Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Need advice about a!?

if you get back together with an ex and in the past some bad things has happen but you both changed and grew up alot is it bad to keep thinking about the past and what if that happens again should i just forget about the past? and since we got back together things have been perfect but the past still comes upNeed advice about a!?
Obviously you two haven't grown up as much as you thought if you two are still reflecting your relationship towards the past. The past is the past and life goes on. Your relationship will never move forward if you won't let it.Need advice about a!?
do what you think is right
Obviously you are not over the past. Let it out to this person or things will never be right. The more you hold back the more this will bother you. And you will not be able to control what you do to forget the issue that is bothering you. Trust me, I know. I have been dealing with this for too long. I am now an alcoholic over the past I had with my soul mate. It was all stupid stuff related to drugs but I have been so hurt that I cannot get past what we did, even though I did it for them. I have quit drinking but have still not forgotten and I remember daily. Please, if this person means anything to you, tell them how you feel and get the answer that makes you happy, or you never will truly be happy.
you haven't grown up as much as you may think if the past is still playing a detrimental role in the relationship. it is ok to learn from the past, and even use it as a reminder, but for the health of the partnership- learn to forgive and forget. be cautious but not sheltered.
yup. just move on or it will suck you both dry and you will break up again. do exercise to release your stress and bad karma.
the past is the past. both say if it happens again what ever it was its over for good this time then never think about it. spend time thinking how u can make each other happy not what he did she did in past
depends what the past is

if he like cheated.. dont go back

especially if he cheated more than once

if it was little things..

keep the past in mind

but dont nag about it

its ok to feel anxious because of the past..

because it makes you alert

and it shows some of his true side

make sure you can trust him

trust is everything
You either forgive or you don't. You don't have to forget about the past, but you can't bring it up and use it against your partner. Everyone can't forgive everything, and that past will always be there - its a part of your history. You have to decide if you can live with it and forgive it, if you can't then you need to let go. The same happened to me. I was with my ex for 2 years then we got in a argument and he became physical. We broke up, but 4 months later we got back together. After 3 months of being back with him I realized that I would never be able to forgive him. Every time i got mad at him I thought about it and it made me angrier. So, I broke it off with him. Its not fair for you to have to live with that pain and its not fair for your partner to have to live with the constant reminder, blame, and guilt.
it helps to think of things this way. it was a mistake and tomarrow will be a new day. when it is a new day you only think about what will happen. and dont forget what did happen, but try to reject things that could cause fights to come up. this way you never get stuck in a ';box';. also when someone says there sorry that mean they wont do it again so you really should put your faith in them. just forgive and forget.LOL
well when the past dose come up just keep think the past is the past all you can do is wait 4 the further like in that panda movie the past is the past today is a wish and 2morrow is a gift
If you have made the BIG decision to get back together you HAVE TO leave the PAST in the PAST!! If niether of you are willing to let it go you SHOULD NOT BE TOGETHER. Try counseling or read a choice therapy book, but do not fight about the past or bring it up if it was bad.
Just try to forget the past and move on.

Or sit down together and talk about the past and let it out of your systems.
Past is always theremy friend, it is how your let the past become past and look foward to the future. this is a bit and parcel of our life. It applies to everyone. Why ponder about the past?

what most impt is the ';present'; We all must ';live in the Present';

This will bring us positive growth for everything. From family to work and relationship.

lineasy(Love Is Not EASY)
If something bad had happened ofcourse, you will always wonder if it will happen again! A word of advice, get out before it happens again, because chances are it will!
You can always forgive but you'll never forget. If u got back with ur ex then you were basically telling them that you are okay with past %26amp; that you are able to move on but if wateva happened is still bothering you and if you are not saying anything about then you are not being honest with urself nor your gf/bf and a relationship can not last w/o trust you may want to move on if you truly cant leave the past in the past
Rule number one and is the most important: Never let the past dictate the present. Doesnt matter whether you guys have broke up or had continued to be together, all that matters is, the past cannot have the starring role right now.

Like u said, u have been better people.. so just trust that it is the case; if things dont work out good, then all u have to do is go back to where u were before both of u came back together.

But there is no need getting stressed about the past in the present. It will, destroy the relationship and urself.
If you cant get past the past it is time to look to the future and move on to someone new,
you should prob. forget about the past but obviously your going to think about it. you cant help it.

i need advise tooo....;_ylt=AuzTzm5ylgv19qB_V7dq7kfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090616201302AAbiO6z
My recent boyfriend dumped me for another girl when we were first going out. But now that he's been with different girls for about 6 months, he came back to me. I think about him leaving me all the time. But i think forgiveness is a huge part in relationships, and we should forgive each other. If he repeats what he did in the past, then dump him.

Just follow your morals and do what you think is right. (:
The past is the past. Of course it is going to pop up every now and then. But that is the past. Yall both need to put it behind yall. You shouldn't let that come between yalls relationship. If it is meant to be than it will work out.
if you broke up the first time chances are its not ment to be.
thats a hard qurstion cuz im still trying to figure that one out myself, id say forget it but if something the other one is doing triggers a memory its for a reason
You can't keep looking forward if you keep looking backwards...does that make sense? Don't dwell on the past if you want to make the relationship work.
the past is the past.forget about can't change it.but you can change the future!!!!!!!
tell him that you would rather not talk about it.(be sure to say please so that he doesnt think you are trying to be bossy)
This has happened with me. The past does come up a lot in the future but its best to put it aside. Unless your positive this person will not change you have to realize that many people change from their mistakes they made and are often going to come out being a better person.Your not going to be a bad person if you get back together with them. Even if the same thing may happen, it might be the final way you will find out the truth about this person. I hope this helped and Good Luck!
I think if you bring up the past, you must have a really good reason. Even if both of you have grown up, the past is still important. But if you decided to put it behind you, you cant accuse, blame, or use the past against them.
bring your cutie to dinner and talk to your girl/guy and explain to them what u still feel sure they understand u.


if all goes well bring them to your place for some action!

if stuff goes bad breakup with them, its not worth hiding your feelings for some ***** who doesnt get u !!!!!
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