Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice about high school!!!!

at our school if u miss more than 3 days in a semester u loose ur credits. I talked to the consulors and they assure me theres no reason I should drop out. They said they will still give me my credits but they lied twice to me and now I am going into my jr year with 4 credits ( english 9, us studies, earth science, and algbra 1) even if I finsh my 12 grade year I wont be able to graduate. they screwed me out of my 10th grade credits taking them away because I was late a couple of time ( my bus gets there excatly 5 mins before school starts and I dont have enought time to go to my locker and get to class but since the bell rings as im in the halls that considered being late so its unexcused tardies) Since I passed the classes I cant take them over again and u need 21 credits to graduate. Do u think its best that I just drop out and get my GED or do online classes or something?Need advice about high school!!!!
maybe you should go to a community college to get enough highschool credits so you can graduate

if you drop out, you may not be able to get into college later if you want to go to college...depends what your plan for the future is

ask your school if there are any ways you can earn more extra classes or somethingNeed advice about high school!!!!
Absolutely not! Do not drop out. Just try your hardest to get to class! even if your late, if you go in you'll be marked present.

Your so close, dont drop out!

Good Luck!
Hope u find what you are looking for.

dont Drop out ...

You will just make things EVEN MORE Difficult and frustrating on yourself

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