Thursday, December 31, 2009

Advice about school?

Well, it is hard to explain ten years of my life, but I am very uncomfortable with school. I live in the United States, in the suburbs, and it is very tough going to school here. The kids are ignorant, learning is frowned upon even in high classes (by kids) and all kids are about are sports and video games. I have made my life as good as I can here by immersing myself with culture, languages, food, knowledge via internet, television, newspaper, books, and some educated adults that I know and traveling, but school is aweful. I have to hide from everybody because everybody is so unfriendly and mean. Sometimes I become depressed outside of school because I don't hang out with other kids, but I occupy myself really well and am usually happy. but school is just so depressing and i am loosing the desire to even do my work because it is so miserable. does anybody have any advice? i am in high school by the way.Advice about school?
I know this seems obvious, but do is there ANOTHER school in the area you can go to? If this isn't an option, then look at your school again. Don't be so quick to judge. You can't be the ONLY person in the school that is into culture, and whatnot. It seems like you have nothing to lose, so try to form a club that reflects your interests. You will be surprised that people you never expected to may join. If that doesn't work, then just bite the bullet. Keep going, participating in activities, and try to get into a good college, that is as far away from the out-of-touch suburbs as possible.

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