Thursday, December 31, 2009

Need advice about d&c?

ive had a missed miscarriage and i am having a d%26amp;c in 10 days if nothing happens, trouble is ive looked on youtube and seen the procedure and now I'm terrified and i don't want it done, has anybody had it done and is it as bad as it looks, were you conscious or did you get knocked out?

i live in the uk, but i suppose its the same procedure etc all over the worldNeed advice about d%26amp;c?
hun my heart goes out to you I'm in the uk and have never had it done but you will scare your self witless if you watch the procedure.

My friend had one yesterday her baby had died at 12 weeks she was 16 weeks ,they put you to sleep you cant feel anything.

i was there when my friend woke up she had some cramping,the worst part my friend has said is the emptiness she feels now.

You are still a mom to an angel in heaven always remember thatNeed advice about d%26amp;c?
I have had it done after i miscarried at 18 weeks. Its not that bad; you will be asleep and when you wake there is very llittle pain similar to period cramps and bleeding which usually like a period and it settles down in a couple of days. It has to be done to prevent infection if your body is unable to clean itself out. So sorry for your loss.
First off Im truly sorry. %26amp; Sweetie I felt the same way that you do. But I went in and they do put you to sleep you dont feel anything. And it isnt as bad as it looks. I was only a little sore for a day or two. But other than that im great and no problems have every arose from having it done. But I wish you nothing but the best. Good luck..
First off I am very sorry for your loss.

Second off, I had one 8 years ago and was AWAKE. All I was able to take was 4 motrin the morning of procedure. Being awake it was painful didnt take long. The recovery time wasnt bad at all. The first 2 days was the most but not as bad as I felt during procedure. After that it was like having my period for a couple weeks.

Dont watch videos. I did so much reading on it before hand I was so scared.
you will be asleep. i also had a missed miscarriage but had to have a d%26amp;c immediately as i went 3 weeks without knowing iy happened. you will most def be sleeping, i promise. you will be tender after it, and bleed and cramp, after a few days you should start to feel better, good luck.

any questions, email me xxx
i had one done and they put me to sleep i never had any pain with it at all i got out of the hospital just two hours after it was over and went home and sleep for the rest of the day
wow im sorry for the loss of your blessed baby, when i had my miscarriage i never went to the doctor at all but i was not very far pregnant at all.i feel for you take care

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