Thursday, December 31, 2009

Need advice about sex?

Im a 16 year old guy, trying to pleasure my girl, we tried twice to do it, and the problem is that, i get an erection when we're fore playing, but when im about to penetrate her my penis gets flat (loose the erection), do i have some kind of problem like, E.D.?, im really scared if i have it, i dont know what to doNeed advice about sex?
Yeah that is just a classic case of performance anxiety. You need to relax. Know that she loves you enough to share this with you and that you can't mess it up. It's all about growing and learning. Be sure you are wearing protection and just let what happens happen. Have Fun!Need advice about sex?
My guess is that you are subconsciously so worried about your

performance, and pleasing your girlfriend, that you stress yourself right out of an erection. I'm almost positive you don't have E.D., just a bad case of nerves. Try longer foreplay, or ask her if theres any other way to please her besides intercourse. Good luck and be safe.
if your 16, you shouldnt be doing that anyways. also if youre not married so save it!
First you are okay. Second you need to realize that male sexuality is the most complex sexual activity. The female has no stress at all she just has to lay still. The male has to be mentally ready, emotionally ready, and physically ready and anyone of those categories if stressed will kill the erection. So you need to destress yourself and not make this first act of sex a major performance for you. So quit thinking about it. Just go to have sex with your girl, pet her, massage her, masturbate her clitoris take your time and make sure she is really enjoying your attention. When she is really excited and very moist and lubricated and you are erect just insert your penis and go at it do not worry about how long you will last, do not worry about being good or bad, just enjoy it. If you loose your erection okay just withdraw lay back and let your girl play with your penis a lot. It is important that she not be in charge. So tell her what to do what feels good and when you have had enough. IF at first you do not succeed keep trying. Sex on command for boys or men will kill the erection everytime. At 16 you are too young to worry about this. It will happen when you are ready with the right girl.
fukc you people he's not too young.

idunno dude go ask your doctor
16?? yeah thats a little too young
Your fine, promise. My boyfriend did the exact same thing the first 2 times, he would be fine right up until I would put the condom on him then....BAM! Woody disappeared =[ I thought it was my fault, but he kept saying it wasnt. He thought it was because he had to pee, so he went pee and that helped but then once we started he would go limp inside! Ahhh! It sucked because I knew how embarrassed he was, so I just kept telling him its ok we can try as many times as he wants lol If your gf loves you she wont mind. My boyfriend is 18, but I was only his 2nd girl to have sex with, I think his nerves got the best of him....thats probably your problem too. So just make sure to tell your gf its not her fault. It sucks when you think your man cant get it up because your ugly or something lol.

Best of luck to you.

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