodox, but maybe he does things differently';. And she's a good doc.

I would not take their help. I would ask your GP for a referral for other help. They ARE just offering help so they can save some face.

I hope you find what you need. I'm sorry you had to go through this, I wouldn't trust doctors if I was you either, but hopefully you will find someone you can trust and will eventually feel better about the whole thing.

Good luck.
It sounds like the system came round for you in the end. The complaint did not actually backfire on you, it is standard practice to have a chaperone if there is an ongoing complaint; this is to protect you as much as the doctor in question (gives a benefit of the doubt to both sides) so I wouldn't take that personnally.

The unfortunate side of a system that involves people is that it is fallible.

It only takes the stupidity of one to spoil the reputation of an entire profession, but there are infinately more good people in the medical profession than there are people like this consultant.

The only solace for you here, is that it is extemely unlikely that you will encounter someone like that again and that, in general, our doctors are a trustworthy and professional bunch.

Well done for having the courage to make a complaint about it.
aaah, yes u should start trusting doctors, jus don't care about wot thay put on ur record, if its false they will get found out, and the person who put it down will get disiplined, or equally u could jus join bupa, jus go with the flow it doesn't matter wot the trust syas its near enough all bollocks, jus listen to ur doctor.
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