Thursday, December 31, 2009

Any Advice about C-Sections?

Hello My name is Carmen I am having a C-Section on Friday Dec. 15th because my baby weighs about 9 lbs 14 oz as of Wed. the 6th she is also breech and the doctor says she most likeley wont turn by the time I go into labor. She is also concerned about her weight I had 2 other kids one weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz and the other 7 lbs 12 oz. she says this one is really big and doesn't want to take any chances. Any advice from moms who have had c-sections it will really helpAny Advice about C-Sections?
You will be admitted to the hospital. They will start an IV and some hospitals start a urine cathater right before you leave to or some start after you are in the or. Then they will either give you a spinal or epidural to numb you. They lay you down and prep for surgery (cleaning shaving bikini line). Then they make the incisions and the baby comes out usually all together the csection takes 30 min but only a few to get the baby out. Once baby is out the close incision and you go to recovery. They give you pain meds and you don't leave the hospital for a few days. The worst part for me was the trying to walk afterwards. You have to walk hours later to get everything going again.

I found this article this will be especially helpful. The above is what I remember.鈥?/a>Any Advice about C-Sections?
Congrats on your new baby!

C section isnt the worst thing in the world. It doesnt hurt at all during the procedure, but it does afterwards.

That's why you'll get some really fabulous pain meds. They'll also give you a prescription but you won't even need it after about a week home from the hospital.

After 2 weeks you'll go in for your post-surgery checkup, and then you should be able to get back into normal activities...stairs etc.

Good luck!
Dont rush your recovery, take the time now, and it will save you time later. On a monday i had my c-section, and by tue. night i was at the grocery store, i rushed it and carried my baby and all that, i didnt screw up my incision, but it should have and i know it was super retarted to do so much. This is major surgery, but is safer to do this than risk baby getting stuck. I think a c-section is easyer than a regular birth, at least for some one who has a lean body. I had no problems with mine, and I do belive my child is so darn cute and perfect cause she didnt get her head squished through the birth canal.

I honestly enjoyed having a c-section, and will probably elect to have one with my current child to be, Just eat healthy, take it easy, and get going when you feel like it. Also i do believe the younger(or healthyer) you are the better and faster your body will heal. Good luck and dont worry, it;s a breeze, a painful one but a breeze.
I had a csection it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be. Go in there as calm and possible. For the recovery it will be hard to laugh, cough or sneeze because of the incision. you should also walk as soon as the doctor wants you to so that the recovery will be smoother and easier on your body. Good luck and congrats on knowing that your baby will be here very soon!
try not to laugh after it cause it hurts a lot
Well to start off it's not that bad. I mean I had it with my 15 month daughter and I wouldnt change it. I mean I'm hoping now that I can give birth just to get that experience in my life but since I'm pregnant again I think I will be having anotehr c-section. Anyways dont panic and dotn stress! YOUR GONNA BE FINE! Most women need to know that....I DID! ;)

But anyways it's nice and easy. After the drugs kick in you wont feel a thing and the next thing you know your little one will be here. After the baby comes the hard work though. You have to exercise your stomach daily and you also have to try and walk around. I was in the hospital for 3 days and hated it but I killed time by walking around with my daughter and it made the pain go away easy. So for the advice just dont be nervous! And exercise after the baby, your stomach that is, and walk around alot after the baby is born. TRUST ME it helps
I had a c-section with my first child and I'm currently scheduled to have another one on December 12 if I don't go into labor on my own by then. I was in labor at the time of my first c-section, but not progressing, so that made my recovery a lot worse. They anesthesiologist numbed me from the armpits down through the epidural line. They wheeled me out of delivery and into an operating room after that was done. My husband was present in the operating room for the birth. They used a bikini line incision, but cut right through the placenta, then still had to use a vacuum extractor to get the baby out. Thankfully, she was born healthy and screaming.

What they don't tell you is that the pain is excruciating afterward. The hospital left the epidural in for a day after the surgery and the medication they were giving me for pain made me narcoleptic--I actually fell asleep while talking to my mom. They left me alone with my daughter in that condition. They took the epidural and the catheter out the next day at the same time and told me to use the toilet and not forget to take my pain pills. I could not move to go pee. When I finally made it to the bathroom, it took so long to go I just sat there and cried. I also had a liquid diet at the time because the hospital won't let you eat solid food until you pass gas. I could not sleep that night because I assumed, incorrectly, that the nurse would bring me my medication without my asking for it. I was wrong. I had gone 12 hours without pain meds. The nurse was also trying to help me breastfeed my daughter, but I just couldn't because of a lack of sleep, total pain, and a poor diet. The baby slept in the nursery that night, where the nurses gave her a bottle. The next day, I remembered to ask for my medication and the nurses had me get up and walk around. I finally passed wind and was allowed to eat. They actually discharged me that day with instructions not to drive or lift anything for 2 weeks--which I had to ignore because I had a newborn to take care of. I ended up with an infection in the incision, but it was not serious.

My Advice:

-Rest as much as you can before and after the surgery--nurseries were meant to have babies in them. Let the nurses take care of the baby if you need them to.

-Ask your nurse about your pain medication schedule and whether you have to request it when you need it.

-Get up and moving as soon as they tell you it's ok. That's what really helped get things going.

-Bring gum to the hospital with you. I read in a magazine that moms who have c-sections are more likely to pass gas quicker if they chew gum afterward. Sounds strange, but it's worked for 2 people I know.

-Follow your doctor's discharge instructions exactly. Do NOT overdo it when you get home. You and your baby get to be the center of attention--and sympathy--for a little while, so enjoy it. Let all your friends and relatives who offer to help do so.

Good Luck to you and your upcoming blessed event. I'm praying for all of us who are due this week.
My main goal was to NOT have a C-section, and I ended up with one after being induced. It's easy to say, but don't worry. You'll be conscious the entire time and will be able to ask questions or even have a conversation with your surgeons. I was told not to name my baby ';Ralph';. Stay in the hospital an extra day or so if you can, you will have just had abdominal surgery. After you get home, have as much help around the house as you can (I was doing laundry 3 days later, and my in-laws and husband were there...wonder why I'm divorced?) The biggest challenge will be getting out of bed, you'll have to kind of roll off the bed onto your feet. The soreness works itself out. I'll probably have another c-section when baby #2 comes along...just take it easy and enjoy your new baby! You probably won't get to see your baby long just after she's born because they keep a closer eye on c-section babies due to the lack of pressure from the birth canal on their lungs, plus you'll be in recovery. You'll be fine with it, though, she'll be in your room soon enough. Don't scratch your face and nose too hard, a side effect of the meds is itchiness, just watch out for that.
If the baby is overdue and weighing a bit too much, then it would be advisable to do a c-section. But if your due date is still coming, then the baby might still turn, therefore breach wont be a concern. By all means do listen to your Dr. if your baby is overdue.
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