Sunday, December 27, 2009

When people give advice about love why is the advice almost always selfish advice?

I mean why do people always have this twisted idea of love that if you're not happy that you should get out and get out quick? Love is not a feeling. Love is a conscious decision to deny yourself, its a sacrifice, and to instead please that other person. People think that if you're in a relationship and you're not feeling loved that you should get out. No thats a selfish misconception, if you truly love that person you will talk with them about it, you will do your very best to make it work(this matters whether you're married or unmarried), but if after that it doesn't work then part ways gently(this is if you're unmarried). I'm not saying that you should never do anything if you're not feeling loved, clearly you should, but whatever you do should be to try and make the relationship work, not just end it, unless its very clear that there's destructive behavior by one or something like that. Anywho, i'll get off my soapbox now and let you folks answer my question please. Thank youWhen people give advice about love why is the advice almost always selfish advice?
Love is not a sacrifice!!!! Though it does take work and I agree with you on making it work and talking through issues. But love is an important part in any relationship between husband and wife (or any successful couple for that matter) and if there is no love there it seems there isn't much to work for or fix because to some people if the love is gone it's no longer worth it to work on the issues - and I agree with that. Life is too short to be unhappy or spend it with someone who does not make you happy and with someone you do not love.

Not feeling loved is different from not being loved. I almost think that falls along the lines of not feeling appreciated. If someone doesn't feel loved but is loved by their spouse a little constructive communication, counseling and changing their view on the relationship will definitely help the whole situation.

And it seems selfish because in short - life is too short to spend it with someone who doesn't love you or make you happy. Usually when someone describes an issue on here they aren't telling you the other factors contributing to their feeling of not being in love (like they suspect cheating, they had doubts before the marriage...ect) so on here you can't base your judgments on people's questions and answers because you are never truly getting the full picture or whole story! Remember that.
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