Thursday, December 31, 2009

Need Advice about brothers girlfriend?

Ok here is the brother and I used to have a really tight and close relationship. He started dating this chic 6 years ago when my second son was born. Everything was fine until we all went camping one time. They got into a fight and she jumped at me (punched me 4 times, I never did anything, I have more respect than that plus she had been drinking alot) she told my brother that he had to pick between me and her. The fight was between the two of them. I wasnt involved at all until she shoved his head into our camper...then I said she needed to stop. Well he picked her and we didnt talk for about 4 or 5 months. Started talking again and then a year and a half ago kind of the same thing happened. He picked her again and we havnt talked for that long. Now this Christmas he decided to call me and we are all going to be in the same house again and she will be should I act? I dont forgive either of them and I dont think I should. Just really confused about the situationNeed Advice about brothers girlfriend?
Ok i think she seriosly needs an attitude check...she sounds jealous....and also if she makes him choose between you or her then she isnt a good girl not meaning to diss either of them but maybe if he picked her you guys werent as close as you thought....i think you should tell him how you feel....

good luckNeed Advice about brothers girlfriend?
your brother is a big wuss. Just relax and act like its old times. Its all for your amusement. If you guys really were tight, you think some girl is going to get between that. Wake him up.
You need to forgive your brother as best you can. He is involved in an abusive relationship and he may not feel able to leave. After you get back into his life then you can talk about how he feels about his relationship and offer your support, but all in all he has to make the decision to leave on his own!
My Dad always would tell me and my siblings to ';be the better person.'; It's hard, believe me, I know; I have brothers (3, and one is older), and he and I grew apart, when we were younger, because his friends always seemed to be his priority. Even when we were older, we weren't that close, because his buddies came first. Now that we're a little older, and have been living our own lives in the world, we are somewhat closer; however, I just have come to recognize, that he loves me (thinking about all the things he's done for me in the past, and how he would try to protect me and what not), and there are just some areas in life that siblings relationships will be different. He may've chosen his girlfriend, but remember AS HIS GIRLFRIEND. She's not necessarily your replacement, but rather, he's saying, he needs that other type of companionship, which you definitely cannot provide. As his sister though, you'll always be #1, cause blood is thicker than water. BE THE BETTER PERSON, and forgive your brother's girlfriend, and forgive your brother's weakness, or you may never forgive yourself. We're only here for so long, don't let life's obstacles cause you more pain, by carrying them with you, just forgive, let it go.

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