Thursday, December 31, 2009

Advice about being kicked out of pub?

This happened to my boyfriend about 2 months ago

But I am wondering if anything could have been done

Basically we were at a pub in Dublin having a few drinks before we went to a gig just as we were leaving I legged it to use the toilet..when I came out my boyfriend had gone.. So I found him down the street..he had been forced to leave the pub and shouted at being accused of taking drugs out the back of the pub (completely untrue, he does not take drugs )

The man that kicked him out was shouting at him in front of all the customers and my fella kept asking what he had done wrong and the man kept saying, you know what ya did

It was a busy kind of pub and there were a few people our ages so obviously the man mistakenly identified my boyfriend for sdomeone who had been doing drugs

We had sat in one spot for the hour or so we were there so wouldn't that be on the cameras TO PROVE WE ARE RIGHT?

Honestly just writing this I am getting mad. We didn't do anything about it that night but it wrecked the rest of the night

What steps could I have taken?

I asked this a few minutes ago and nobody read the question, they are presuming I mean that we got kicked out for actually doing drugs

Basically my boyfriend was innocent and got humiliated in the middle of a pub and treated like crap so there must be something we could have done?

Advice about being kicked out of pub?
If it was me I would go back and give them a reason to kick us out starting with the guy who caused the trouble, but that's me, I hope that guy gets a bad case of herpesAdvice about being kicked out of pub?
You don't have a lot of recourse. About all you can do is not go back to that joint. Pub operators have a lot of discretion when it comes to ejecting people. As long as the person who ejected him did it in good faith then he was within his rights-but he didn't have to be so unprofessional about it. The tape has likely long since been taped over.
Not sure about the law in Ireland but in America the owner/manager/bar tender has the right to refuse service to anyone and kick anyone out of the bar if they have reason to believe they are doing something illegal or making a scene. In this case its just embarassment that was the result. If this happened in America and your boyfriend got injured then you could have done something or if it was racial.
Well, as unfair it may seem, there was nothing you could have done. **** happens at bars. Swallow your pride and move on.

I know this isn't the answer you want but there's simply nothing that can be done in a situation like this. Of course you can meet with the owner and explain what happened but he/she can't do much other than apologize and maybe give you a free drink.
He could have left when asked instead of arguing with the man who kicked him out. Had he maintained a cool head he could have then called and spoken with the manager during a slow part of the day.

The pub has the right to refuse service to anyone.
it was a while back don't worry about it nothing will be done on you it happens all the time. weekends are all ways busy in town centres you did the right thing i have had a few drinks on connelly st myself
Slap or threaten them with a lawsuit for false accusation and slander.

The least it could do will be to scare them to make sure they get their facts straight and not do that to anyone else...
Most eating and drinking establishments reserve the right to refuse service for whatever reason they see fit. Whether he's guilty or not they're not obligated to serve you.

Basically...find yourselves a new pub.
There's nothing to do. Whether or not the bouncer was right or not, he still had to go.

There isn't a right to be in a pub. Not even in Dublin!
At least he wasn't physically hurt.

Take your business elsewhere and get over it.
no you just leave, bars can do what ever they want. it was 2 months ago get over.
Contact the owner of the pub and tell him what you told us.
You cant really do much. The guy couldve kicked you out for any reason he wanted. ';Right to refuse service to anyone';
Get over it and have a pint of Goodness at another pub
It's been 2 months, forget about it.
dont get kicked out of the pub...great advice
s hit happens just get over it..
Not really worth doing anything at the time I don't think. If its a place you want to go back to because all your friends go there or something, stop by during the day when the manager or owner is there and explain what happened and offer to have some people vouch for you. I'm guessing if the bouncer was careless enough to mistake your boyfriend for someone else, he maybe has done this before to other people too.

If its just some pub in Dublin, among hundreds of others, just quit going there on the theory that they employ lazy bouncers who make poor assumptions.

Good luck.
I'm not familiar with Irish culture, but I'm guessing that there are plenty of pubs to be found in Dublin, so, at the risk of seeming insensitive, allow me to say, ';Find yourself another pub';. That one doesn't need (or apparently want) your money. If you actually did anything illegal, the police will come get you soon enough anyway.

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