Thursday, December 31, 2009

Need advice about this girl. Lots of details, Serious question?

Ok so I'm a senior in high school and i have a class at a community college where dropout kids go to finish high school, i just go for one hour to learn web design cause my school doesnt have it as a class. Theres this girl that sits near me and she gives looks and we kinda flirt around sometimes, she goes to the school as her high school and I only see here in that class, I want to know how i can talk with her easily and get to know her better, also, she just recently started being nice/talking to me and looking at me sometimes, does this mean she considers me a friend or likes me?Need advice about this girl. Lots of details, Serious question?
It sounds like she likes you, but just assume you're friends at first. To talk with her easily, ask her a lot of questions about herself and listen, listen, listen. Girls really fall for guys who are good listeners!

Then, when you are ready - ask her out for coffee, or a Pepsi, or something. Keep it friendly, you'll probably know when she wants it to be more.Need advice about this girl. Lots of details, Serious question?
I would just talk to her, joke around a little bit. You never know unless you try. Then in a few weeks, ask her to go hang out. If you dont then you will regret it.

I have spent my life not taking chances. I even lost the person that I loved because I never told him. He was my best friend and years later, everything came out into the open. Needless to say he is married with a child and step child.

however, The father of my (soon to be) child was a different story. I met him through my cousin one night and a few months later I found him on myspace. So I wrote him, actually asked him out a few weeks later and the rest is history. Trust me, I dont ask men out, I dont write people that I have only met once but I knew that something was different went I met him. As we became friends, I was convinced.I couldnt be happier now and its because I finally did something about it.

Take your time, take a chance. There might be something there with this girl!
Stop the flirting. Do your work, and just become friends.
i think she might like you, become friends with her, and if everything goes well and you see her a lot, start something up
i think she likes you....ask her if she would like to hang out sometime? Ask her for her # or something.
Your a senior, you should know that nobody cares........
i smell love in da air...........=D
I've always found that being open and honest works every time. Let the young lady know that you're interested in her but you need to know if, #1 she's seeing someone at this point in time; and #2, if she's serious or just playing around. If you and she have a dialogue going, find out her likes/dislikes in movies and Invite her to go see a movie. Don't get too serious too fast, hurts too much to be rejected.
Sounds like she fancies you.

arrive early and if the seating arrangements are not fixed (i.e you are allocated a specific seat) see if you can either get the seat next to the one she normally sits in, and hope that when she arrives she sits next to you (then you can perhaps chat).

It really depends on the teacher and if she's got any mates that sit with her (as boy, that can be awkward).

perhaps catch her after class and go for a coffee or something.

I think there is more info required to formulate a ';REAL'; plan.
Well since you dont type like an illiterate yard ape, i'll answer your question. I think that you could only find out if you sit directly next to her one day and start saying ';damn, this teacher is annoying the **** out of me';, or give a common/small talk sort of push to your new friendship ;)
well she's flirting and talking to you so that means she likes you. don't worry about this...just be yourself and talk to her. ask her about things and share things about you. go with the flow and see where it takes you.
If she is being nice/talking to you, it is a good sign...

she wants to be your friend first...

be a good friend first and listen to her...

she will slowly start liking you...

but please, if you end up with her, don't break her heart later :)
Talk to her next time more. Ask her to meet you for a after school snack somewhere.
Umm, only one way to find out =) but keep it simple. Ask her to go for a coke or something...something really easy and non threatening..if she likes you then she will be happy to go, if she only likes you as a friend she will probably still go but you will find out how she feels very quickly. And by keeping it simple you won't scare her off being your friend too.
Get to know her, and then when you are good friends ask her where she lives, and her phone number, that way you can stay in contact. After a little while longer ask her out. Do it carefully, because if you it terribly she may not even want to be friends with you. Try asking her to go to the movies, or out to eat, choose a place like White Castle or Applebees, not Red Lobster or any other place like that because she will think that you are moving to fast.
She probably likes you. Wh00t wh00t!
when your in that class give her your e-mail address or phone number
It all depends... you might want to just consider her a friend, and she''l do the same,.. until you get to know each other better. then its all up to you.
WoW that's sounds kinda cool! ,but also kinda bad in a way. Do you like the way she looks---%26amp;

is she a blonde, is she hyper, do you know if she

has a down side (something that makes her feel

sad/angry). But how old is she and how old are

you , compare and as long as you are one year apart it might be fine with me.Unless she has a boyfriend already. She just might respect you not so much as like you but that's what asking is for

duh! ..... unless your shy then it is harder to talk to someone that filirts with you. But just try.
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