Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need some advice about this guy....please help...?

Me and this guy started e-mailing eachother a couple months ago (we have one class together and that's how we met) ever since then he's been flirting A LOT and everybody thought we were going out and a lot of people kept on coming up to me and asking if I liked him...and so b/c of all the things he did and how many people he made believe that we liked eachother/were going out I assumed he liked first I didn't like him and thought of him only as a friend but later I convinced myself that I should like him b/c he was really nice and was the only person I felt I could be myself with and not feel like I was showing too much...but a couple days ago he told me about how he told this other girl who he liked and that he regreted it and when I asked him who it was that he liked he described someone that wasn't me but never gave the now I feel horrible that I like him but he doesn't like me...even after all he's done...I don't know what to...any advice is appreciated : )I need some advice about this guy....please help...?
I don't think you ';really'; liked him because you said you ';convinced'; yourself to like him so you didn't exactly liked him. Maybe you should tell him that you like him, he might be waiting for you to make the first move. He probably just wanted you to be jealous in the first place.I need some advice about this guy....please help...?
np hope i helped!

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Maybe you should tell him how YOU feel or ask a friend to tell him how you feel and see if he likes you back but if he doesnt it will be fine and you guys could just be friends
hes trying to make you jealous because he likes you.
you should definetly tell him how you feel in person, or in an e-mail first of all.

he also might have just been saying that to try and make you jelous..

because maybe online he was giving you all the hints that he liked you and was almost screaming it out, and you just continued to be cute and flirty..

tell him how you feel, if it turns out that he likes you..

great =D.

if he actaully likes that other girl then just move on and be friends.

hope i helped .
Can him...He's trying to be a player!

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