Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice about this girl...?

Theres this new girl at school, she's tall, brown hair, green eyes, gorgeous. I really like her but i'm sort of not one to have all that much courage with girls. I really want to get to know her and maybe ask her out...

what should i do???Need advice about this girl...?
Grow some balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Need advice about this girl...?
EVERYBODY'S gonna say ';talk to her!'; I agree, but if you're not willing to do that, you could do it more crafty. ALTHOUGH, I will say something real quick on the note of talking to her. You're in school, you say, so you're probably under twenty. Things (of this nature) that are happening right now are not going to matter in the SLIGHTEST about a year from now. You talk to a girl, she rejects you, in a few weeks you don't even remember her name. You talk to a girl, she LIKES you, and in five years you're going out or close friends or even better! I never look back, and if you're going to talk to people and be social and have friends, you need to know how to talk to someone. It doesn't matter what you say at first because you'll figure it out. You may get lucky but chances are you're going to have to make a fool out of yourself a few times before getting good at talking. I did. Everyone social did too.

Okay, that was more than ';real quick,'; sorry. I hope you think about that anyway. If you want, you can get her to talk to you. Leave something in her locker, toss a note at her, make her find something, drop something near her, be crafty. Or you could write her a romantic letter. If it isn't romantic it's kinda corny and not very gutsy and she may think it's ridiculous, but if you make it romantic you're getting on a ledge enough to make yourself sweet for doing that. Although it's risky, like anything. In any case, you'll have to take a risk to win a heart, so. Just go for it!
first of all get to know her first. then decide if you wanna go out with her and well ask her out. because if you get to know her a little better you can figure out what her likes and dislikes are that way when you do ask her out you know exactly how to act/say/do in front of her. Also, try and talk to her friends because if she likes her she'll tell her friends and then they'll hook you guys up or somthing like that.
well hmm . letsz takee iht from a gurl . uhh well the best thing to doo is to talk tew hur . gett tew knoo hur . act normal as if yhu wanna be friiends , talk tew hur about hur lifee and then start tew talk aboutt waht she looks for in a guy . sooth things out in the begining make iht calm and easyy and after a while she will realize what a great guy yhu are and hur feelings will start tew develope . and then wen yhu think yhur readyy and wen yhu think thatt she is ready . goo for iht . ask hur out , =]

[ the writinqq mayy not seem understandable ]

buht thatsz the best i can give yhu
don't do things for her, just talk to her with confidence, and don't be shy but don't be to friendly either you don't want to get stuck in the friend zone. Get to know her a little, and ask her out on a date.

Never jump into a pool with out testing the tempature of the water if you know what I mean. She could turn out to be some crazy person
Get to no her first

talk to her without seeming like your interested, if shes the new girl then you already have a great excuse to start talking to her.

once you are mates then ask her what shes up to at the weekend or somthing, and do something with your mates, her mates and yourselfs. then after another week ask her if she would like to do something with just the two of you. she wont say no becuase use are already amtes.

then just take things from there.

good luck mate.

let me know how things go.
I think you should be yourself around her because girls like to see the real you, also i think you should talk to her because you don't know if she might like you back. Don't lose the opportunity to talk to her because then it could be 2 late and if you're comfortable just go and ask her out!!!!
Just hang out with her a little bit. General conversation usually works well. Find out where she came from, what her old school was like, does she play sports, does she miss her old school. She'll probably ask you questions about yourself and that's how conversation gets started. Forget about asking her out for the time being. Once you get to know her better, you might decide she's not your type......but if she is, you'll feel comfortable enough to ask her out.
Well im a girl so i would know first just say hi to her and see what shes like.If you end up really liking her take her out on a group date first sometimes girls dont like being alone with a guy the first night .
well im assuming she doesnt know many people yet. she'll be grateful she has someone to talk to. is tough moving into a new school. id talk to her, friend her on facebook/myspace/ twitter etc. and just talk to her. talk about school and gradually you'll start to talk about other things. it takes time. get to know her before you get the idea to ask her out. you dont want to scare her off. hope this helps, good luck :)
ohh david!!!!

lol i dont know talk to her go up to her and be like woahh are you new here?

havent seen you around. and then ask her what her name is and then where she came from stuff like that.

really its not hard. the more you wait to talk to her the harder it will that sounds wrong!!! shame on me.
Just talk to her every now and then when you see her at school. You wanna start off getting to know her so you can get a feel on if she likes you the way you like her. But don't wait too long. Trust me if You like her than other guys like her too. But just make a move!! good luck!!
start off as friends start talking to her be yourself it might turn out good or you could realize that friends are better for you to after a while tell her how you feel good luck

answer mine please;_ylt=AlZ_I2VUSDvNFuQQ3lj8YPwjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090602122952AAI3weK
be friends first, girls like a guy thats close to them and that they can just talk to comfortably. later, ask her out!

please please answer my question:;_ylt=Am714UNGJ7pjWvyF1k82SsDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090602155236AAyBgGH
ask her out. there is nothing better for a girl than when your new and you know someone likes you. no girl likes making the first move. how hard is it for guys to get this through your heads! MAKE THE FIRST MOVE. even if she says no. you look better
Be courageous(:

answer mine?;鈥?/a>
open doors, smile at her, introduce yourself blah blah blah. You know just get to know her.

mine please?;_ylt=Aphtc8Htjrw7Clv2EBHQQgvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090602160818AAAuoV0
Be friend with her. Polite and have positive opinions about other ppl/your classmates. Girls like guys to be nice but cool @ same time.

Be respectful and be your self.

Talk, be kind, be respectful, and be confident.
talk to her. since she's new introduce yourself to her:] that always works. then ask her to hang out with you and show her around town
just start talkin to her.

complimenting her is a way to start a conversation, i suppose.
Get to know her first!

If you ask her out now you may not like what you got when you actually get to know her.
start off with a ';hi'; =) or maybe you should facebook her and start off casually chatting online if youre afraid of awkward first moments in real life lol
Talk to her first. Confidence in yourself and your personality is key.
just say: Hi. How are you?

engage in friendly'll know if she likes you back.
You should earn realationship with her then go for it!
you should talk to her and become her friend then you ask her that you want to go out with her
Now would be a great time to talk to her. SHe doesnt know anyone. Make a move !!!
be nice to her, dont be shy, show some interset but no overdoing it and youll get her attention
Be yourself :D
FLIRT FLIRT FLIRT, let her know your interested, see how things play out.

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