Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice about a girl ?

what does it mean when you give a girl your number and she gives you hers and she texts you first. i mean were talking for like 20 min in the cafe at college and i gave her my num first and i gave her mine and i was going to text her the next day but she texted me with in like 3 or 4 hours so what does this mean cause usually i text the girl first and i dont think she is desprate cause she has just been single less then a month and has other guys talk to her

Need advice about a girl ?
Buddy just relax. Gals r alwaz unpredictable.....Need advice about a girl ?
It means you have been lucky in finding a girl that seems confident enough with herself to be a little aggressive. Do not be so shocked, this is more common now and it is OK. You will likely learn that this a good thing. Enjoy... Show her you're the kind of guy that will enjoy her getting on top too.
Im gonna guess that she stared at her phone for 5 minutes, then decided she was just gonna do it! lol i think she really likes you. But if she couldnt wait 24 hours to talk to her then she'll probably always be like that. So... if youre not into clingy girls you should get out while you still can. lol
you may be reading to much into nothing, you should observe how she's behaving over a period of time before asking questions.

i understand you concerns but in most cases it may not be anything. you can only ascertain her behavior after a period of time.

She sounds a bit... pushy.. she may be the clingy type.. be careful, but on the other hand.. she might have liked you a lot...

answer mine please????;鈥?/a>
just means she perhaps likes you or even just considers you as a new guy friend. if you dont want that to happen start talking to on the phone instead of texting... that will show your not afraid to actually talk to her.
she just wanted to talk to u tht's probably it. i have a guy friend and i txt him first like all the time. maybe she wants to date but i don't think so
She wants to talk to you. Don't get scared; this is a good thing. Signs of interest, within reason, are not bad. But don't overanalyze.
Maybe she likes you as a friend and needs one right now and finds you comfortable to talk to, not because she is desperate.
Eh, she clearly really likes you. She is probably just trying to get to know you, don't worry about it and just go with the flow.
she probably just liked you a lot and could not wait to talk to you but maybe you should ask her on a date most girls like that. ;)
The girl probably really likes you text her back and see where it goes she is obviously into you
shes probably just interested in you and she must really like you. dont be scared and just let her know that you like her too. good luck! :)
i think she wants to get to know u better. she might also want to become more than friends with you. she's probably ready to move on and go out with someones else. that someone might be you...
well yu can tell she in to yu and just keep it dat way,and if she does text yu first it means friendship !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She might just be excited. Or maybe bored. You might be like no other guy shes met! :]
I think it means she wants to talk to you. She probably likes you.
it means she likes you..or it could indicate that shes really depends..sorry i couldnt help more.. good luck with her though!! %26lt;3
means she wants to text you and dosen't care that she didn't wait 2 days. Probably a good thing...
she might like you but maybe she just thinks you are fun to hang out with as a friend
shes totaly into u
She wants to talk to you. She is showing some interest.
means she likes u

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