Sunday, December 27, 2009

Help me out here please i need advice about boys!!?

ok i asked a question like this earler and people wanted more information well i like this boy he goes to my school and lives up the street from me and i want to ak him out but im afraid he will say no what should i do?im not sure that he likes me cause he hangs out with my younger brother and he comes to my house and talks to me but skatebordes with my brother do u think he only hangs out with my brother b/c of me or not im not sure but i really need some advice (BOYS YOU WILL HELP ALOT) i need a way to get up courage and ask him out!!Help me out here please i need advice about boys!!?
Courage is doing something even though you're afraid. In your case, you're afraid he'll say no. If you don't ask him, you'll get the same result as if he said date with him. No one will give you courage. You have to just do it. If you're the kind of person who doesn't have the guts to do something simple like ask him out, he will sense that and not like you. So do it. Something like, ';Hey, Frankie, I think it would be cool if we could go ...... together, don't you? How about it?'; Just say the words.Help me out here please i need advice about boys!!?
hmmm..did u think that ur brother could tell ur bad parts??but anyway when he comes to ur house try to sweet talk with him or just try to relax with him..chill out..

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