Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need some advice about a guy....?

We went out on two dates in total.

After the first date everything seemed fine and he called me for a 2nd date

During our second date, he acted like he didn't want to be on a date!

Since the 2nd date he rarely calls anymore. Whereas before we started dating (we were friends) he called me alllll the time - which I liked alot.

I talked to him about this and he said he is depressed about some stuff in his life and that is why he is acting so differently.

Then I find out that he emailed a *old* friend of mine after she emailed him and was talking trsh about me. and he never stood up for me and went along with her in psychoanalyzing my relationship with my father, ect, ect....and coming up with conclussions about why I am so hard to get along with (which is so not the case).

After i found out about the emails, I called him last night to express how upset I am...and how I don't understand what I did to him, ect.

His response after I let it all out? ';Ok';. ';Bye';.I need some advice about a guy....?
Sounds like a jerk. Don't sweat it.I need some advice about a guy....?
don\'t serious forget


If you are single and have the time, please visit my site:
he's not interested and isn't mature enough to say so. leave it alone and forget both of these ';friends';
lmao, thats what you get!
This guy is a jerk. The thing is that you let him know too much about you too soon. In terms of talking to him (in depth) about your relationship with family members etc. I suggest you hold back when someone asks you - just respond casually. The reason why I say this is because you probably scared him away - some men don't want to be with a woman because of her ';baggage'; and head for the hills when they sense that you've got too much drama in your life. Yes it hurt, and yes you want an apology from him - but honestly; at this point what good would it do for you? (other than vindicate you).

He doesn't care about you, and could care less about what's going on in your life (outside of him). He's selfish, immature and does not understand that other people have problems too - not just him. He wasn't ready for a relationship and isn't ready to provide comfort to anyone other than himself at this point. Good Luck and God Bless.
What an a$$....forget him%26gt;%26gt;!
it sounds to me like he is an a**hole. to put it nicely. if it would make you feel better go and punch your *old* friend in the face. and don't bother with him, he's not worth your time anyway.
Hey Girl don't feel so down and sad.**** him and her.If you are beautiful and know it then hell you can go out and get another man you don't them jackasses.
Guys can be such d**** and you should tell him to grow some damn balls and he should of stood up for you.

Id dump his ***.

Good luck%26lt;33
I realize you're pretty hurt by this guy. Getting hurt always sucks. Right now is the time to lean on your circle of friends and family and ditch this terd altogether. Anyone who could be that insensitive never had good intentions in the first place. You probably have a lot of questions that you want answered from him, and unfortunately you'll never get those answers. Some guys just suck. I'm really sorry that this guy is a punk, but delete his number, email address, any pics you have, etc. It's the best way to recover. Oh and go out with some girlfriends for some fun to take your mind off things. One of my girlfriends says, ';You have to get under a guy in order to get over a guy.'; Take Care.
Please let him go, save your self from the heart break.
Kick that piece of trach to the curb and get yourself a finer, respectable more sucessful man! You'll be happier, good thing you found out now, so now all you have to do is let him know...

Drop that loser. He obviously prefers the other girl better and will pay when she starts analyzing him.

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