Thursday, December 31, 2009

Need advice about HPT results...?

Test 1 Neg

Test 2 Faint Faint Sqint to see line

Test 3 same as 2

Test 4 Neg

Next day

Test 1 Faint line

Test 2 Neg

Yes I am a compulsive test taker but would appriciate any advice from you women with experience... ThanksNeed advice about HPT results...?
Did u get those positives with First moning urine? And what about those negatives....later in the day? If you are bearly pregnant, takeing the test with FMU can make all the might not be strong enough to show up in your urine later in the day. So my vote is that your preggo...if you see a line then you are pregnant.. call your doctor and see if you can come get a pregnancy blood test...that would tell you for more guessing! I wish you the best! I Hope you get your miracle!!!Need advice about HPT results...?
Well, you know what they say...any line is a line, but it's possible that the faint line you think you're seeing...really isn't there. I would test again with first morning urine - if you get a faint line, it's safe to say ++++! Good luck and baby dust!!
Congrats mommy!! You are pregnant!

I had the same thing happen to me and it's b/c I was so early in the pregnancy that my HCG levels were barely registering - some tests were negative and some had such a faint line - but now I'm 6.5 weeks pregnant!!!
well with me I took my first test on a Saturday came up - then waited until Monday took another test and got a faint +, waited two more days then that's when I should of started and got a very strong +

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