Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice about my boyfriend...HELP!!!!?

soo..i have this boyfriend and we have been together for 4 parents dont like him but i am in love with him for sure. i need to go off to college and there arent ne good colleges close by....ill only be 1 1/2 hours away...he said he will break up with me if i go 2 college..but my parents are paying for this college if i go there...wut do i do??Need advice about my boyfriend...HELP!!!!?
Do NOT drop your entire life for some boy.

College is VERY important and it is the start of your future. Do NOT get it ruined for some boy who claims he loves you... when apparently he doesn't. If he really loves you, he would wait for you and realize that you going to college is the best decision you can make.

Does he want you to work at Taco Bell for the rest of your life or something?!

I had a friend who went from a University to a Community College near home for her boyfriend. Well guess what? They broke up and she was stuck there living with the stupid decision she made.

Don't end up like her. You need to get your education for your future... if your boyfriend doesn't love and respect you, someone else will.Need advice about my boyfriend...HELP!!!!?
Go to college that is your true future dont sacrifice that for any man.If he loves u he will meet u half way.
Pick school, if he is that afraid of letting you go then chances are he will break up with you later anyways, except you will be older and without an education. Let him leave you... when you are in college chances are you will find someone who will treat you like you deserve to be treated then you will really know what love is. Good luck
leave him!!! he's being a jerk..ur education is VERY IMPORTANT...if he's not supporting you, he's not the right one..dont choose him over ur would dissapoint ur parents and urself..i think you already kno that what he's telling you is totally WRONG...
Go to college. 1.5 hours away is nothing, in the grand scheme of things. If he's not willing to support you during your education, then he's not boyfriend material.
go to college, if he loves u then he will support u in everything that you choose to do!! after all going to college can mean a good job n money for your future, one of my mates boyfriends decided to go to australia to a college there, his course is 4 years and he goes out for 4 months at a time and comes home for 1 or 2 months at a time and they are making it work because they love each other, surely if they can make it work on other sides of the world you and your boyfriend wil do fine!!!!
well. i was int he smae situation a few yrs ago. im goig to be a junior in colege now. sometimes ur parents are good judges fo character. so thre is probably a good reason for them not liekin ur boyfriend. u r plannig to go to college. congrats on that. good luck. 1.5 hrs is nothing. if he wants to see you bad enough he can come drive to u jsut as much as u can drive to see him. if you do not go to college what do u plan on doing fro the rest of your life? college has become a necessity in todays society. if someone who supposedly cares for u says he will break up wiht you if u deicded to continue ur education so as to haev a better life what kind of message does that scream to you? he obviously doent think of the future at all. my advise is to tlak to him about what you feel is necessary fro ur future. if he thinks that u leaving to continue ur education is a bad thing, then maybe he is not the one for u. you have to prepare yourself for the possibility that he may not be ur boyfired. the idea that your parents ar goning to help pay for college for u is an amazing gift. go hug ur parents and say thank you rihgt now. they obviously love you beyond comprehension. they want you to succeede in life and be happy. this boy sounds liek he is holding you back. go to college and tlak to ur guy about stayin together. i hope this helps

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