Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is it wrong for me to be married but asking my ex for advice about my marriage situation?

My husband is only romantic when he feels like and it hurt because my ex knows how to be romantic towards me. I am use to being romanced by the person I am with but my husband a month after we got married. His job and fixing his car has more time than me. So, when I get lonely I got a talk to him get his advice on it.(NOTHING SEXUAL)(HELL NO). He gives great advice to a lot of people.Is it wrong for me to be married but asking my ex for advice about my marriage situation?
If you knew in your heart that you were doing the right thing, you would not be asking such a question.Is it wrong for me to be married but asking my ex for advice about my marriage situation?
Well I'll duck my head after answer this question. I think some exes you have to do away with, and some are actually good for advice or a swift kick in the rear when its' necessary. lol Sometimes it IS a good thing to talk to your ex, because he knew you before your husband, so he kinda knows the ';old you.'; I recently got a reality check from one of my yours, he could romance me with the flutter of an eye and my husband of nearly 3 years goes through daily life blah blah blah...You know what I mean. Sometimes an ex knows you from a fresher perspective since he's technically an outsider, and as long as you keep it unbiased so you don't end up with the ';poor me'; complex and he doesnt end up with the ';we should hook up'; proposal, you'll be in good hands. Just make sure he's a trusted friend, and if he is, I'm sure he wants you to be happy with whoever you spend your life with, and will do anything to ensure your happiness.

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