Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need of advice about this girl!?

Ive known this girl for the past year and recently since I've been away on vacation and shes been emailing me, telling me how she misses me, and that she would consider dating me

Well I finally came home yesterday to talk to her for 40mins on the phone about everything. I told her that I like her, %26amp; I wanna be that guy who doesn't care if shes in sweats and a tee or whipe her tears whenevr shes sad, %26amp; whenever I said somethin nice she kept sayin brb on the phone %26amp; came bak after 10seconds or so...weird. So basically she said that she wouldnt go back go back 2 her ex ';plus her ex b/f is a player lemme add';. Anyhow, she reiterated that she doesnt wanna be ina relationship %26amp; guys aren't worth it, but I can tell shes hiding her true feelings becuz she always has lovey-dovey pix on her msn display. So is this girl serious, she told me not to call her and she'll email me back in a few days to think bout things. I will give her space, but i feel that i should have fun and not think bout herI need of advice about this girl!?
You are describing a girl who doesn't know what she wants. We have all been there. I would say to back off and go find something to preoccupy yourself with. Go out, read a book, talk to your other friends. And if she does get back with you in a few days to say that yes she wants to be with you, remember how fickle she was when you two talked. If you decide to give it a shot, take it slow.I need of advice about this girl!?
Yeah don't worry about her. She will e-mail you back and until then just do what you'd normally do. If she really likes you according to what she said then I think you'll be alright. But even if for some reason it doesn't work out then she's probably not worth it anyways because I don't even say that nice of things to girls haha. So just sit back, relax, and don't worry about her a bit. If its mean't to be it's gonna all work out right.
You answered your own question. Have fun and when the time is right she'll let you know.
first of all ask her how she feels about you ask her on a date or movie or going to the malls invite her to places that way she'll get the idea and then comes the hard part it takes courage and guts tell her how you feel about her if you dont someone else will get her do it before its too late prove it to her how you feel be there for her when she needs you ok.
id move on,she has a chance but if she ruines it its her problem,give her a day or so,if she still says i dont know,then that tells you that isnt ready to be in a relationship,and theres no point in hanging around
This girl really sounds like she doesnt know what she wants right now. big red flag if a girl says she doesnt want to be in a relationship right now. she may put pics up on the web ect but i would listen to what she is saying. if she is telling u that she would consider dating u but turns around and says she doesnt want a relationship then she is definatly confused and that is a HUGE reason to back off from her. good luck to u but i wouldnt move forward with her.
Well if you like the girl then don give her too much space cause she might slip out of ur hand. She's just heartbroken, you gotta let her know that those days are over and that she gotta move on to someone who can appreciate her for the lady she is (like you lol) if she still don't want a man then give her that space and let her get over it on her own. If ya'll do wind- up getting together its gonna take alot of patience because she might talk about her ex so you will have to bear thru-it but after all of it you'll see what its worth because patience is life's big payoff. Whatever you do personally i'll respect it cuz its ur life and the only one that changes it is YOU

Well it sounds to me like she was leading you on. She probably was saying that she missed you and wanted to be with you because you were gone. But once you came back it wasn't really a chase for her anymore, like when you told her that you liked her. She probably figured that she already has you. And now she is just playing games with you. I would leave it alone, and if she truly likes you like she says then she will E-mail. But in the mean time try and have fun with your friends so you don't think about her as much. Good Luck!

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