Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm scared about the 10th of july any advice please?

I'm realllly afraid of needle's,and i'm due for an um ob something ultrasound i'll be 19w and 5d pregnant when they do that, but i was told to drink water an hour before and call them to do something,and that type of ultra sound is where they put a needle in you? omg i don't know if i can handle that if that's the truth, is it true? what all will they do?I'm scared about the 10th of july any advice please?
I'd pay more attention when they are explaining things to you....if they are just doing an ultrasound, no needles are involved. If they are doing an amniocentisis, they use ultrasound to guide the needle to check for birth defects. Older moms are higher risk, but young mom's can carry children with defects. If you had a positive result for Downs or Trisomy 18 on your triple screen, they may be doing an amnio to determine for sure if the baby has a defect. If that's not the case and it's a routine ultrasound, no need to worry. I've heard the amnio is a little painful, but it is best to know ahead of time if the baby has a defect in order to prepare. Good luck.I'm scared about the 10th of july any advice please?
No an ultrasound does not put any needles in you. You have to drink a lot of water so it'll give them a clearer picture of your baby. They'll put lots of cold lubricant on your belly move the transducer around on it to see the baby. Its not really that different than when your OB listens to your baby's heartbeat with a Doppler except you'll be able to see your baby too.
An Ultrasound has NOTHING to do with a needle. They put a jelly-like substanse on your belly and put what looks like a computer mouse over top and roll...showing them pictures of that little baby. They will check things like baby's size, heart, lungs, spine, ect. You might also be able to see the sex of that little angel. But no needles, sweetie! Not yet atleast. Congrat and best wishes.

P.S. You answered my question before and told me about your brother. I need to tell you this - you don't need your family if this is what has nappened and they do not support you. Soon you will have your own family to love. Take what has happened in your life and turn it into a postitive putting 150% into your new life. You will be just fine...


no one will put a needle in you. they will put a ultrasound on your belly and look for the baby. the only time they use a needle to do an amniocentesis and that's to see if the baby has any defects. this is only if you're high risk (ie. a much older mom).

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