Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need advice. HONEST ADVICE about my relationship?

My boyfriend and i have been dating for a long time and my homecoming dance is coming up. He can't go because he is in a different grade than me. I asked him if it was alright if i went to it and that i wouldn't hurt his feelings by going. He assured me that he would be totally cool about it. About a week ago i told him that a few friends of mine are trying to hook me up with a date. I told him that i would only acompany a guy that was a friend and a friend only. I asked him if he would be mad if i foun a date to go with and his response was ';H*** no. You r mine and mine only';. I told him that i was cool with that and that i would go with him next year. But... Now my best friend samantha is going to hook me up with her ex-date because she wants to go with someone else. I don't know what to tell him or even how or even what to expect. WHAT SHOULD I DO????????I need advice. HONEST ADVICE about my relationship?
Just go by yourself.

You won't have to worry about your boyfriend's feelings, and if you tell this to your other friends they will (hopefully) respect your wishes and not try to hook you up with anyone else.I need advice. HONEST ADVICE about my relationship?
It totally depends on if you truly are going to go with your friends' ex date. he should understand though that you dont really like him like him. And if he doesnt understand that your hearts devotion is to him and he still is sayin ';heck no'; then that probably means hes doesnt fully trust u or hes just jealous in some sort of way. Just do what u think is right though after you read all of the answers from us. k?
You don't belong to him. If you want to go on a date with someone else, that's totally up to you. On the other hand, if you are dating him exclusively, then you should go w/ a group of friends and not with another date.
well your boyfriend shouldn't get mad at you for going to homecoming with another guy just as friends, especially if he can't go. homecoming is meant to be fun and i know alot of people who go with friends instead of their lovers. just tell him that you are only going with this person as a friend and nothing else and that you are still his.

if he has a probelm with that then maybe your relationship isn't as good as you may think. the most important part in a relationship is trust and if he can't even trust you enough to go to homecoming with a friend then you got yourself stuck in a unhealthy relationship. i always say in order to love someone you just have to trust them. and he can't really truly love you untill he can learn to trust you.

so just basically explain to him that you are going with this guys as friends and friends only. and that if he really cared about you and loved you he would trust you and let you go and have a good time.

good luck and i hope i've helped

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