Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dad advice about smoking.?

My dad lied to me when i was six and i believed him he said he stopped smoking. i later found out he has a pack of ciggarets every week i am very sad because his dad died of lung cancer. i don't want to go through the pain as well GIVE ME ADVICE PLEAZE!!!!!Dad advice about smoking.?
Tell your dad how you feel. And tell him to quit - EVERY DAY.

Even though I know better, I used to smoke, and my son scorned me daily. I told him I would quit, over and over, and he felt bad about nagging me, but I told him to keep nagging me and I would quit.

I did quit.

So, talk to your dad - tell him exactly how you feel and nag him daily. Tell him how you KNOW exactly what cigarettes do to him and that you love him and don't want him to die a horrible lung cancer death. Tell him this daily, lovingly and supportive.

Good luckDad advice about smoking.?
Ok firstly I gave up and I didn't want to but it meant so much to my husband I did it and now love being a non smoker. My husband said one day the photos would just be him on his own - wow that kicked my butt! Try appealing to your Dad's emotional side, tell him how you desparately want him to see you get married one day and to meet his grandchild and even his great grandchildren, how you want him there at your graduation (sorry I don't know and don't need to know how old you are). Tell him how important it is to you. Perhaps offer him support in that you will give something up with him and show him so much love and encouragement! Good luck.
sorry, but someone won't stop smoking until THEY want to. you can cry, beg, shove stats %26amp; facts in his face, but he won't quit unless he wants to do it for himself.
Tell him every day that you love him very much but that you are very sad because he promised you he would quit smoking and he didn't. Tell him that you want him around to be able to see his grandkids grow up. Don't be mean about it - just tell him every day with love.

If he loves you pretty soon the guilt will eat him up and he'll quit for real - and then soon after he will start thanking you all the time for helping him stop that filthy addiction.

good luck
There is nothing YOU can do. He will only stop when HE wants to.
My dad did the same thing. He decided to chew the gum and smoke. there is not a lot you can do. Keep telling him how you feel and hope for the best. Oh and everytime you see a pack of cigarettes throw them out. Quitting is something he has to do on his own. Knowing that he's hurting you though might just give him a shove in the right direction. I leave help lines and encourage my dad all the time.
It is very hard to make someone do something when another thing has control of them...waking up to the desire of that first smoke of the day, gets you out of bed. I have quit twice this year, its not an easy thing to do. I have also requested my boyfriend stop smoking, his father now has a hole in his neck from cancer of the throat. Its not something you can just say and it happens. That person needs to be able to want to do it themselves otherwise they will only revert back to it.

Good luck darlin', Im sure your dad knows the risks but if he enjoys it then there is nothing you really can do.

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