Thursday, December 31, 2009

Need advice about my best friend??

My best friend (who is a female, i am male). We used to do everything together. And spend everyday together, just hanging out or having fun. She suddenly started seeing this guy and she stopped spending time with me, I was devastated and we fell out for ages. I really hated the situation. Then we talked about it and decided to be friends again - we saw each other a lot more and they were both more accomodating towards me. I have recently had a text from another friend telling me that the boyfriend has asked for a break and they are now having problems and she is v.upset. She told me none of this, knowing how I felt about their relationship at the beginning. I sent her a text yesterday just saying if she needs to talk to call me. She phoned today to ask if I could help her on this weekend, but i am busy so could not, and she did not mention anything else. I text her a bit later to say does she wanna meet up and just have fun. She has not replied. I don't know what to do. Any advice??Need advice about my best friend??
She may not be in the mood for fun. She may need you to lean on right now and just let her talk. Re-phrase your text (or pick up the dang phone and forget the texting) and ask if she just wants to talk. Let the past go, she doesn't need criticisms or I-told-you-so, she needs a friend to listen.Need advice about my best friend??
just keep trying to talk to her if she wants some space then give it to her. but maybe if you acted more friendlier to her bf then yall will get along alot better and yall could even probly all hang out together. but try to put your best friend first. adn help her thru this. you can always say i told ya so later adn both laugh about it. but good luck.
If she has a bf u need to back off a lil otherwise the bf is gunna think ur after her. And obviously she is gunna wanna spend more time with her bf than u but she shouldnt stop hanging out with u completely. Back off a lil bit and let her figure out her situation with her bf. If she wants to talk to u she will but u cant make her!

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