Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need some advice about a very special girl. only girl i have really truly liked?

Her boyfriend was sent off to utah in october of 2006 to a boarding school for behavior/legal problems. Of course she really missed him when he was gone. He is back now and hes in upstate new york living with his parents who decided to move while he was gone. we stopped talking for a little while, and now i just talked to her two days ago. we hanged out tonight and she explained to me she was taking a break and she said her boyfriend is an *** and that i should delete his picture off of my phone. she said hes a bum and a loser. i was the one who she hanged out ALL THE TIME when her boyfriend was gone and we became best friends. she even asked me what would happen if we went out. she considered it but wasnt open. should i tell her how i feel? we already have the chemistry built up. she even said that its ended and ';we're not together'; he is banned from the high school.should i ask her if we should start going out? should i take the risk? i just need some help please. thank-you.I need some advice about a very special girl. only girl i have really truly liked?
Grow some nads dude.......tell her how you feel.You might be surprised that she feel the same 50/50 chanceI need some advice about a very special girl. only girl i have really truly liked?
Yes yes ask away what do you have to lose?
This lady needs some time to get over. At the moment you should be a good friend to her and give her some breathing space. Anyway try to use your sixth sense in such matters. Go with the flow and never decide about anything. Just flow .........................
yes you should but say something like remember when we talked about dating a while ago then if she answers yes kinda happy then continue with saying well i think we should gie it a try but if she is like oh yea i think iremember then you should still continue but just be like well it was an ok idea
yeah go ahead and ask her

u sound like good enough friends that if she isnt that interested in u then u can still b buddies

u just need to b ready for either answer, but hope for yes!
I feel just like you - if you have the courage - GO FOR GOLD! I wish I did! btw im 12.
Yes, I think you should take the risk. Don't ask her out immediately. Try dropping subtle hints and see how she responds.
nah...leave it alone sounds like drama
tell her that u like her, and that u will always b there 4 her. take the risk.
just keep on hanging out with her...good luck
IT sounds like you do really love this girl.. I think You should ask her out sometime and see what happens Maybe sparks will fly ? What have you go to lose. But if you never ask wont you wonder for the rest of your life?? I would

ASK HER shes probably waiting for you to . Why else would she put her ex down so badly with you right there ??
I think u should give her just a little more time to get over him, but then YES. Go for her before she finds someone else.
I think you should go for it if you really like her! But make sure that it's not going to ruin your friendship if you do end up going out!
take the risk man, It seems to me she really means something to ya! If i was in her shoes I would want you to!

p.s. girls like mind games!

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