Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice about a girl I like...?

So I like this girl that works at a video game store...

anyone have any advice?

I've been in there a couple times, she talked to me, she's cute and seems really friendly and likes video games.

I just remembered she said she plays world of warcraft.. so should I be like what server are you on? and then talk to her on there?Need advice about a girl I like...?
I agree with Bad Kitty. Definitely do it in person. Take a chance and just pretend like you're talking w/ other friends. That'll make it easier. Also starting with other topics (like asking for help) helps too.Need advice about a girl I like...?
Just ask her what faction and what type of character she plays...Then say maybe you'll create a character on that server and play with her... =)
what is warcraft? if you want to get her attention rent a love story and ask her out.
Just be yourself. Yeah start talking about World of Warcraft and suggest that maybe it'll be fun to play online together or something. Then maybe you can move on to other topics that you guys both like and then somehow find out about her and tell a little bit about yourself so she can get to know you.
you could ask what server she is on. you can set up a LAN party and ask if she would like to come. try to find a way interact with her outside of the store and just become friends and go from there
no. you man up and talk to her whenever you see her at the store. as long as she doesnt look too intimidating you'll be alright.
Why not? The best way to start a relationship with a girl is to talk to her. You're never gonna get anywhere just looking at her from across the room. Talk to her about World of Warcraft, then ask her if you could play together (I don't know a lick about the game), and play her. Make additional reasons for you to talk in the future.
Yeah great! At least you know what she's into, and that you have something in common.

Why not chat to her for a bit, then ask her out to something you think you'd both enjoy? Something more like ';friends'; than a ';date';, because it's more fun and a good way to get to know each other properly.
if u had that line thought out...then y dont u just go for it.
what i have found out is that you don't know if you don't ask. Just ask her and don't torture yourself.
just go in there when she working , ask her about video games like your looking for something and then get kinda flirty and joke around, then ask her if she would like to go out to a movie or something. be a man girls love when a guy steps up ,dont do it over server, do it in person.
tell hur haw you feall it wurks whith me!!!!
um no stupied dont do that why dont you ask her out instead of ask her what server are you.
thats nothing to get advice on

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