Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Need advice about a girl?

for a while i was friends with a girl for whom i had romantic feelings. she knew this and we were briefly intimate, but soon after we had a sort of falling out. i tried emailing her to fix things but she never answered back. well, i have never really been able to forget her, and after nearly eight months i suddenly received an email from her the other day. it was really brief; all it said was that a film director we both admired had died. i don't want to get my hopes up, but at the same time i was really happy to hear from her again. i just don't know what her intentions were in contacting me after all this time. any ideas?Need advice about a girl?
It would not hurt to talk to her, but there must have been a reason you did not ';hit it off';. Trust your gut instinct about her---why didnt you connect the first time? Just up to you.Need advice about a girl?
She was being courteous by letting you know about the person who has passed.
... dont raise your hopes on this. She is only informing u of the sad news...

...however, what a good chance u have to break the silence!
as i see it,she wants to be friends with you again.Try to contact her and see what happens.

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